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As many of us find ourselves working from home unexpectedly, this collection of guides from the Wirecutter has numerous helpful tips about how to do so. They also share some really great resources for self-care, wellness, and entertaining kids suddenly home with you.

Note: Many of the things that they recommend getting access to are things that Dartmouth already provides such as -- Zoom, cloud file sharing, Dartmouth VPN access, and others. Visit to find out what you have access to as a Dartmouth community member.

The Wirecutter: All of Wirecutter's Coronavirus Coverage

Research ITC recently pulled together this guide on accessing a variety of research tools and software remotely. Examples include:

  • Matlab
  • R
  • SAS
  • LaTeX
  • ArcGIS Desktop vs. Online
  • GIT
  • and other tools

If you have questions or are interested in learning more, contact Research ITC.

Dartmouth Services: Software for Research

Good afternoon,

We've decided to start a blog on this site to help share out relevant resources we learn of as we're made aware of them. If you have ideas that you find relevant, send it to

Example Posts from Today

Here is a summary of other changes:

  • Our Zoom guide updated to recommend PMI meetings instead of auto-generated join information.
  • Check out our new guide on Remote Lab Activities and Experiences. Kudos to Cindy Rosalbo and Adrienne Gauthier for getting that up and running!
  • Our comprehensive guide on Remote Teaching Good Practices has a new navigation that helps to jump between sections more easily. Next up: We'll be linking recommendations to key web resources throughout.
  • Thanks to Alison, Ben, and Rolaine from Student Accessibility Services for giving feedback and adding extra info to the Accessible Remote Teaching guide.

Wishing everyone a restorative weekend!

Adam Nemeroff, Learning Designer

We've already shared out a resource on the topic of Accessible Remote Teaching and our linked guide on Creating Accessible Materials. Middlebury College created this resource on Creating Accessible Digital Materials that highlights some additional resources that might be of interest to specific cases.

Middlebury College recently compiled a blog post about Tips and Resources for Remote Foreign Language Teaching. The guide includes example asynchronous language learning activities, structuring the learning experience, using Canvas as a home base for facilitating activities, real-time language learning with Zoom, and converting media for streaming (which in Dartmouth's case, refer to our Library's guide on the topic). They also link to numerous other online resources for language learning.

This resource was recently co-authored by Jacque Wernimont (Dartmouth College) and Cathy N. Davidson (CUNY Grad Center). This resource has numerous ideas about how to approach moving your course online, what to know about online education, teaching about COVID-19, numerous teaching resources authored around the crisis, and resources from HASTAC that relate to the crisis.

Teaching in the Context of COVID-19 (external Google Doc)