A variety of tobacco cessation resources and support are available to the Dartmouth community, including prescription medications and counseling.
The Dartmouth College Health Service provides tobacco cessation treatment for students including prescriptions for medications and counseling and can be reached at (603) 646-9401.
The Student Wellness Center also provides tobacco cessation support for students and can be reached at Student.Wellness.Center@dartmouth.edu or (603) 646-9414.
Faculty and Staff:
Faculty and staff can access a variety of tobacco cessation resources, including medications, and online and telephonic programs, through the Wellness at Dartmouth Office or (603) 646-3706.
Quit Kits:
- Dartmouth is distributing free Quit Kits to any students, faculty, or staff who are trying to quit tobacco. The Quit Kit is intended to help jump-start your success in becoming a healthier you by providing tools to assist with tobacco cessation including items such as fidgets, sugarless gum, and other resources. These items will help support you in this change by reducing cravings and increasing your quit success.
- Please note: only one Quit Kit will be provided per person.
To request a Quit Kit, please complete the below form:
Additional Resources for Tobacco Cessation:
- Each state offers free telephone counseling to help you quit. Assistance is available, at no cost, to anyone. Call 1-800-QUIT-NOW.
- NH Residents: https://quitnownh.org/
- VT Residents: https://802quits.org/
- Dartmouth-Hitchcock Tobacco Treatment Program
- The National Cancer Institute: 1-877-44U-QUIT (1-877-448-7848)
- Smokefree.gov provides quit plans and access to an expert via live chat, plus you can receive tips and support through text messaging and the QuitSTART App.
- BeTobaccoFree.gov provides the facts and health effects of using tobacco, as well as the resources to help you quit for good.
- The American Cancer Society provides information and tips on how to quit smoking, as well as tools and resources to help you on your way, including desktop helpers.
- The EX Plan is a free smoking cessation program that can show you a whole new way to think about quitting. It’s based on personal experiences from former smokers as well as the latest scientific research from the experts at the Mayo Clinic.
- The Craving to Quit App (iPhone/iPad) is a 21-day mindfulness-based program based on a successful smoking cessation program developed and tested at Yale University.
- The QuitNow App (Android) offers real-time stats including how many cigarettes you've avoided, and how much money and time you've saved, plus you can connect with other quitters.