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Google Drive and Docs for Sharing in Virtual Classrooms

Google Drive and Docs can be a powerful tool to help share and collaborate on materials virtually. This guide explains how to create a "Shared drive" for your course.

  • 1. Access your Dartmouth account's Google Drive from Click on the Google Drive logo from the home page.
  • 2. When you access your Google Drive, click on "Shared drives" from your quick launch menu.
  • 3. Once you are on your "Shared drives" page click on "+ New" to create a new Shared drive.
  • 4. Open the drive for the "Shared drive" you just opened.
  • 5. Click on "Add Members" to add new people to your Shared drive.
  • 6. Click the drop-down for roles and select the option you want to add your students as. "Contributor" allows students to add materials and edit them but not accidentally override the work of others.
  • Enter your students' Dartmouth email addresses. Enter a message to describe that this is the shared drive you will be using with your class. Click "Send" when you're ready to add the users.

Activity Ideas

  • Create a student-generated shared repository of primary sources or other materials.
  • Share drafts of papers or other documents with each other for peer review.
  • Share student presentation materials with each other.
  • Share Google Slides with your students and allow them to access it during your presentations.
  • Create a shared Google Site to make a quick and easy website together.