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Good afternoon,

We've decided to start a blog on this site to help share out relevant resources we learn of as we're made aware of them. If you have ideas that you find relevant, send it to

Example Posts from Today

Here is a summary of other changes:

  • Our Zoom guide updated to recommend PMI meetings instead of auto-generated join information.
  • Check out our new guide on Remote Lab Activities and Experiences. Kudos to Cindy Rosalbo and Adrienne Gauthier for getting that up and running!
  • Our comprehensive guide on Remote Teaching Good Practices has a new navigation that helps to jump between sections more easily. Next up: We'll be linking recommendations to key web resources throughout.
  • Thanks to Alison, Ben, and Rolaine from Student Accessibility Services for giving feedback and adding extra info to the Accessible Remote Teaching guide.

Wishing everyone a restorative weekend!

Adam Nemeroff, Learning Designer