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What level of experience is typical for players on the team?
Our players generally have years of experience playing on varsity and/or club teams during high school. That being said, we welcome players of all experience levels to come to both open gym and try outs.

What level of commitment is it?
Practices are three times a week. In the fall and winter, we go to two or three away tournaments a term; in the spring, we travel to nationals! Informal social events are also a great way to unwind with the team. 

I'm not an undergrad — can I still play?
We'd love to have you! Students enrolled in any program at Dartmouth are eligible to join the team, and students from the medical school and various masters programs have been an integral part of the team.

How can I join?
Tryouts are held annually at the beginning of the fall term. As membership can fluctuate throughout the year due to players being off with the D-plan, additional tryouts are also held during the winter and spring on an as-needed and case-by-case basis. Look out for emails to the Campus Listserv.