- The Impression of Influence: Legislator Communication, Representation, and Democratic Accountability. Princeton University Press. (2014; with Justin Grimmer and Solomon Messing)
Reviewed in: Journal of Politics, Choice, Congress & The Presidency, Political Communication, Political Science Quarterly - Margins of democracy: Forecasting, elections and turnout.(with Yphtach Lelkes and Solomon Messing)
* = Papers authored with undergraduates
- "Identity, affect, and the political preferences of biracial Americans." (with Lauren Davenport and Shanto Iyengar; (forthcoming; American Journal of Political Science).
- "The Inseparability of Race and Partisanship in the United States" (forthcoming; with Erik Peterson). Political Behavior.
- The partisanship of bipartisanship: How representatives use bipartisan assertions to cultivate support." (forthcoming). Political Behavior.
- "Projecting confidence: How the probabilistic horse race confuses and demobilizes the public." (2020; with Solomon Messing and Yphtach Lelkes). Journal of Politics
- "The Limits of Partisan Loyalty" (2019; with Jonathan Mummolo and Erik Peterson). Political Behavior
- "Are There Still Limits on Partisan Prejudice?" (2019; with Erik Peterson and Yphtach Lelkes). Public Opinion Quarterly
- "The Origins and Consequences of Affective Polarization in the United States." Annual Review of Political Science. (2019; with Shanto Iyengar, Yphtach Lelkes, Matthew Levendusky, and Neil Malhotra).
- "An exploration of Donald Trump’s allegations of massive voter fraud in the 2016 presidential race." Electoral Studies. (2018; with Michael Herron and David Cottrell).
- "The tie that divides: Cross-national evidence of the primacy of partyism." European Journal of Political Research. (2018; with Shanto Iyengar, Stefan Walgrave, R. Leonisio, L. Miller, and O. Strijbis)
- "Estimating heterogeneous treatment effects and the effects of heterogeneous treatments with ensemble methods." Political Analysis. (2017; with Justin Grimmer and Solomon Messing)
- "The limits of partisan prejudice." The Journal of Politics. (2017; with Yphtach Lelkes)
- "Fear and loathing across party lines: New evidence on group polarization." American Journal of Political Science. (2015; with Shanto Iyengar)
- "The role of persuasion in deliberative opinion change." (2015) Political Communication.
- "The Effects of Chronic Multitasking on Analytical Writing" (2015; with Danielle M Lottridge, Christine Rosakranse, Catherine S Oh, Katherine A Baldoni, Abrey S Mann, and Clifford I Nass). *
- "Selective Exposure in the Age of Social Media: Endorsements Trump Partisan Source Affiliation When Selecting News Online" Communication Research. (2014; with Solomon Messing)
- "How words and money cultivate a personal vote: The effect of legislator credit claiming on constituent credit allocation." American Political Science Review. (2012; with Justin Grimmer and Solomon Messing)
- "A Methodological Self-Study of Quantitizing Negotiating Meaning and Revealing Multiplicity" (2012; with Deborah Seltzer-Kelly, and David M Pena-Guzman). *
- "Of course I wouldn't do that in real life: advancing the arguments for increasing realism in HCI experiments" (2011; with Solomon Messing, Letitia Lew, and Truc Nguyen). *
- "Deweyan multicultural democracy, Rortian solidarity, and the popular arts: Krumping into presence" (2010; with Deborah Seltzer-Kelly, and David M Pena-Guzman). *
Under review
- Broockman, D., Kalla, J., & Westwood, S. J. (2020). Does affective polarization undermine democratic norms or accountability? Maybe not.In progress.
- "Determining the accuracy of probabilistic US presidential election forecasts may take decades." (with Justin Grimmer and Dean Knox).
- "Information Diets in an Information Desert: Selective Exposure in a Restricted Information Environment." (with Wang, C.; Revise and Resubmit and China Quarterly).*
- "The stability of criminal justice policy views:Evaluating the effects of factual corrections and appeals to social identity." (with Esberg, J., Mummolo, J.).
- "Which Police Departments Want Reform? Bureaucratic Reputation and Aversion to Research Collaborations" (with Goerger, S., Mummolo, J.). *
Working papers
- Grimmer, J., Nall, C., Tyler, M., & Westwood, S. J. (2020). The American public does not support political violence. In progress.
- Dias, N., Lelkes, Y., & Westwood, S. J. (2020). Why political diversity might be a bigger problem than sorting. In progress.
- Westwood, S. J. (2020b). Who supports racial and political protests. In progress.
- Westwood, S. J. (2020a). Democrats violate democratic norms too: When free speech isn’t tolerated. In progress.
- Leonard, D., & Westwood, S. J. (2020). To what effect? the IRA misinformation campaign and public attitudes. In progress. *
- Clayton, K., Grimmer, J., & Westwood, S. J. (2020). What does it mean to be a constituent? In progress. *
- Peterson, E., & Westwood, S. J. (2020). Local news, national news and affective polarization. In progress .
- "Beyond Attitudes: Incorporating Measures ofBehavior in Survey Experiments" in Advances in experimental political science. J. N. Druckman & D. P. Green (Eds.) (with Erik Peterson and Shanto Iyengar)
Book Review
- "Review: Marc j. hetherington and thomas j. rudolph. why washingtonwont work: Polarization, political trust, and the governing crisis. chicago: University of chicagopress. 2015. 256 pp. 85.00."" Public Opinion Quarterly.