At the kick-off workshop of the Vermont Work Disability Prevention Summit (June 12, 2024), three workgroups were formed to move forward a set of identified objectives related to finding sustainable solutions for work disability prevention in Vermont. The workgroups are outlined below and include efforts to address and engage particular constituency groups: policy makers, healthcare providers, and employers. The workgroups will meet virtually throughout the summer to advance their outlined objectives. The groups will gather again in-person on October 23 to share their work and outline their recommendations for compilation into a statewide strategic plan for workplace disability prevention.

Policy Workgroup


1. Develop a strategy to call attention to work disability and increase policymaker awareness
a) What do we want to say?
b) Who do we want to say it to?
c) How?

2. Recruit more relevant partners who are not in the room

3. Create a strategic plan to change work disability policy

Employer Workgroup


1. Provide employers with tools to promote psychologically healthy workplaces

2. Connect employers around success stories and best practice and spotlight projects others are doing well

3. Streamline message with key constituents, avoid duplication or differences

4. Support employers creating/establishing/maintaining light duty programs; training to move to permanent positions


1. How to integrate work-health coaching into existing care coordination and social determinants of health (SDOH) initiatives in the Agency of Human Services?

2. To develop educational opportunities about work as a health outcome and key SDOH for health and social care providers