
Faculty Advisors:

Dr. Bala Chaudhary (Associate Professor of Environmental Studies) is an ecologist who studies microbial dispersal, community assembly, and biogeography with a focus on plant-fungal mycorrhizal symbioses. She writes and speaks extensively on strategies to promote antiracism in STEM and is thrilled to support the new SACNAS chapter at Dartmouth and be in community with such a vibrant group of scientists.

Email: Bala.Chaudhary@dartmouth.edu

Dr. Zaneta Thayer (Associate Professor of Anthropology) is a biological anthropologist with expertise in understanding the impacts of stress on maternal and child health. Using data from New Zealand, the US, the Philippines, and Rwanda, she has demonstrated the intergenerational effects of maternal exposure to poverty, racism, genocide, and immigration-related stress. As a scientist and mother, she is passionate about ensuring that pregnant people and their families feel well supported across the perinatal period. She is excited for the opportunity to support the SACNAS at Dartmouth community.

Email: Zaneta.Marie.Thayer@dartmouth.edu

Jane Seibel (Assistant Dean of Recruiting and Diversity) has been at Dartmouth since 2011 in her current role as Assistant Dean of Recruiting and Diversity in the School of Graduate and Advanced Studies. She is really looking forward to working with the SACNAS chapter as one of their advisors, there are so many opportunities that lie ahead for the members.

Email: Jane.B.Seibel@Dartmouth.edu

2022-2023 Executive Board

President: Beatriz Mercado

Beatriz is a second year Molecular and Cellular Biology PhD student. She is interested in how environmental cues and intrinsic mechanisms govern cell fate/plasticity of hematopoietic stem and vascular development. She uses zebrafish as an animal model to study how post transitional modification regulates endothelial to hematopoietic transition. As President, her goals are to foster a supportive community at Dartmouth and aid in the academic success of Hispanics and Native Americans in STEM. To achieve these goals, Beatriz plans on cultivating an inclusive chapter that uplifts, educates, and mentors each other. Also establishing outreach opportunities to create representation in rural NH so other disadvantaged URM students consider joining a STEM field/career.

Email: beatriz.c.mercado.gr@dartmouth.edu

Vice President: Jose Delgado

Jose is a PhD Candidate of Biochemistry and Cell Biology. Jose studies the molecular mechanisms of autophagy, a process where cells degrade their unwanted cellular contents, and focuses on the selective degradation of mitochondria. He uses a combination of CRISPR screening, biochemical assays, and microscopy to dissect these mechanisms. Jose’s goal is to create a sense of community and increase underrepresented minorities in graduate programs in the local New England area.

Email: jose.m.delgado.gr@dartmouth.edu

Director of Activities: Dr. Hector Sanchez

Hector (he/him/él) is a microbiologist turned DEIB practitioner. He earned his Ph.D. in Microbiology & Immunology studying the microscopic relationships between microbes and immunity, now through a macroscopic lens, he hopes to develop new strategies to build diverse, inclusive, and equitable spaces. His goals with SACNAS are to support and mentor underrepresented minorities from STEM backgrounds to pursue Ph.D. programs and to increase the visibility of URM students in the workplace.

Email: hector.f.sanchez@dartmouth.edu

Secretary: Bianca Romo

Bianca Romo is a 6th year in the Cancer Biology Program. She is interested in cancer biology specifically as it relates to mechanisms of resistance to current therapeutics. As a member of SACNAS, she hopes to work towards helping new and current students create a welcoming community that supports each individual and help them to reach their own personal goals.

Email: bianca.a.romo.gr@dartmouth.edu

National Liason: Alicia Pietramale

Alicia Pietramale (she/her) is a 2nd year in the Molecular and Cellular Biology program and pursuing a PhD in Biological Sciences. Her research interests lie at the intersection of neuroscience and immunology, particularly neuron-glia interactions. In SACNAS, one focus Alicia is passionate about is STEM Outreach and she is excited to get more involved with K-12 schools in the area!

Email: alicia.n.pietramale.gr@dartmouth.edu

Treasurer: Sarah Najera

Sarah Najera is a 3rd year in the Biochemistry and Cell Biology track. She is interested in understanding the biochemical and mechanistic aspects of selective autophagy. As a SACNAS member she hopes to give back through outreach programs and mentor/mentee relationships in order to build a welcoming STEM environment for underrepresented people in STEM. She will continue to create such an environment throughout her scientific career.

Email: sarah.i.najera.gr@dartmouth.edu

Social Media Committee: Chinmay Vaidya , Debbie Sulca, Sarah Vandal

Chinmay is a 2nd year in Molecular & Cellular Biology, working in Margie Ackerman’s lab. He’s fascinated in understanding how the cells that create immunity make hard decisions. Chinmay intends to be as good of a mentor and as good of a resource in SACNAS as his mentors at UCSB were for him, and for many of my peers.

Debbie is a 2nd year master’s student in the Earth Sciences department. Debbie is interested in river restoration, spatial distribution of contaminants in soils, and understanding the relationship between surface processes and groundwater hydrology. Her goals with SACNAS are to build a supportive community with diverse STEM students and highlight the great work that SACNAS members are doing. 

 Sarah is a 2nd year PhD student in the Biochemistry and Cell Biology department. She is interested in the molecular and biochemical mechanisms behind cells size and shape regulation during the cell cycle. As a SACNAS member, she is interested in developing an inclusive community and comfortable environment for individuals to work towards their personal and professional goals, while helping other URMs do the same.