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Books and Papers


  1. The Impression of Influence: Legislator Communication, Representation, and Democratic Accountability. Princeton University Press. (2014; with Justin Grimmer and Solomon Messing)

    Reviewed in: Journal of Politics, Choice, Congress & The Presidency, Political Communication, Political Science Quarterly
  2. Margins of democracy: Forecasting, elections and turnout.(with Yphtach Lelkes and Solomon Messing)


* = Papers authored with undergraduates

  1. "Identity, affect, and the political preferences of biracial Americans." (with Lauren Davenport and Shanto Iyengar; (forthcoming; American Journal of Political Science).
  2. "The Inseparability of Race and Partisanship in the United States" (forthcoming; with Erik Peterson). Political Behavior.
  3. The partisanship of bipartisanship: How representatives use bipartisan assertions to cultivate support." (forthcoming). Political Behavior.
  4. "Projecting confidence: How the probabilistic horse race confuses and demobilizes the public." (2020; with Solomon Messing and Yphtach Lelkes). Journal of Politics
  5. "The Limits of Partisan Loyalty" (2019; with Jonathan Mummolo and Erik Peterson). Political Behavior
  6. "Are There Still Limits on Partisan Prejudice?" (2019; with Erik Peterson and Yphtach Lelkes). Public Opinion Quarterly
  7. "The Origins and Consequences of Affective Polarization in the United States." Annual Review of Political Science. (2019; with Shanto Iyengar, Yphtach Lelkes, Matthew Levendusky, and Neil Malhotra).
  8. "An exploration of Donald Trump’s allegations of massive voter fraud in the 2016 presidential race." Electoral Studies. (2018; with Michael Herron and David Cottrell).
  9. "The tie that divides: Cross-national evidence of the primacy of partyism." European Journal of Political Research. (2018; with Shanto Iyengar, Stefan Walgrave, R. Leonisio, L. Miller, and O. Strijbis)
  10. "Estimating heterogeneous treatment effects and the effects of heterogeneous treatments with ensemble methods." Political Analysis. (2017; with Justin Grimmer and Solomon Messing)
  11. "The limits of partisan prejudice." The Journal of Politics. (2017; with Yphtach Lelkes)
  12. "Fear and loathing across party lines: New evidence on group polarization." American Journal of Political Science. (2015; with Shanto Iyengar)
  13. "The role of persuasion in deliberative opinion change." (2015) Political Communication.
  14. "The Effects of Chronic Multitasking on Analytical Writing" (2015; with Danielle M Lottridge, Christine Rosakranse, Catherine S Oh, Katherine A Baldoni, Abrey S Mann, and Clifford I Nass). *
  15. "Selective Exposure in the Age of Social Media: Endorsements Trump Partisan Source Affiliation When Selecting News Online" Communication Research. (2014; with Solomon Messing)
  16. "How words and money cultivate a personal vote: The effect of legislator credit claiming on constituent credit allocation." American Political Science Review. (2012; with Justin Grimmer and Solomon Messing)
  17. "A Methodological Self-Study of Quantitizing Negotiating Meaning and Revealing Multiplicity" (2012; with Deborah Seltzer-Kelly, and David M Pena-Guzman). *
  18. "Of course I wouldn't do that in real life: advancing the arguments for increasing realism in HCI experiments" (2011; with Solomon Messing, Letitia Lew, and Truc Nguyen). *
  19. "Deweyan multicultural democracy, Rortian solidarity, and the popular arts: Krumping into presence" (2010; with Deborah Seltzer-Kelly, and David M Pena-Guzman). *

Under review
  1. Broockman, D., Kalla, J., & Westwood, S. J. (2020). Does affective polarization undermine democratic norms or accountability? Maybe not.In progress.
  2. "Determining the accuracy of probabilistic US presidential election forecasts may take decades." (with Justin Grimmer and Dean Knox).
  3. "Information Diets in an Information Desert: Selective Exposure in a Restricted Information Environment." (with Wang, C.; Revise and Resubmit and China Quarterly).*
  4. "The stability of criminal justice policy views:Evaluating the effects of factual corrections and appeals to social identity." (with Esberg, J., Mummolo, J.).
  5. "Which Police Departments Want Reform? Bureaucratic Reputation and Aversion to Research Collaborations" (with Goerger, S., Mummolo, J.). *

Working papers
  1. Grimmer, J., Nall, C., Tyler, M., & Westwood, S. J. (2020). The American public does not support political violence. In progress.
  2. Dias, N., Lelkes, Y., & Westwood, S. J. (2020). Why political diversity might be a bigger problem than sorting. In progress.
  3. Westwood, S. J. (2020b). Who supports racial and political protests. In progress.
  4. Westwood, S. J. (2020a). Democrats violate democratic norms too: When free speech isn’t tolerated. In progress.
  5. Leonard, D., & Westwood, S. J. (2020). To what effect? the IRA misinformation campaign and public attitudes. In progress. *
  6. Clayton, K., Grimmer, J., & Westwood, S. J. (2020). What does it mean to be a constituent? In progress. *
  7. Peterson, E., & Westwood, S. J. (2020). Local news, national news and affective polarization. In progress .
  1. "Beyond Attitudes: Incorporating Measures ofBehavior in Survey Experiments" in Advances in experimental political science. J. N. Druckman & D. P. Green (Eds.) (with Erik Peterson and Shanto Iyengar)

Book Review
  1. "Review: Marc j. hetherington and thomas j. rudolph. why washingtonwont work: Polarization, political trust, and the governing crisis. chicago: University of chicagopress. 2015. 256 pp. 85.00."" Public Opinion Quarterly.