Peer Reviewed Journal Articles
- Clark BJ, LaChance PA, Winter SS, Mehlman ML, Butler WN, Taube JS (2021) Comparison of head direction cell firing characteristics across thalamo-parahippocampal circuitry.
- LaChance PA, Graham J, Shapiro BL, Taube JS (2021) Landmark-modulated directional coding in postrhinal cortex.
- Mehlman ML, Marcroft JL, Taube JS (2021) Do subcortical projections to the head direction circuit arise from neurons in the vestibulo-oculomotor system? Journal of Comparative Neurology, in press.
- Steel A, Robertson CE, Taube JS (2021) Current promises and limitations of combined virtual reality and fMRI research in humans: A commentary on Huffman and Ekstrom (2020). Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, in press.
- LaChance PA, Dumont JR, Ozel P, Marcroft JL, Taube JS (2020) Commutative properties of head direction cells during locomotion in 3D: are all routes equal? Journal of Neuroscience 40: 3035-3051. PMID: 32127493
- Taube JS, Shinder MS (2020) On the absence or presence of 3-D tuned head direction cells in rats: a review and rebuttal. Journal of Neurophysiology 123: 1808-1827. PMID: 32208877
- Xu Z, Wu W, Winter SS, Mehlman ML, Butler WN, Simmons C, Harvey RE, Berkowitz LE, Yang Chen Y, Taube JS, Wilber AA, Clark BJ (2019) A comparison of neural decoding methods and population coding across thalamo-cortical head direction cells. Frontiers in Neural Circuits 13: Article 75. doi: 10.3389/fncir.2019.00075, PMID: 31920565
- Yoder RY, Valerio S, Crego A, Clark BJ, Taube JS (2019) Bilateral postsubiculum lesions impair visual and non-visual homing performance in rats. Behavioral Neuroscience 133: 496-507. PMID: 31169384
- LaChance PA, Todd TP, Taube JS (2019) A sense of space in postrhinal cortex. Science 365: eaax4192. PMID: 31296737
- Mehlman ML, Winter SS, Taube JS (2019) Functional and anatomical relationships between the medial precentral cortex, dorsal striatum, and head direction cell circuity. II. Neuroanatomical studies. Journal of Neurophysiology121: 371-395. PMID: 30427743
- Mehlman ML, Winter SS, Valerio S, Taube JS (2019) Functional and anatomical relationships between the medial precentral cortex, dorsal striatum, and head direction cell circuity. I. Recording studies. Journal of Neurophysiology121: 350-370. PMID: 30427767
- Shinder ME, Taube JS (2019) Three-dimensional tuning of head direction cells. Journal of Neurophysiology 121: 4-37. PMID: 30379631
- Cullen KE, Taube JS (2017) Our sense of direction: progress, controversies, and challenges. Nature Neuroscience 20: 1465-1473. PMID: 29073639
- Yoder RM, Chan JHM, Taube JS (2017) Acetylcholine contributes to the integration of self-movement cues in head direction cells. Behavioral Neuroscience 131: 312-324. PMID: 28714717
- Butler WN, Smith KS, van der Meer MAA, Taube JS (2017) The head direction signal plays a functional role as a neural compass during navigation. Current Biology 27: 1259-1267. PMID: 28416119
- Butler WN, Taube JS (2017) Oscillatory synchrony between head direction cells recorded bilaterally in the anterodorsal thalamic nuclei. Journal of Neurophysiology 117: 1847-1852. PMID: 28250151
- Taube JS (2017) New building blocks for navigation. Nature Neuroscience 20: 131-133. PMID: 28127037
- Peck JR, Taube JS (2017) The postrhinal cortex is not involved in landmark control in rat head direction cells. Hippocampus 27: 156-168. PMID: 27860052
- Valerio S, Taube JS (2016) Head direction cell activity is absent in mice without the horizontal semicircular canals. Journal of Neuroscience 36: 741-754. PMID: 26791205
- Winter SS, Clark BJ, Mehlman ML, Taube JS (2015) Passive transport disrupt grid signals in the parahippocampal cortex. Current Biology 25: 2493-2502. PMID: 26387719
- Dumont JR, Taube JS (2015) The neural correlates of navigation beyond the hippocampus. Progress in Brain Research 219: 83-102. PMID: 26072235
- Winter SS, Clark BJ, Taube JS (2015) Disruption of the head direction cell network impairs the parahippocampal grid cell signal. Science 347: 870-874. PMID: 25700518
- Butler WN, Taube JS (2015) The nucleus prepositus hypoglossi contributes to head direction cell stability in rats. Journal of Neuroscience 35: 2547-2558. PMID: 25673848
- Yoder RM, Peck JR, Taube JS (2015) Visual landmark information gains control of the head direction signal at the lateral mammillary nuclei. Journal of Neuroscience 35: 1354-1367. PMID: 25632114
- Shinder ME, Taube JS (2014) Self-motion improves head direction cell tuning. Journal of Neurophysiology 111: 2479-2492. PMID: 24671528
- Shinder ME, Taube JS (2014) Resolving the active versus passive conundrum for head direction cells. Neuroscience 270: 123-138. PMID: 24704515
- Yoder RM, Taube JS (2014) The vestibular contribution to the head direction signal and navigation. Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience 8: 1-13. PMID: 24795578
- Gibson B, Butler WN, Taube JS (2013) The head-direction signal is critical for navigation requiring a cognitive map but not for learning a spatial habit. Current Biology 23: 1536-1540. PMID: 23891111
- Clark BJ, Rice JP, Akers KG, Candelaria-Cook FT, Taube JS, Hamilton DA (2013) Lesions of the dorsal tegmental nuclei disrupt control of navigation by distal visual cues in cued, directional, and place variants of the Morris water task. Behavioral Neuroscience 127: 566-581. PMID: 23731069
- Taube JS, Valerio S, Yoder RM (2013) Is navigation in virtual reality using fMRI really navigation? Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 25: 1008-1019. PMID: 23489142
- Taube JS, Wang SS, Kim SY, Frohardt RJ (2013) Updating of the spatial reference frame of head direction cells in response to locomotion in the vertical plane. Journal of Neurophysiology 109: 873-888. PMID: 23114216
- Taube JS, Shinder MS (2013) On the nature of three dimensional encoding in the cognitive map: Commentary on Hayman, Verriotis, Jovalekic, Fenton, Jeffery. Hippocampus 23: 14-21. PMID: 22996337
- Clark BJ, Brown JE, Taube JS (2012) Head direction cell activity in the anterodorsal thalamus requires intact supragenual nuclei. Journal of Neurophysiology 108: 2767-2784. PMID: 22875899
- Clark BJ, Taube JS (2012) Vestibular and attractor network basis of the head direction cell signal in subcortical circuits. Frontiers in Neural Circuits 6: 1-12. PMID: 22454618
- Valerio S, Taube JS (2012) Path integration: how the head direction signal maintains and corrects spatial orientation. Nature Neuroscience 15: 1445-1453. PMID: 22983210
- Clark BJ, Harris MJ, Taube JS (2012) Control of anterodorsal thalamic head direction cells by environmental boundaries: Comparison with conflicting distal landmarks. Hippocampus 22: 172-187. PMID: 21080407
- Yoder RM, Clark BJ, Taube JS (2011) Origins of landmark encoding for the brain’s navigation system. Trends in Neuroscience 34: 561-571. PMID: 21982585
- Yoder RM, Taube JS (2011) Projections to the anterordorsal thalamus and lateral mammillary nuclei arise from different cell populations: Implications for the control of head direction cells. Hippocampus 21: 1062-1073. PMID: 20575008
- Shinder ME, Taube JS (2011) Active and passive movement are encoded equally by head direction cells in the anterodorsal thalamus. Journal of Neurophysiology 106: 788-800. PMID: 21613594
- Clark BJ, Taube JS (2011) Intact landmark control and angular path integration by head direction cells in the anterodorsal thalamus after lesions of the medial entorhinal cortex. Hippocampus 21: 767-782. PMID: 21049489
- Yoder RM, Clark BJ, Brown JE, Lamia MV, Valerio S, Shinder ME, Taube JS (2011) Both visual and idiothetic cues contribute to head direction cell stability during navigation along complex routes. Journal of Neurophysiology105: 2989-3001. PMID: 21451060
- Taube JS (2011) Head direction cell firing properties and behavioral performance in 3D space. Journal of Physiology 589: 835-841. PMID: 20855436
- Taube JS (2010) Interspike interval analyses reveal irregular firing patterns at short, but not long, intervals in rat head direction cells. Journal of Neurophysiology 104: 1635-1648. PMID: 20592120
- Shinder ME, Taube JS (2010) Differentiating ascending vestibular pathways to the cortex involved in spatial cognition. Journal of Vestibular Research 20: 3-23. PMID: 20555163
- Valerio S, Clark BJ, Harris MJ, Frost CP, Chan JHM, Taube JS (2010) Directional learning, but no spatial mapping by rats performing a navigational task in an inverted orientation. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory 93: 495-505. PMID: 20109566
- Clark BJ, Bassett JP, Wang SS, Taube JS (2010) Impaired head direction cell representation in the anterodorsal thalamus after lesions of the retrosplenial cortex. Journal of Neuroscience 30: 5289-5302. PMID: 20392951
- Muir GM, Brown JE, Carey JP, Hirvonen TP, Della Santina CC, Minor LB, Taube JS (2009) Disruption of the head direction cell signal after the occlusion of the semicircular canals in the freely moving chinchilla. Journal of Neuroscience 29: 14521-14533. PMID: 19923286
- Clark BJ, Taube JS (2009) Deficits in landmark navigation and path integration after lesions of the interpeduncular nucleus. Behavioral Neuroscience 123: 490-503. PMID: 19485555
- Calton JL, Taube JS (2009) Where am I and how will I get there from here? A role for posterior parietal cortex in the integration of spatial information and route planning. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory 91: 186-196. PMID: 18929674
- Yoder RM, Taube JS (2009) Head direction cell activity in mice: robust directional signal depends on intact otolith organs. Journal of Neuroscience 29: 1061-1076. PMID: 19176815
- Clark BJ, Sarma A, Taube JS (2009) Head direction cell instability in the anterior thalamus after lesions of the interpeduncular nucleus. Journal of Neuroscience 29: 493-507. PMID: 19144850
- Calton JL, Turner CS, Cyrenne DM, Lee BR, Taube JS (2008) Landmark control and the updating of self-movement cues are largely maintained in head direction cells following lesions of the posterior parietal cortex. Behavioral Neuroscience 122: 827-840. PMID: 18729636
- Bassett JP, Tullman ML, Taube JS (2007) Lesions of the tegmentomammillary circuit in the head direction cell system disrupt the head direction signal in the anterior thalamus. Journal of Neuroscience 27: 7564-7577. PMID: 17626218
- Taube JS (2007) The head direction signal: origins and sensory-motor integration. Annual Reviews of Neuroscience 30: 181-207. PMID: 17341158
- Frohardt RJ, Bassett JP, Taube JS (2006) Path integration and lesions within the head direction cell circuit: Comparison between the roles of the anterodorsal thalamus and dorsal tegmental nucleus. Behavioral Neuroscience 120: 135-149. PMID: 16492124
- Calton JL, Taube JS (2005) Degradation of head direction cell activity during inverted locomotion. Journal of Neuroscience 25: 2420-2428. PMID: 15745969
- Bassett JP, Zugaro MB, Muir GM, Golob EJ, Muller RU, Taube JS (2005) Passive movements of the head do not abolish anticipatory firing properties of head direction cells. Journal of Neurophysiology 93: 1304-1316. PMID: 15469962
- Taube JS, Stackman RW, Calton JL, Oman CM (2004) Rat head direction cell responses in 0-G parabolic flight. Journal of Neurophysiology 92: 2887-2997. PMID: 15212426
- Muir GM, Taube JS (2004) Head direction cell activity and behavior in a navigation task requiring a cognitive mapping strategy. Behavioural Brain Research 153: 249-253. PMID: 15219726
- Calton JL, Stackman RW, Goodridge JP, Archey WB, Dudchenko PA, Taube JS (2003) Hippocampal place cell instability following lesions of the head direction cell network. Journal of Neuroscience 23: 9719-9731. PMID: 14585999
- Taube JS, Bassett JP (2003) Persistent neural activity in head direction cells. Cerebral Cortex 13: 1162-1172. PMID: 14576208
- Stackman RW, Golob EJ, Bassett JP, Taube JS (2003) Passive transport disrupts directional path integration by rat head direction cells. Journal of Neurophysiology 90: 2862-2874. PMID: 12890795
- Brown JE, Yates BJ, Taube JS (2003) Does the vestibular system contribute to head direction cell activity in the rat? Physiology and Behavior 77: 743-748. PMID: 12527029
- Muir GM, Taube JS (2002) The neural correlates of spatial navigation and performance: Do head direction and place cells guide behavior? Behavioral and Cognitive Neuroscience Reviews 1: 297-317. PMID: 1771298
- Golob EJ, Taube JS (2002) Differences between appetitive and aversive reinforcement on reorientation in a spatial working memory task. Behavioural Brain Research 136: 309-316. PMID: 12385817
- Stackman RW, Clark AS, Taube JS (2002) Hippocampal spatial representations require vestibular input. Hippocampus 12: 291-303. PMID: 12099481
- Baird JC, Taube JS, Peterson D (2001) Statistical and information properties of head direction cells. Perception & Psychophysics 63: 1026-1037. PMID: 11578047
- Bassett JP, Taube JS (2001) Neural correlates for angular head velocity in the rat dorsal tegmental nucleus. Journal of Neuroscience 21: 5740-5751. PMID: 11466446
- Golob EJ, Stackman RW, Wong AC, Taube JS (2001) On the behavioral significance of head direction cells: Neural and behavioral dynamics during spatial memory tasks. Behavioral Neuroscience 115: 285-304. PMID: 11345955
- Stackman RW, Tullman ML, Taube JS (2000) Maintenance of rat head direction cell firing during locomotion in the vertical plane. Journal of Neurophysiology 83: 393-405. PMID: 10634882
- Taube JS (1999) Some thoughts on place cells and the hippocampus. Hippocampus 9: 452-457. PMID: 10495026
- Golob EJ, Taube JS (1999) Head direction cells in rats with hippocampal or overlying neocortical lesions: Evidence for impaired angular path integration. Journal of Neuroscience 19: 7198-7211. PMID: 10436073
- Stackman RW, Taube JS (1998) Firing properties of rat lateral mammillary nuclei single units: head direction, head pitch, and angular head velocity. Journal of Neuroscience 18: 9020-9037. PMID: 9787007
- Goodridge JP, Dudchenko PA, Worboys KA, Golob EJ, Taube JS (1998) Cue control and head direction cells. Behavioral Neuroscience 112: 749-761. PMID: 9733184
- Taube JS (1998) Head direction cells and the neurophysiological basis for a sense of direction. Progress in Neurobiology 55: 225-256. PMID: 9643555
- Taube JS, Muller RU (1998) Comparison of head direction cell activity in the postsubiculum and anterior thalamus of freely moving rats. Hippocampus 8: 87-108. PMID: 9572715
- Golob EJ, Wolk DA, Taube JS (1998) Recordings of postsubicular head direction cells following lesions of the lateral dorsal thalamic nucleus. Brain Research 780: 9-19. PMID: 9473564
- Goodridge JP, Taube JS (1997) Interaction between postsubiculum and anterior thalamus in the generation of head direction cell activity. Journal of Neuroscience 17: 9315-9330. PMID: 9364077
- Taube JS, Golob EJ (1997) Computational functions of the hippocampus: Does it encode all episodic memories? Molecular Psychiatry 2: 442-445. PMID: 9399684
- Dudchenko PA, Goodridge JP, Taube JS (1997) The effects of disorientation on visual landmark control of head direction cell orientation. Experimental Brain Research 115: 375-380. PMID: 9224866
- Golob EJ, Taube JS (1997) Head direction cells and episodic spatial information in rats without a hippocampus. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (USA) 94: 7645-7650. PMID: 9207146
- Stackman RW, Taube JS (1997) Firing properties of head direction cells in rat anterior thalamic neurons: Dependence upon vestibular input. Journal of Neuroscience 17: 4349-4358. PMID: 9151751
- Dudchenko PA, Goodridge JP, Seiterle DA, Taube JS (1997) Effects of repeated disorientation on the acquisition of two spatial reference memory tasks in rats: Dissociation between the radial arm maze and Morris water maze. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal and Behavioral Processes 23: 194-210. PMID: 9095542
- Dudchenko PA, Taube JS (1997) Correlation between head direction cell activity and spatial behavior on a radial arm maze. Behavioral Neuroscience 111: 3-19. PMID: 9109620
- Taube JS, Goodridge JP, Golob EJ, Dudchenko PA, Stackman RW (1996) Processing the head direction cell signal: a review and commentary. Brain Research Bulletin 40: 477-486. PMID: 8886377
- Muller RU, Ranck JB Jr, Taube JS (1996) Head direction cells: properties and functional significance. Current Opinion in Neurobiology 6: 196-206. PMID: 8725961
- Taube JS (1995) Place cell activity recorded from the parasubiculum in freely-moving rats. Hippocampus 5: 569-583. PMID: 8646283
- Taube JS, Burton HL (1995) Head direction cell activity monitored in a novel environment and during a cue conflict situation. Journal of Neurophysiology 74: 1953-1971. PMID: 8592189
- Goodridge JP, Taube JS (1995) Preferential use of the landmark navigational system by head direction cells. Behavioral Neuroscience 109: 49-61. PMID: 7734080
- Taube JS (1995) Head direction cells recorded in the anterior thalamic nuclei of freely moving rats. Journal of Neuroscience 15: 70-86. PMID: 7823153
- Muller RU, Bostock EM, Taube JS, Kubie JL (1994) On the directional firing properties of hippocampal place cells. Journal of Neuroscience 14: 7235-7251. PMID: 7996172
- Taube JS (1993) Electrophysiological properties of neurons in the rat subiculum in vitro. Experimental Brain Research 96: 304-318. PMID: 7903643
- Taube JS, Kesslak JP, Cotman CW (1992) Lesions of the rat postsubiculum impair performance on spatial tasks. Behavioral & Neural Biology 57: 131-143. PMID: 1586352
- Taube JS (1991) Space, the final hippocampal frontier? Hippocampus 1: 247-249. PMID: 1669299
- Taube JS, Muller RU, Ranck JB Jr (1990) Head-direction cells recorded from the postsubiculum in freely moving rats. Effects of environmental manipulations. Journal of Neuroscience 10: 436-447. PMID: 2303852
- Taube JS, Muller RU, Ranck JB Jr (1990) Head-direction cells recorded from the postsubiculum in freely moving rats. Description and quantitative analysis. Journal of Neuroscience 10: 420-435. PMID: 2303851
- Cotman CW, Bridges RJ, Taube JS, Clark AS, Geddes JW, Monaghan DT (1989) The role of the NMDA receptor in central nervous system plasticity and pathology. Journal of NIH Research 1: 65-74.
- Taube JS, Schwartzkroin PA (1988) Mechanisms of long-term potentiation: A current-source density analysis. Journal of Neuroscience 8: 1645-1655. PMID: 3367214
- Taube JS, Schwartzkroin PA (1988) Mechanisms of long-term potentiation: EPSP/spike dissociation, intradendritic recordings, and glutamate sensitivity. Journal of Neuroscience 8: 1632-1644. PMID: 2896764
- Taube JS, Schwartzkroin PA (1987) Hyperpolarizing responses to application of glutamate in hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons. Neuroscience Letters 78: 85-90. PMID: 2886962
- Taube JS, Schwartzkroin PA (1987) Intracellular recordings from hippocampal CA1 interneurons before and following long-term potentiation. Brain Research 419: 32-38. PMID: 3676735
- Taube JS, Schwartzkroin PA (1986) Ineffectiveness of organic calcium channel blockers in antagonizing long-term potentiation. Brain Research 379: 275-285. PMID: 3017511
- Mueller AL, Taube JS, Schwartzkroin PA (1984) Development of hyperpolarizing inhibitory postsynaptic potentials and hyperpolarizing response to GABA in rabbit hippocampus studied in vitro. Journal of Neuroscience4: 860-867. PMID: 6707735
Wiener SI, Taube JS (2005) Head Direction Cells and the Neural Mechanisms of Spatial Orientation. MIT Press: Cambridge, MA.
Book Chapters
Taube JS, Yoder RY (2020) The impact of vestibular signals on cells responsible for orientation and navigation. In The Senses: A Comprehensive Reference. B Fritzsch, H Straka (eds.). Elsevier Inc./Academic Press, San Diego, pp 496-511.
Shaikh AG, Zee DS, Taube JS, Kheradmand A (2019) Visual-vestibular interactions. In Multisensory Perception: From Laboratory to Clinic. Sathian K, Ramachandran VS (eds). Elsevier Inc./Academic Press, San Diego, pp 202-220
Mehlman ML, Taube JS (2018) In vivo electrophysiological approaches for studying head direction cells. In Handbook of In Vivo Neural Plasticity Techniques. D Manahan-Vaughan (ed). Academic Press: London, UK, pp 169-187.
Taube JS (2015) Neural representations of direction (head direction cells). In International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences. 2nd Ed. JD Wright (ed). Oxford UK: Elsevier, 623-627.
Winter SS, Taube JS (2014) Head direction cells: from generation to integration. In Space, Time, and Memory in the Hippocampal Formation. D. Derdikman, J.J. Knierim (eds). Springer: New York, NY, pp 83-106.
Brown JE, Taube JS (2007) Neural representations supporting spatial navigation and memory. In Brain Representations. S Funahashi (ed). Springer-Verlag: Tokyo, Japan, pp 219-248.
Bassett JP, Taube JS (2005) Head direction signal generation: Ascending and descending information streams. In Head Direction Cells and the Neural Mechanisms of Spatial Orientation. SI Wiener, JS Taube (eds). MIT Press: Cambridge, MA, pp 83-109.
Taube JS (2005) Head direction cell activity: landmark control and responses in three dimensions. In Head Direction Cells and the Neural Mechanisms of Spatial Orientation. SI Wiener, JS Taube (eds). MIT Press: Cambridge, MA, pp 45-67.
Dudchenko PA, Muir G, Frohardt R, Taube JS (2005) What does the head direction cell system actually do? In Head Direction Cells and the Neural Mechanisms of Spatial Orientation. SI Wiener, JS Taube (eds). MIT Press: Cambridge, MA, pp 221-245.
Taube JS (2004) Single neuron recording. In Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science, Volume 4. L Nadel (ed), Macmillan Reference, London, UK, pp 15-18.
Taube JS (2001) Neural representation of direction (head direction cells). In International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences. NJ Smelser, PB Baltes (eds). Pergamon, Oxford, UK, pp 10556-10559.
Taube JS (2001) Sensory determinants of head direction cell activity. In The Neural Basis of Navigation: Evidence from Single Cell Recording. PE Sharp (ed). Kluwer Academic Press, Boston, MA, pp 141-161.
Blair HT, Sharp PE, Cho J, Goodridge JP, Stackman RW, Golob EJ, Taube JS (1998) Path integration in the rat head-direction circuit. In Computational Neuroscience: Trends in Research. J Bower (ed). Plenum Press: New York, NY. pp. 579-584.
Muller RU, Kubie JL, Bostock EM, Taube JS, Quirk G (1991) Spatial firing correlates of neurons in the hippocampal formation of freely moving rats. In Brain and Space. J Paillard (ed). Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp 296-333.
Schwartzkroin PA, Taube JS (1985) Mechanisms underlying long-term potentiation. In Neural Mechanisms of Conditioning. DA Alkon and CD Woody (eds). Plenum Press, New York, NY, pp 319-329.
Taube JS (2019) Letter to the Editor: Reply to Laurens & Angelaki: A model-based reassessment of the three-dimensional tuning of head direction cells in rats. Journal of Neurophsyiology 122: 1288-1289. PMID: 31518184
Taube JS (2008) Short review on head direction cell properties. Scholarpedia 4(12): 1787. Website:
Taube JS, Calton JL, Stackman RW, Oman CM, Steven MS (2002) The Neurobiology for a sense of direction: An update from on the ground, upside-down, and space-bound. Journal of Vestibular Research 11: 320-321.
Taube JS (1996) Commentary to: Space and the hippocampus formation in humans (by RG Robin, A Pickering, S Abrahams, JD Feigenbaum). Brain Research Bulletin 40: 490.
Taube JS (1996) Commentary to: Influence of visual signals on the co-ordination of spontaneous eye- and head movements in infant rabbits (by H Tegetmeyer). Brain Research Bulletin 40: 362-363.
Taube JS, Muller RU, Ranck JB Jr (1989) Neurophysiological evidence for an internal direction sense in the rat. In Neural Mechanisms of Behavior. J Erber, R Menzel, HJ Pfluger, and D Todt (eds), Georg Thieme Verlag, New York, pp 216-217.