The Symposium, hosted annually by SPCSA, serves as a forum for all members of the Dartmouth community to learn updates on work being done towards sexual violence prevention and response. Participants have the opportunity to share feedback and make plans for future work.
Usually, the Symposium is held during Spring Term. However, due to the unexpected shift to a remote term last spring, the 2020 Symposium was postponed until Fall Term, when it was held via a Zoom webinar on October 28, 2020. Below you will find recordings of the event broken down into sections for more convenient viewing. A PDF of the program for the event can be found here.
The Symposium began with an update about SPCSA’s projects over the past year by the current SPCSA Chairs. The recording of this segment can be watched here and is approximately 13 minutes long.
SPCSA’s update was followed by some opening remarks by President Hanlon. The recording of these remarks can be found here and are 5 minutes long.
Guest Speakers
The first guest speaker at the Symposium was the amazing Amanda Childress, Assistant Director of the Student Wellness Center (SWC). Amanda gave an update on the progress of the Sexual Violence Prevention Project (SVPP). This update can be found here and is approximately 17 minutes long.
Next, Professor Misty De Berry gave a wonderful talk titled “Present and Accounted For: Inhabiting Everyday Practices Towards Healing & Transformation.” The recording can be found here and is approximately 17 minutes long.
Out third and final speaker was Professor Mingwei Huang who gave an incredible talk titled “Critical Approaches to Campus Sexual Violence.” The recording can be found here and is approximately 15 minutes long.
The Symposium concluded with a question and answer portion with all three of our guest speakers. This portion can be found here and is approximately 20 minutes long.
Thank you to our speakers!
If you have any questions about SPCSA’s 20F Symposium please submit them here. SPCSA would like to express our deepest gratitude to President Hanlon, Amanda Childress, Mistry De Berry and Mingwei Huang for taking the time to contribute to the Symposium.
We would also like to thank our members Lex Kang ’21, Sirajum Sandhi ’21, Isabel Adler ’21, Isabel Pantle ’23, and Emily Lu ’23 who all worked incredibly hard to organize and carry out this Symposium. Special thanks to Sirajum Sandhi for introducing our speakers and facilitating discussion during the event.