Sedimentary Geology, Tectonics, and Historical Geobiology

The Sedimentary Geology, Tectonics, and Historical Geobiology Group at Dartmouth College is focused on integrating sedimentology, stratigraphy, stable and radiogenic isotope geochemistry with geochronology and paleontology to solve fundamental questions regarding the tectonic and environmental evolution of Earth.

Check out this new video highlighting our research in the Mackenzie Mountains of northwestern Canada examining some of oldest reported sponge remains in the Tonian Little Dal Group.

Strauss Lab and friends celebrating the end of the 2024 spring term. Left to right: Tianran, Geordi, Reina, Charlie, Alec, Luis, Parker, Bailey, London, Catie, Jenna/Eleanor, Ben, Noah, Bo, and Justin/Margot.

Strauss Lab and friends on a transect through the Taconic Orogen in April 2023. Top row from left to right: Justin Strauss, Parker Jones, Joe Biasi, Geordi Geier, BenĀ  Barnes, Marwan Wartes, Dwight Bradley. Bottom row from left to right: Tianran Zhang, Shaalin Sehra, Reina Harding, Luis Torres, and Bailey Nordin.