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Lesson 10.21: Miscellaneous

Lesson 10 Bibliography: Middle Minoan Crete

M. E. Alberti, “Les poids de Malia entre les premiers et seconds palais: un essai demise en contexte,” BCH 124(2000) 57-73.

E. Andersson Strand, “From Spindle Whorls and Loom Weights to Fabrics in the Bronze Age Aegean and Eastern Mediterranean,” in M.-L. Nosch and R. Laffineur (eds.), KOSMOS: Jewellery, Adornment and Textiles in the Aegean Bronze Age [Aegaeum 33] (Leuven/Liège 2012) 207-214.

P. P. Betancourt, T. M. Brogan, V. Apostolakou, and A. Koh, “The Organization of Minoan Manufacturing,” Kretika Chronika 34(2014) 89-96.

F. Blakolmer, “Hierarchy and Symbolism of Animals and Mythical Creatures in the Aegean Bronze Age: A Statistical and Contextual Approach,” in E. Alram-Stern, F. Blakolmer, S. Deger-Jalkotzy, R. Laffineur, and J. Weilhartner (eds.), Metaphysis: Ritual, Myth and Symbolism in the Aegean Bronze Age [Aegaeum 39] (Liège 2016) 61-68.

H. Blitzer, “Olive Cultivation and Oil Production in Minoan Crete,” in M-C. Amouretti and J.-P. Brun (eds.), La production du vin et de l'huile en Mediterranée [BCH Supplement 26] (Paris 1993) 163-175.

G. Cadogan, “Some Middle Minoan Problems,” in E. B. French and K. A. Wardle (eds.), Problems in Aegean Prehistory (Bristol 1988) 95-99. 

A. Carannante, “Purple-Dye Industry Shell Waste Recycling in the Bronze Age Aegean? Stoves and Murex Shells at Minoan Monastiraki (Crete, Greece),” in C. Çakirlar (ed.), Archaeomalacology Revisited: Non-dietary Use of Molluscs in Archaeological Settings (Oxford 2011) 9-18.

J. Cutler, “Arachne’s Web: Women, Weaving and Networks of Knowledge in the Broonze Age Southern Aegean,” BSA 114(2019)  79-92.

L. Godart, “La fin des premiers palais crétois: lutte intestine ou tremblement de terre?,” in R. Laffineur (ed.), POLEMOS. Le contexte guerrier en Égée à l'Âge du Bronze [Aegaeum 19] (Liège/Austin 1999) 39-46.

T. P. Kessler, “A Royal Gift? Bulk Grain Storage in Protopalatial and Neopalatial Crete,” SMEA NS 1(2015) 137-170.

K. Kopaka and N. Chaniotakis, “Just Taste Additive? Bronze Age Salt from Zakros, Crete,” OJA 22(2003) 53-66.

O. Krzyszkowska, “Cutting to the Chase: Hunting in Minoan Crete,” in G. Touchais, R. Laffineur, and F. Rougemont (eds.), PHYSIS: Natural Environment and Human Interaction in the Prehistoric Aegean [Aegaeum 14] (Liége 2014) 341-348.

E. Marcelis, “Quelques réflexions à propos de l'organization de l'artisanat minoen à l'époque des premiers et des seconds palais,” in R. Laffineur (ed.), Transition. Le monde égéen du Bronze moyen au Bronze récent [Aegaeum 3] (Liège 1989) 29-34.

C. E. Morris and A. D. Peatfield, “Minoan Sheep Bells: Form and Function,” Pepragmena tou ΣΤ' Diethnous Kretologikou Synedriou (Chania 1990) A2: 29-37.

O. Palio, “Vasi in pietra da contesti domestici di età Protopalaziale a Festòs,” in A. Karetsou (ed.), Pepragmena tou H' Diethnous Kretologikou Synedriou (Heraklion 2000) A2: 467-484.

O. Pelon and V. Stürmer, “Sur les pseudo-trompettes de Malia,” BCH 113(1989) 101-111.

N. Platon, “Nouvelle interpretation des idoles-cloches du Minoen Moyen I,” RA 32(1949) [Mélanges d'archéologie et d'histoire offerts à Charles Picard II] 833-846.

A. J. Shapland, Over the Horizon: Human Animal Relations in Bronze Age Crete (PhD dissertation, University College London 2009).

A. Simandiraki-Grimshaw and F. Stevens, “Destroying the Snake Goddesses,” in J. Driessen (ed.), Destruction: Archaeological, Philological and Historical Perspectives (Louvain-la-Neuve 2013) 153-170.

A. Ulanowska, “Textile Technology and Minoan Glyptic. Representations of Loom Weights on Middle Minoan Prismatic Seals,” in K. Zebrowska, A. Ulanowska, and K. Lewartowski (eds.), Sympozjum Egejskie: Papers in Aegean Archaeology 1 (Warsaw 2017) 57-66.

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