The July 6-11 MDI Biological Laboratory Applied Bioinformatics Course, co-directed by Dartmouth SRP researcher Bruce Stanton, was attended by 31 students from more than 15 institutions, including Dartmouth. The course provided intensive hands-on experience in bioinformatics, with a focus on gene expression analysis with RNA sequencing. Highlights included consultation clinics to help students
incorporate bioinformatics into their own research and data, group exercises to practice skills, and a lobster bake. Dartmouth SRP Trainee Cecilia Gutierrez Perez was a TA in the course. As a TA, she “…was able to assist faculty with students and expand my Bioinformatic expertise. Having taken the course last year, helping this year was instrumental in my development as a scientist. I was able to refresh the skills previously learned and to learn by teaching others.”