The 6th NH Arsenic Consortium meeting was held on Friday, March 22 in Concord, NH. Seventy-five attendees heard research and outreach updates and met in multiple break-out sessions to outline a roadmap for reducing arsenic exposure in NH.
All posts by Bill
NHDES Releases Recommendation for Arsenic Maximum Contaminant Level
The New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services released a two-part report to the State Legislature detailing their rationale for reducing the state MCL (maximum contaminant level) for arsenic from the current federal standard of 10 parts per billion (ppb) to 5 ppb. More details are available in the reports and the press release and media coverage pertaining to Dartmouth Superfund input on the report is available here.
Bruce Stanton Radio Interview on SEPA Project
Dartmouth SRP researcher Bruce Stanton was interviewed by Carol Higgins Taylor on Voice of Maine radio on the SEPA (Science Education Partnership) “Data to Action: A secondary school-based citizen science project to address arsenic contamination of well water” project. The project is funded by a SEPA award Dartmouth SRP and MDI Biological Laboratory in ME received from NIH.
Celia Chen Participates in Podcast on Mercury Emissions
Dartmouth Superfund Research Program Director and Researcher Celia Chen participated in a podcast on Mercury and air toxics and the EPAs proposed Mercury and Air Toxics Standards (MATS) rule. The podcast was done by breathific, which is a nonprofit organization founded by high school students to increase awareness about air quality.