Hannah E. Laue, ScD.

Department of Epidemiology
Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth College
One Medical Center Drive, Williamson Translational Building 700
Lebanon, NH 03756

Tel: 603 -646-5426

Email: Hannah.E.Laue@Dartmouth.edu

Areas of Expertise: Epidemiology, trace element exposure, human microbiome

Background (education): ScD, 2019, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Environmental Health;  SM, 2015, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Environmental Health; BA, 2012, American University, Environmental Studies

Research: Hannah’s primary research interest is how environmental chemicals affect the neonatal/pediatric gut microbiome and subsequent health impacts, particularly impaired neurodevelopment. During her doctoral degree, she examined the effects of flame retardants on cognitive development, with the microbiome as a hypothesized mechanism. Using preliminary data from this grant, Hannah explored the association of polybrominated diphenyl ethers and polychlorinated biphenyls with the gut microbiome. She also employed novel statistical techniques to model the association between environmental metal mixtures and childhood neurodevelopment. In her postdoctoral work, she has used these techniques to explore the interactions between beneficial and harmful trace elements in their associations with the infant gut microbiome in the New Hampshire Birth Cohort Study. Hannah also has identified associations between the infant gut microbiome and neurobehavior in preschool-aged children.

Karagas Research

