Dr. Laurel Schaider Presents on Contaminants of Emerging Concern

Laurel Schaider, Ph.D., gave a talk on “PFAS and Other Contaminants of Emerging Concern in the Waters of Cape Cod: Understanding Exposures and Addressing Community Concerns”. Dr. Schaider’s  September 18 seminar, which was co-sponsored by our Toxic Metals Superfund Research Program and Dartmouth’s Geisel School of Medicine Department of Epidemiology and attended by more than 40 people, focused on the health effects of PFAS, current research studies and activities to educate  communities about PFAS. Dr. Schaeder is Research Scientist at Silent Spring Institute and lead investigator of PFAS-REACH (Research, Education, and Action for Community Health), a new study evaluating PFAS immunotoxicity in children and addressing the needs of communities affected by PFAS water contamination, She also co-leads the STEEP Superfund Research Program’s Community Engagement Core.