The Comparative Slavery Studies group has since 2014 drawn together faculty whose research engages with the problem of slavery transhistorically and cross-culturally, in ancient Rome, Latin America, Caribbean, the American South, and Africa. We have been meeting now since 2012 (initially ad hoc over coffee at Umpleby’s). We continue to grow from an initially small group of four (Bonner, Goldthree, Smolin, Stewart) to a group this year of nine (Barragan, Baum, Bonner, Otelo Eastman, Johnson, Musselwhite, Smolin, Stewart, Williamson). We combine regular faculty from across the Divisions, in the Programs (African and African-American Studies, Latin and Latin-American Studies, Comparative Literature) and Departments (Classics, History, Religion). Our numbers include two postdocs from the Society of Fellows. In addition, one visiting scholar from Uppsala will join us for one month in 2017: he applied for Matariki funding specifically to collaborate with our group.
Funding has been provided by the Dickey Center, with assistance from the Classics and History departments.