In Small Doses: Arsenic

In Small Doses: Arsenic is a ten minute movie about the risks associated with exposure to potentially harmful amounts of arsenic in private well water.

Take the time to learn how naturally occurring arsenic moves into groundwater, how it is detected, what can be done to remove it, and the current science surrounding the question of, “How much is too much?” Thank you for completing this brief survey after you have viewed the video.

Well Testing Information

To learn more about getting your well tested click here

For More Information on Arsenic in Private Well Drinking Water Visit:

NH Department of Environmental Services

Information on Arsenic in Drinking Water: EPA Region I

USGS (United States Geological Survey) Water Science Center

NH Environmental Public Health Tracking (EPHT) Program website

The website has State and National environmental health data and is designed to improve public health by providing science-based information on the trends and distributions of environmentally-related diseases.

NH DHHS (Department of Health and Human Services) Biomonitoring Arsenic Public Health Study Page