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Summer Research Publication Workshop 2024

The seminar will be run by regular Dartmouth Summer Writing Research Seminar leaders Tiane Donahue, Chris Anson, Charles Bazerman, Dylan Dryer, Joanna Wolfe, Mya Poe, Bradley Dilger, and Jason Swarts.


August 5: Opening dinner

August 6: Day One

  • Processes for writing publishable material 
  • Discussion of participant questions about their work and processes
  • Psychological dimensions of writing-related activity
  • “Reading” and understanding genres of publication 

August 7: Day Two

  • Strategies for crafting introductions, literature reviews, methods sections, conclusions/implications
  • Effectively orchestrating literature reviews: calibrating the ‘estimate of mutual knowledge’ and negotiating the ‘politics’ of citation

August 8: Day Three

  • Data visualization for publication.
  • Communicating with editors and editorial staff. Working with R+R feedback.
  • Resources (e.g., annotated lists of journals in the field, with focus on international outlets for reading and publishing scholarship
  • Analysis of appropriate publication venues

August 9: Day Four

  • Ethical issues associated with submission and publication
  • Range-finding implications – from obvious conclusions to recommending next steps to speculating without ‘reaching’

August 5: Day Five (half day)

  • Planning for next steps
  • Success plan

By workshop’s end, participants should have prepared a manuscript that is mostly publication- or submission-ready. The Workshop will provide extensive opportunity for peer discussion, 1x1 with leaders, and open work time.

Location, accommodations, costs:

The seminar is scheduled to take place from August 5 to 10 on the campus of the University of Denver  The campus is located approximately 16 minutes by light rail from downtown Denver. Air-conditioned dorm accommodations will be available on campus for an approximate rate of $60 per single room. Rooms will be singles with shared bathrooms; details on exact configurations will be available before accepted participants commit to attending. Several bars, restaurants, and fast-food chains are within walking distance from campus and participants can also use DU’s campus cafeterias or other food venues. The Denver International Airport has light-rail service to the downtown Denver station for $10, where participants can continue on to DU’s campus.

The registration fee will be $1,000. Dorm accommodations and breakfast-lunch in the dining commons daily will be a total of approximately $500.
