The Student and Presidential Committee on Sexual Assault
Embattled FAQs
Does my event/program have to be open to all of campus?
No! We recognize limited funds are most effective when events reach a wide audience. However, discussions of identity-based sexuality and personal experiences are often best shared in smaller groups. We believe that vulnerability in safe spaces and with trusted people contributes to an overall climate shift on campus.
Do I have to be part of a recognized College organization to receive funds?
No! Any undergraduate student can apply to the Embattled Fund to either receive funding for costs associated with an event and/or hourly pay for effort put towards a project.
What types of funding can I receive from the Embattled Fund?
You can apply to Embattled fund for costs associated with a project or event (speaker honorarium, film screening fees, food, printing services, etc.) and/or to be compensated at an hourly rate for any effort put towards an event, project or facilitated conversation on the topics of sex, consent, pleasure, sexual violence, sexuality and/or gender.
What types of effort or labor can be counted for hourly pay?
Students can apply to add Embattled as a campus job for any labor done in these areas that could have been spent on classwork or put towards hourly employment.
Who will review my application for funding or my submission to the database?
All submissions to the Embattled Database or requests for Embattled Funding will be reviewed by the Embattled Support Board, a group of students dedicated to supporting this work. Once an application is approved, a member of this board will submit a funding request form through the SPCSA’s Engage on behalf of the applicant.
Will Dartmouth staff be able to see the details of my application?
No, the students on the Support Board are the only ones who will see the entirety of your application, we will only share with the institution what is necessary to get funding approved.
Who can I contact to learn more about Embattled or to talk through an idea?
You can either email the Embattled Support Board at or attend Support Board office hours held on Mondays 3-4pm EST on this zoom link.
Examples of how funds can be used:
streaming a film/live-event and using funds to pay for copyright fees, snacks/dinner so that you and your friends can take the time to discuss the film/event
to cover speaker honorariums
the purchase of event-related prizes and favors which can include:
items related to sexual pleasure and safety
educational materials
hourly compensation can be used to cover time put towards researching and creating educational materials for a specific community which can then be distributed via posters, a conversation, trainings, etc.