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Returning from Time Away

We understand that returning to Dartmouth after taking time away can be a significant and sometimes challenging transition. Whether you took time off for personal reasons, to address health and wellness, or to participate in military service, we are here to help guide you through the steps necessary for a smooth transition back to your academic journey. The process for returning will depend on the type of time away you took, and we are committed to providing you with the support and information you need to navigate your return successfully. Below, you will find an overview of the steps based on the nature of your time away.

Returning from Time Away for Medical Reasons (TAMR)
  1. Schedule an appointment with the Director of Student Time Away to discuss the process for returning from TAMR.
    • If you are a graduate or professional student, please also consult with your appropriate School Contact (Principal Investigator and/or Program Director).
  2. Submit the TAMR Request to Return Form.
    • Your request will be shared with the Office of Student Time Away, the TAMR Committee, and your School Contact.
  3. Coordinate with your provider(s) to submit the necessary medical documentation.
    • Medical documentation is required to process a request to return from TAMR. Please refer to Guidance on Obtaining Medical and Supporting Documentation to ensure that your provider includes the necessary information for our office to process your request. As you may have worked with multiple providers, please refer to your initial TAMR recommendations and guidance from the Director of Student Time Away to identify the specific documentation required.
  4. Submit a Release of Information (ROI) form as necessary to ensure communication between the Office of Student Time Away and your provider(s).
  5. Submit all other supporting documentation.
  6. Once the Director of Student Time Away has your complete request, which consists of the TAMR Request to Return Form, medical documentation, and other supporting documentation, they will review the materials with the Time Away for Medical Reasons Committee. The Director of Student Time Away will then share the committee's recommendation with your appropriate School Contact.
    • Your School Contact is the final decision maker.
  7. Following your School Contact's decision, you will be notified.
    • If your request to return is denied, you may appeal. Please contact the Director of Student Time Away or visit the TAMR policy to learn more about the appeals process.
  8. Following notice of the Time Away for Medical Reasons Committee's decision, you will meet with the Director of Student Time Away to ensure you have all the support and resources you need to return.

Deadlines to request a return from TAMR for undergraduate students:

January 15 for a Spring return
April 15 for a Summer return
July 15 for a Fall return
October 15 for a Winter return

For graduate and professional students, the deadline is 60 days before the start of each term.

Returning from Time Away for Personal Reasons (TAPR)

The Office of Student Time Away is not currently processing requests to return from Time Away for Personal Reasons. To learn more about returning from TAPR, including processes and deadlines, please reach out to your specific School Contact, identified below.

School Contacts
Undergraduate SchoolUndergraduate Deans Office
Please contact your undergraduate dean.
Geisel School of MedicineTara K Cunningham
Associate Dean for Student Life

Erin Anderson
Case Manager, Student Well-Being
Guarini School of Graduate and Advanced StudiesKerry Landers
Associate Dean of Graduate Student Affairs
Thayer School of EngineeringHolly Wilkinson
Associate Dean for Academic and Student Affairs
Tuck School of BusinessSally O. Jaeger
Associate Dean, MBA Program
Returning from Time Away for Military Service (TAMS)

The Office of Student Time Away is not currently processing requests to return from Time Away for Military Reasons. To learn more about returning from TAMS, including processes and deadlines, please reach out to your specific School Contact, identified below.

School Contacts
Undergraduate SchoolUndergraduate Deans Office
Please contact your undergraduate dean.
Geisel School of MedicineTara K Cunningham
Associate Dean for Student Life

Erin Anderson
Case Manager, Student Well-Being
Guarini School of Graduate and Advanced StudiesKerry Landers
Associate Dean of Graduate Student Affairs
Thayer School of EngineeringHolly Wilkinson
Associate Dean for Academic and Student Affairs
Tuck School of BusinessSally O. Jaeger
Associate Dean, MBA Program

The deadlines to request to return from TAMR for undergraduate students are as follows:

Term Requesting to ReturnDeadline
Fall ReturnJuly 15
Spring ReturnJanuary 15
Summer ReturnApril 15
Winter ReturnOctober 15

The deadlines to request to return from TAMR for graduate and professional students are as follows:

Term Requesting to ReturnDeadline
Fall Return60 days before the start of the term
Spring Return60 days before the start of the term
Summer Return60 days before the start of the term
Winter Return60 days before the start of the term

To confirm these deadlines, please contact the Director of Student Time Away or your School Contact.

It is recommended that the medical documentation, as outlined during your meeting with the Director of Student Time Away, be submitted 2 weeks in advance of the deadline. This allows the Director of Student Time Away to review the documentation and request any additional information that may be needed to review your request to return.

If the deadline falls on a weekend or holiday, it will be extended to the next business day.

For TAPR and TAMS return deadlines, please reach out to your School Contact.