According to an NHPR (NH Public Radio) story, recent testing data indicates many NH public water systems likely will not be in compliance with the state’s new arsenic in drinking water standard of 5 ppb that will go into effect in mid-2021. According to Paul Susca of NHDES (Department of Environmental Services) Drinking Water Bureau, state officials are working with potentially affected water systems on how they can be in compliance with the new limit. The new standard, which is lower than the federal standard of 10 ppb, was enacted because of the linkage between arsenic exposure and illnesses such as lung and bladder cancer and elevated risks of cardiovascular and developmental problems. The NHPR coverage cites research by Dartmouth’s Superfund Research Program on the large number of private wells that will exceed the 5 ppb standard, as well as a study on the increased risk of bladder cancer. Although the new standard does not apply to private wells, private well owners are encouraged to comply with the new limits due to the health risks of As in drinking water, according to Paul Susca.