C-MERC Workshop Agenda


Sheraton Harborside
Harbor’s Edge Conference Room
Portsmouth, NH
Sept. 8-10, 2010

DAY 1 – Wednesday, September 8, 2010

11:30 Registration – Main Lobby
Note: Day 1 presenters should have flash drive with final presentations ready to load at registration
12:00 LUNCH – Harbor’s Edge Room
12:30 Welcome, Overview, and Introductions – Celia Chen and Laurie Rardin, Dartmouth College
1:00 Review Agenda and Introduce Policy Context – Kathy Lambert, C-MERC Project Consultant
1:15 Session 1: Global Mercury Initiatives
• UNEP Binding Agreement on Mercury: Update and Policy-Relevant Science Questions – Gail Lacy, EPA – Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards (OAQPS)
• UNEP Fate and Transport Partnership: Status and Directions – Robert Mason, University of Connecticut
• Mercury Monitoring Networks: A Tool for Building Global Connections? – David Evers, Biodiversity Research Institute

2:00 Session 2: U.S. MACT Standards and the Regional Mercury TMDL
• EPA’s Mercury MACT Standards: Policy & Science – Ben Gibson, EPA – OAQPS
• Using the Clean Water Act to Reduce Mercury in the Northeast – Susy King, New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission (NEIWPCC)

MACT = Maximum Achievable Control Technology
TMDL = Total Maximum Daily Load

2:30 BREAK – Harbor’s Edge Room
3:00 Session 3: Recent Issues in Fish Consumption Advice
• Fish Advice: Updates and Quo Vadis – Rita Schoeny, EPA – Office of Water
• Fish Advice: An NGO Perspective – Kim Warner, Oceana

3:30 Group discussion – Distilling Policy-Relevant Questions – Kathy Lambert, C-MERC Project Consultant
4:00 Session 4: Presentation of 4 Ocean System Papers (10 min. presentation/5 min. Q&A)
• Gulf of Maine – Elsie Sunderland, Harvard University
• Gulf of Mexico – Reed Harris, Reed Harris Environmental Ltd.
• San Francisco Bay – Jay Davis, San Francisco Estuary Institute
• Open Ocean – Rob Mason, University of Connecticut

5:00 Recap & Outline Day 2 Agenda – Celia Chen, Dartmouth College
5:15 RECEPTION – Prescott Room
7:00 Dinner (on your own or meet in the main lobby to join a group )

DAY 2 – Thursday, September 9, 2010

8:00 CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST and Registration – Harbor’s Edge Room
Note: Day 2 presenters should have flash drive with final presentations ready to load at registration
8:30 Welcome & Overview of Day 2 Agenda – Celia Chen, Dartmouth College/Kathy Lambert, C-MERC Project Consultant
8:45 Session 5: Presentation of 3 Ocean System Papers (10 min. presentation/5 min. Q&A)
• Tropics – Monica Costa, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco
• Mediterranean – Milena Horvat, Jozef Stefan Institute
• Arctic – Jane Kirk, Environment Canada

9:45 Session 6: Presentation of 3 Global Issue Papers (10 min. presentation/5 min. Q&A)
• Use of Hg Isotopes as Tracers of Hg Fate – Joel Blum, University of Michigan
• Effects Of Nutrient Loading On The Dynamics Of Mercury In Coastal Ecosystems: A Conceptual Model– Charles Driscoll, Syracuse University
• Climate Change and Hg in Marine Systems – David Evers, Biodiversity Research Institute

10:30 BREAK – Harbor’s Edge Room
11:00 Session 6: Presentation of 3 Global Issue Papers (10 min. presentation/5 min. Q&A)
• Low dose/High dose – Margaret Karagas, Dartmouth College
• Mercury – Selenium Interactions – Rita Schoeny, EPA – Office of Water
• Fish – Communicating Nutritional, Toxicant, and Environmental Effects – Emily Oken, Harvard Medical School and Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Institute

12:00 LUNCH – Harbor’s Edge Room
1:00 Introduction of Break-Out Groups – Kathy Lambert, C-MERC Project Consultant
1:15 BREAK-OUT GROUPS – see groups and room assignments on last page of agenda
2:30 BREAK – Harbor’s Edge Room
4:00 Group discussion – Harbor’s Edge Room
• Break-out Group Check-in – Kathy Lambert, C-MERC Project Consultant
• Translation & Outreach – Laurie Rardin, Dartmouth College
• Recap – Celia Chen, Dartmouth College

5:00 Adjourn
6:00 DINNER – Prescott Room

DAY 3 – Friday, September 10, 2010

8:00 CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST – Harbor’s Edge Room
8:30 Overview of Day 3 Agenda – Kathy Lambert, C-MERC Project Consultant
Instructions for 2nd break-out and reporting back
9:00 BREAK-OUT GROUPS – see groups and room assignments on last page of agenda
10:30 BREAK – Harbor’s Edge Room
12:00 LUNCH – Harbor’s Edge Room
1:00 Report back – 5 min. each (use slide provided to lead author)
• How has your initial approach or conceptual model for the paper changed?
• What additional authors or data sets have you identified?
• Which policy-relevant questions will you address and how?
• Did you develop an outline and make writing assignments?

2:15 Wrap-Up – Celia Chen, Dartmouth College
• Additional Paper Ideas
• Overview of Project Schedule
• July 2011 Meeting in Halifax
• Immediate Next Steps

3:00 Meeting Adjourns
3:30 – 5:00 Steering Committee Meeting – Discuss Overview Paper, Journal, Planning for 2nd Workshop in Halifax in 2011

Meeting Outcomes

Revised science-related policy questions
Paper outlines with writing assignments and deadlines
Description of translational products
Strong relationships and understanding of shared issues between stakeholders and scientists