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How Far We’ve Come

I remember the very first Activities Fair I went to one warm day in early September, shortly before the start of my freshman year. It was an overwhelming experience on the Green, with upperclassmen representatives of dozens of clubs explaining the workings and purposes of their organizations. I stumbled across the Dartmouth Club Triathlon Team which immediately caught my attention, especially having completed two marathons during my junior and senior years of high school. I thought that adding the swimming and biking components would be a great way to step out of my comfort zone, never having been close to excelling at either. Knowing that there would only be a limited number of organizations that I could be a part of, I carefully chose which clubs I signed up for, and I spoke with Nina Mascia ’15 (co-founder and former co-captain) and showed up to practices in the fall. Although practices would sometimes consist of only seven to eight members, the workouts were well organized, and the captains scheduled several social events throughout the year to ensure opportunities to get to know other members of the team outside of the gym. Needless to say, there were very few times I was ever reminded how recently the club had been formed.

Fast forward to my senior year, it is clear that the team has grown exponentially and become more dynamic and vibrant when the Manley Room is echoing with footsteps during strength practices and the spin room is more popular than a Soul Cycle class on a Sunday early afternoon in New York City. Though a majority of the founding members of the team have moved beyond their undergraduate years at Dartmouth and are pursuing advanced degrees and a wide range of careers, it is comforting to see a new cohort of triathletes walk in to practice. As the spring term arrives and new captains and executives are shown how to manage the club, it has been especially exciting knowing that there are members not only willing to participate, but also willing to take on the difficult responsibilities that continue to make the Triathlon Team so special for everyone. I never imagined that 21 Dartmouth Triathletes would travel to Florida for a Training Trip during the middle of spring break and that 40 Dartmouth Triathletes would sign up for the Bowdoin Polar Bear Triathlon this upcoming May. To top it all off, it has been amazing to have the backing of three amazing coaches who have spent so much time invested in our triathlon success and multiple generous alumni who have made training trips logistically and financially possible.

As I prepare to complete my senior spring, it is reassuring to know that the club is in reliable hands. Though my participation as an undergraduate student ends at the conclusion of the school year, as I prepare to enter a new chapter of my life as a Dartmouth alum, I hope to have an opportunity to support the team just as many others have done. As one of my most meaningful activities my senior year, I can’t wait for the even greater things that lie ahead for these phenomenal people and this amazing organization.


Daniel Lee ’18

About the Author

Daniel Lee is an ’18 from Los Angeles, CA who did not adequately prepare for the New England winters. He is an avid Dodgers fan and often can be seen getting facetime at Foco.