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Working Papers

"The Rise of the Homevoters: How the Growth Machine Was Subverted by OPEC and Earth Day"
Working Paper, November 2016

"From Nectow to Koontz: the Supreme Court’s Supervision of Land-Use Regulation"
SSRN (2014)

"Optimal Suburban Densities: History and theory"
SSRN (2013)

"Fiscal Zoning and Economists’ Views of the Property Tax"

"Do Amish One-Room Schools Make the Grade? The Dubious Data of Wisconsin v. Yoder"
University of Chicago Law Review, 2012

"The Evolution of Zoning: The Persistence of Localism"
Working Paper, 2010

"The Rest of Michelman, 1967"

Working Paper, 2009

Preface and Summary of "Making the Grade: The Economic Transformation of America's School Districts"
Dartmouth College Working Paper, February 2009

Neither Creatures of the State nor Accidents of Geography: The Consolidation of American Public School Districts in the Twentieth Century"
Dartmouth College Working Paper, Februray 2009

"Serrano and Proposition 13: Comment on Isaac Martin," Does School Finance Litigation Cause Taxpayer Revolt?
Dartmouth College Working Paper, 2009

"The 1787 Origins of the Tiebout Model: How Congressional Desire for Revenue Promoted Local School Districts"
Dartmouth College Working Paper, 2009

"Fiscal Equalization and the Median Voter: The Simple Analytics of School Finance Reform"
Working Paper, 2008.

"The Congruence of American School Districts with Other Local Government Boundaries: A Google-Earth Exploration."
Dartmouth College Working Paper, March 2007

"The Competitive Structure of Urban School Districts in the United States" with Sarah Battersby
Dartmouth College Working Paper, December, 2006

"Why Voters Veto Vouchers: Public Schools and Community-Specific Social Capital"

"Free Parking at Christmas Is Not a Tragedy of the Commons"
Dartmouth College Working Paper, April 2005.

"The Law and Economics of Cedar-Apple Rust: State Action and Just Compensation in Miller v. Schoene."
Dartmouth College Working Paper, April 2004

"Did John Serrano Vote for Proposition 13? A Reply to Stark and Zasloff’s “Tiebout and Tax Revolts: Did Serrano Really Cause Proposition 13?”
Dartmouth College Working Paper 03-13, July 2003

Will I See You in September?” An Economic Explanation for Summer School Vacation
Dartmouth College Working Paper 03-03, October 2003

"Takings and Public Choice: The Persuasion of Price."
Dartmouth College Working Paper 02-06, June 2002

"An Economic History of Zoning and a Cure for Its Exclusionary Effects,"
Dartmouth College Working Paper 02-03, December 2001

"Municipal Corporations, Homeowners and the Benefit View of the Property Tax."
Dartmouth College Working Paper 00-03. Draft #3, April 2, 2000

"Why Are There NIMBYs?"
Dartmouth College Working Paper 00-04, January 2000

"Public Goods and Property Rights: Of Coase, Tiebout and Just Compensation,"
Dartmouth College Working Paper 00-19, August 2000

"Zoning and Land Use Regulation," Boudewijn, Bouckaert and Gerrit De Geest, (eds.)
Encycolopedia of Law and Economics
, Volume II. Civil Law and Economics, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 2000, 807 p., ISBN 1 85898 985X.