24/7 Confidential Support
WISE Crisis Line
Dartmouth Counselor-On-Call
- During Regular Business Hours, call (603-646-9442) or come to the Counseling Center and ask to speak with the Counselor On-call. Please inform administrative staff that you have an urgent concern.
- After Regular Business Hours, the Counselor On-call can be reached by calling the Dick’s House Inpatient Department (IPD) at (603) 646-9440 (Fall, Winter, Spring terms) or by calling Safety & Security at (603) 646-4000 (Summer term and term breaks).
Information on resources, reporting, policies, etc. – https://sexual-respect.dartmouth.edu/
Information on sexual violence prevention at Dartmouth- https://students.dartmouth.edu/wellness-center/prevention-education/sexual-violence-prevention-project
Some ways for Dartmouth students to get involved with prevention and response work– https://sexual-respect.dartmouth.edu/get-involved/student-groups