
Current Group Members and Affiliates:

Principal Investigator: Lorenza Viola, James Frank Family Professor of Physics 



Office: Wilder 247
Phone: +1-603-646-2528
Email: Lorenza.Viola at Dartmouth.EDU


Michiel Burgelman, Postdoctoral fellow

Focus area: Open quantum-dynamical systems, quantum control and model reduction, quantum characterization and fault-tolerance 


Office: Wilder 201 
Email: Michiel.A.Burgelman at Dartmouth.EDU


Yikang Zhang, Postdoctoral Fellow 

Focus area: Open many-body quantum systems, topological quantum matter, exact solvability


Office: Wilder 201
Email: Yikang.Zhang at Dartmouth.EDU


Vincent P. Flynn, Postdoctoral Fellow, Boston College & Dartmouth College 

Focus area: Topological quantum matter, driven dissipative many-body quantum systems, exact solvability; topological magnonics

Dartmouth Office: Wilder 201
Email: Vincent.P.Flynn.GR at Dartmouth.EDU
Flynnvin at bc.EDU


Francisco Riberi, Graduate student 

Focus area: Open quantum systems, noisy quantum metrology, quantum control and error correction


Office: Wilder 307
Phone: +1-603-646-9446
Email: Francisco.Riberi.GR at Dartmouth.EDU


Muhammad Q. Khan (Qasim), Graduate student

Focus area: Open quantum systems, quantum characterization and control, quantum noise spectroscopy, quantum error mitigation 

Office: Wilder 307 
Phone: +1-603-646-9446
Email: Muhammad.Q.Khan.GR at Dartmouth.EDU


Mariam Ughrelidze, Graduate student 

Focus area: Topological quantum matter, driven dissipative many-body quantum systems, entanglement 

Office: Wilder 307
Phone: +1-603-646-9446
Email: Mariam.Ughrelidze.GR at


Francesco Ticozzi, University of Padua, Italy & Visiting Professor, Dartmouth


Focus area: Quantum control, quantum/ dynamical systems, quantum information processing 


Email: Francesco.Ticozzi at Dartmouth.EDU
Ticozzi at


Emilio Cobanera, SUNY Polytechnic Institute & Visiting Associate Professor, Dartmouth

Focus area: Condensed-matter theory, topological quantum matter, quantum statistical mechanics, open quantum systems


Email: Emilio.Cobanera at Dartmouth.EDU
       Cobanee at sunyit.EDU


Alumni (and Where They Are Now):

Postdoctoral Fellows:

  • Andrew Cupo, February 2020-December 2023. Current: Postdoc at Northeastern University
  • Wenzheng Dong, June 2021-July 2023.
  • Leigh M. Norris, January 2015-October 2020. Current: Research Scientist at Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab
  • Alexander R. H. Smith, September 2017-August 2020, Junior Fellow, Society of Fellows. Current: Assistant Professor of Physics at Saint Anselm College
  • Felix Beaudoin, January 2017-January 2019. Current: Director of Quantum Technology at NanoAcademic Technologies, Montreal
  • Emilio Cobanera, September 2015-August 2017. Current: Associate Professor of Physics at SUNY Polytechnic Institute, Utica
  • Amrit Poudel, September 2013-April 2015. Current: Staff Scientist, IonQ. Previous: Staff Scientist at Synopsys, Mountain View
  • Gerardo A. Paz-Silva, August 2013-January 2015. Current: Senior Staff Member at Diraq. Previous: Senior Lecturer and Discovery Fellow at Griffith University
  • Seung-Woo Lee, January-December 2013. Current: Research Professor at Korea Institute of Advanced Study
  • Shusa Deng, July 2011-July 2013. Current: Instructor at Westport Continuing Education. Previous: Adjoint Professor at Sacred Heart University
  • Kaveh Khodjasteh, January 2008-October 2012. Current: Senior Applied Scientist at Amazon, San Francisco. Previous: Principal AI Science, Target, San Francisco.
  • Wenxian Zhang, August 2007-July 2008. Current: Professor of Physics at Wuhan University
  • Lea F. Dos Santos, September 2004-August 2007. Current: Professor of Physics, UConn. Previous: Professor of Physics and Chair, Yeshiva University

Graduate and Visiting Students:

  • Yukuan (David) Tao, MS 2024. Current: PhD student, University of Nottingham
  • Vincent P. Flynn, PhD 2023. Recipient of 2019 Guarini School of Graduate and Advanced Studies Teaching Award 2021-2022 Gordon Hull Fellowship, 2022 Graduate Research Award
  • Tommaso Grigoletto, Visiting PhD student in Automatic Control, University of Padua (Italy), joint supervision with F. Ticozzi, August 2022 through February 2023. Current: Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Padua 
  • Abhijeet Alase, PhD 2019. Recipient of the 2018 Graduate Research Award. Current: Postdoctoral Fellow, The University of Sydney. Previous: Killam Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Calgary
  • Salini Karuvade, MS 2018. Current: Postdoctoral Fellow, The University of Sydney. Previous: PhD student, University of Calgary
  • Peter D. Johnson, PhD 2016. Awarded Gordon Hull Fellowship A.Y. 2015-16. Current: Zapata Computing. Previous: Postdoctoral fellow, Harvard University 
  • Winton G. Brown, PhD 2010. Awarded Gordon Hull Fellowship A.Y. 2008-09. Current: at Northrop Grumman Corporation. Previous: Postdoctoral fellow at Freie Universität Berlin 
  • Shusa Deng, PhD student and postdoc. Awarded Gordon Hull Fellowship A.Y. 2009-2010. Recipient of the 2011 Graduate Research Award
  • Todd J. Green, Visiting PhD student, The University of Sydney, April-Decembre 2013, joint supervision with M. J. Biercuk. Graduated October 2016
  • Sarah T. Smith, Master student. Graduated October 2007
  • Aikaterini Mandilara, Visiting PhD student, University of Washington in Saint Louis, April-August 2005, joint supervision with J. W. Clarke. Graduated December 2005. Current: Research Faculty at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. Previous: Assistant Professor at Nazarbayev University
  • Francesco Ticozzi, Visiting PhD Student in Automatic Control, University of Padua (Italy), joint supervision with A. Ferrante, graduated February 2007. Current: Professor at the University of Padua, Italy

Undergraduate Students:

  • Connie H. Jiang (Mousatov), Physics research intern, June 2015-May 2016. Recipient of a 2015 Stamps Leadership Scholar Award, and of 2016 National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship. Graduated May 2016. Current: PhD student at Stanford
  • Philip R. Larie, Physics research intern, February 2014-February 2015. Recipient of a Kaminsky Family Fund Award for Summer 2014, graduated May 2015
  • Dhrubo Jyoti, Physics research intern and senior honor thesis student, December 2009-May 2011. Awarded a Neukom Scholar Fellowship for Summer and Fall 2010. Current: Research Engineer @ LCD Nanotech LLC 
  • David J. Starling, Research Experience for Undergraduate, Summer 2005. Previous: PhD student at U. Rochester. Current: Research Scientist at HyperLight & Associate Professor at Penn State University