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Frequently Asked Questions

Am I allowed to smoke, or use tobacco-based products, in designated areas on Dartmouth property?
The Tobacco-Free Policy went into effect on March 18, 2021, therefore smoking or the use of any tobacco-based product, including but not limited to cigarettes, cigars, cigarillos, hookahs, chewing tobacco, snuff, snus, dissolvable tobacco, and electronic smoking devices such as e-cigarettes, vaping products, and IQOS, is not allowed on any property or grounds owned, operated, or occupied by Dartmouth.

Are on-campus resources available to students, staff, and faculty who are interested in quitting?
A variety of tobacco cessation resources and support are available to the Dartmouth community, including prescription medications and counseling.

Students: The Dartmouth College Health Service provides tobacco cessation treatment for students including prescriptions for medications and counseling and can be reached at (603) 646-9401.

The Student Wellness Center also provides tobacco cessation support for students and can be reached at or (603) 646-9414.

Faculty and Staff: Faculty and staff can access a variety of tobacco cessation resources,  including medications, and online and telephonic programs, through the Wellness at Dartmouth Office or (603) 646-3706.

Resources for Tobacco Cessation:

  • Dartmouth will be distributing free Quit Kits to any students, faculty, or staff who need a little extra help to jump-start their success. These kits will provide items such as fidgets, sugarless gum, and other resources to help reduce cravings and increase quit success . To request a Quit Kit click here.
  • Each state offers free telephone counseling to help you quit. Assistance is available, at no cost, to anyone. Call 1-800-QUIT-NOW.
  • Dartmouth-Hitchcock Tobacco Dependence Clinics
  • The National Cancer Institute: 1-877-44U-QUIT (1-877-448-7848)
  • provides quit plans and access to an expert via live chat, plus you can receive tips and support through text messaging and the QuitSTART App.
  • provides the facts and health effects of using tobacco, as well as the resources to help you quit for good.
  • The American Cancer Society provides information and tips on how to quit smoking, as well as tools and resources to help you on your way, including desktop helpers.
  • The EX Plan is a free smoking cessation program that can show you a whole new way to think about quitting. It’s based on personal experiences from former smokers as well as the latest scientific research from the experts at the Mayo Clinic.
  • The Craving to Quit App (iPhone/iPad) is a 21-day mindfulness-based program based on a successful smoking cessation program developed and tested at Yale University.
  • The QuitNow App (Android) offers real-time stats including how many cigarettes you've avoided, and how much money and time you've saved, plus you can connect with other quitters.

Why was this policy launched in 2021?
Dartmouth is committed to providing a healthy environment for our community. Thanks, in part, to a 2018 grant from the American Cancer Society as part of the Tobacco-Free Generation Campus Initiative, we were poised to adopt and implement a tobacco-free campus policy. Furthermore, given the growing evidence that tobacco use is a risk factor for a variety of life-threatening diseases including COVID-19 diagnosis, Dartmouth wanted to provide every opportunity possible for all of our community members to protect themselves.

To whom does this policy apply?
This policy applies to anyone on property owned, operated, or occupied by Dartmouth College, including but not limited to all students, staff, faculty, contractors, alumni, visitors, volunteers, and vendors.

I live in faculty or graduate student housing; can I smoke or use tobacco-based products there?
All rental housing managed by the Dartmouth Real Estate Office is non-smoking.

I live in a fraternity/sorority; can I smoke or use tobacco-based products there?
The Office of Greek Life handbook states that “Organizations that reside in a non-College owned property are expected to meet all requirements described under the Physical Plant Management section for “Organizations that Own a Physical Plant.”  This policy is included in the physical plant management section of the Greek Life handbook.

Isn’t smoking or using tobacco-based products a legal right?
While tobacco is a legal product for adult use, state law allows Dartmouth to establish rules regarding tobacco use on its property.

What about smokers who don’t want to quit?
The policy does not require that tobacco users quit; however, use of tobacco-based products is no longer permitted on any property or grounds owned, operated, or occupied by Dartmouth. We are aware that nicotine is a highly addictive drug. We encourage smokers and users of other tobacco-based products to prepare to address nicotine withdrawal symptoms while on Dartmouth-owned, operated, or occupied property, similar to what would be required when visiting other tobacco-free environments. FDA-approved nicotine replacement therapies (NRT) such as nicotine patches, gum, lozenges, or inhalers are allowed and encouraged as substitutes for smoking, vaping, or use of smokeless tobacco while on any property or grounds owned, operated, or occupied by Dartmouth.

What will happen if I smoke or use other tobacco-based products on property owned, operated, or occupied by Dartmouth?
Those found smoking, vaping, or using other forms of tobacco-based products will be reminded of their obligation under this policy and referred for tobacco cessation treatment. Those who continue to smoke, vape, or use other tobacco-based products on property owned, operated, or occupied by Dartmouth will be subject to established procedures for a policy violation.

What should I do if I have a question, concern, or complaint about smoking or tobacco use?
The success of this policy depends on everyone’s thoughtfulness, respect, and cooperation. All members of the Dartmouth community share the responsibility for following and enforcing the policy. We ask for your assistance in supporting our commitment to protecting the health and well-being of our community.

There are several avenues through which you may express concerns about smoking or tobacco use. Employees should raise their concerns with their immediate supervisor or respective human resources consultant.

Students living in Dartmouth on-campus residential facilities may speak to their residential advisor, facilities personnel, administrative staff, or house professor. Concerns may also be reported to the Office of Community Standards and Accountability.

You may contact the Dartmouth Real Estate Office with concerns about smoking or tobacco use in Dartmouth rental properties. 

My cultural traditions or religious beliefs include the use of tobacco-based products in ceremonies or observances. How can I follow my traditions or religious observances without violating the tobacco-free campus policy?
Dartmouth celebrates the cultural and religious diversity of our community, and therefore the use of tobacco-based products that are part of traditions or religious observances may be exempted from this policy. Exemptions must be requested in advance for any use of tobacco-based products in cultural or religious observances. Such requests will be reviewed and addressed in writing on a case-by-case basis. Undergraduate students who wish to use tobacco products for religious or spiritual observance must complete a request form with the Residential Education Office in the Office of Residential Life. The form must be submitted and approved prior to the observance.

Employees who wish to use tobacco-based products for religious or spiritual observance should request an exemption through their supervisor or respective human resources consultant.

Organized events that may use tobacco-based products as part of ceremonial rituals may request an exemption through the appropriate administrative office (e.g., Native American Program).