Dartmouth Superfund Research Program researchers Drs. Celia Chen and Tracy Punshon presented at the session, “Contaminant Mixtures in Food: How Did They Get There and Should We Be Concerned,” at SETAC’s (Society for Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry) annual meeting in Toronto. The objective of the session, which was co-chaired by Drs. Chen and Danielle Carlin of NIEHS (National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences), was to provide further understanding of the relationship between inorganic and organic contaminants in different food sources, novel statistical approaches to addressing the co-occurrence of contaminants in food, assessment of the potential health effects of mixtures, and strategies for prevention of exposures. Dr. Punshon, an invited speaker, presented a talk on “Carrageenan as a Source of Arsenic, Lead and Cadmium in Infant Foods.” Dr. Chen presented the poster “Patterns of Mercury and Metal and Organic Contaminants in Marine Fish and Shellfish.” Other session speakers included Drs. Wendy Heiger-Bermays from Boston University, Claire O’Brien from UC Davis, Julia Gohike from Virginia Tech, Jordan Smith from Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Dr. Sarah Rothenberg from Oregon State University, and Julia Bauer, Ph.D. Candidate, from Oregon State University. Meeting program.