Political Economy of Slavery

Summer 2017:

17 July 2017. Workshop/Works in Progress: Sylvestre Mekem Douanla (Visiting Scholar, Doctoral candidate, Louisiana State University), “The Quest for Slave Memory”/”L’Enquete de la memoire de l’esclavage.”

August, 2017. New Reading Review: J. Keene, Counternarratives (discussion led by Jessica Smolin, Comp Lit).

Fall 2017:

September, 2017. New Reading Review: J. Miller, The Problem of Slavery as History: A Global Approach (New Haven, Yale University Press, 2012). Discussion to be led by Roberta Stewart, Classics.

October, 2017. Co-sponsor (with Roberta Stewart and Classics) D. Kehoe (Tulane), “The Law of Agency and the Economy of the Roman Empire.”

October, 2017. Workshop, Works in Progress: Y. Barragan, “The Birth of Gradual Emancipation and Abolitionist Publics in the Northern Andes.

Winter 2018

March, 2018. Workshop, Works in Progress: P. Musselwhite, “‘A Plantation Known As…’: Naming Plantations in the English Atlantic” – DELAYED TO JUNE 2018

Spring 2018:

Ben Raffield, Visiting Matariki Fellow, Uppsala University, ’Slavery and the Vikings: cross-cultural comparative perspectives’ B. Raffield obtained his PhD from the University of Aberdeen in 2014, with a dissertation entitled Landscapes of Conflict and Control: Creating an Archaeological Atlas of Scandinavian Occupied England, AD 878-954. From 2014-2016 he held a postdoctoral position at Simon Fraser University. He now works as a Researcher in the Department of Archaeology and Ancient History at Uppsala University, on a project entitled The Viking Phenomenon. His research focuses on slavery with a view to better understanding how this practice fed into the economies of Viking raiding, the creation of long-distance exchange networks, and socio-political development in Scandinavia. He applied successfully to the Matariki Foundation to visit Dartmouth and work with the Comparative Slavery Studies group.

  • April 6 2018. Seminar led by Ben Raffield

May 2, 2018. Co-sponsor (with P. Musselwhite and History) Justin Roberts (Dalhousie University) “A Swarm of People: The Barbadian Diaspora and the Expansion of the English Atlantic, 1650-1680.”

June 1, 2018. New Reading Review: R. Johnson, Slavery’s Metropolis: Unfree Labor in New Orleans during the Age of Revolutions (Cambridge University Press, 2016).