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Lesson 28: Bibliography

The Collapse of Mycenaean Palatial Civilization and the Coming of the Dorians


P. Ålin, Das Ende der mykenischen Fundstätten auf dem griechischen Festland (Lund 1962).

E. Alram-Stern and B. Eder, “Wannderungen in der Urgeschichte Griechenlands,” in H. Heftner and K. Tomaschitz (eds.), Ad Fontes! Festschrift für Gerhard Dobesch am 15 September 2004 (Vienna 2004) 3-18.

J. Bouzek, Homerisches Griechenland (Prague 1969).

J. Bouzek, The Aegean, Anatolia and Europe: Cultural Interrelations in the Second Millennium B.C. (Prague 1985).

J. Bouzek, "The Problem of Migration in Mycenaean Greece," in E. De Miro, L. Godart, and A. Sacconi (eds.), Atti e memorie del secondo congresso internazionale di micenologia [Incunabula Graeca 98] (Rome 1996) II: 685-692.

S. Deger-Jalkotzy, “The Aegean Islands and the Breakdown of the Mycenaean Palaces around 1200 B.C.,” in V. Karageorghis and N. Stampolidis (eds.), Eastern Mediterranean: Cyprus – Dodecanese – Crete 16th – 6th Century B.C. (Athens 1998) 105-120.

V. R. d'A. Desborough, The Last Mycenaeans and their Successors (Oxford 1964).

V. R. d'A. Desborough, The Greek Dark Ages (London 1972).

O. Dickinson, The Aegean from Bronze Age to Iron Age: Continuity and Change between the Twelfth and Eighth Centuries BC (London/New York 2006), especially 24-57.

R. Drews, The End of the Bronze Age: Changes in Warfare and the Catastrophe ca. 1200 B.C. (Princeton 1993).

T. Eberhard (ed.), Forschungen zur ägäischen Vorgeschichte: Das Ende der mykenischen Welt (Cologne 1987).

A. Guzzetti, The Modern Interpretations of the Dorian Invasion (MA thesis, Bryn Mawr College 2005).

G. D. Middleton, The Collapse of Palatial Society in LBA Greece ad the Postpalatial Period [BAR-IS 2110] (Oxford 2010).

G. E. Mylonas, Mycenae and the Mycenaean Age (Princeton 1966).

K. Kilian, "Mycenaeans Up to Date, Trends and Changes in Recent Research," in E. B. French and K. A. Wardle (eds.), Problems in Greek Prehistory (Bristol 1988) 115-152.

F. Schachermeyr, Die ägäische Frühzeit III: Kreta zur Zeit der Wanderungen (Vienna 1979).

F. Schachermeyr, Die ägäische Frühzeit IV: Griechenland im Zeitalter der Wanderungen (Vienna 1980).

F. Schachermeyr, Die ägäische Frühzeit V: Die Levante im Zeitalter der Wanderungen (Vienna 1982).

C. W. Shelmerdine, "Review of Aegean Prehistory VI: The Palatial Bronze Age of the Southern and Central Greek Mainland," AJA 101(1997) 537-585, esp. 580-584.

A. M. Snodgrass, The Dark Age of Greece (Edinburgh 1971).

J. Vanschoonswinkel, L'Égée et la Méditerranée orientale à la fin du IIe millénaire: Témoignages archéolgiques et sources écrites (Louvain-la-Neuve 1991).

E. Vermeule, Greece in the Bronze Age (Chicago 1964) 269-279, 323-325.

S. Wallace, “Formative Landscapes: Regional Experiences of the Aegean Collapse ca. 1200 BC and Their Long-term Impact,” in A. Mazarakis Ainian (ed.), The /’Dark Ages’ Revisited: Acta of an International Symposium in Memory of William D. E. Coulson (Volos 2011) 55-72.

E periphereia tou mykenaïkou kosmou [A' Diethnes Diepistemoniko Symposio. Lamia, 25 - 29 Septembriou 1994] (Lamia 1999).


The Inherent Instability of the Mycenaean Kingdoms

P. Betancourt, "The End of the Greek Bronze Age," Antiquity 50(1976) 40-47.

J. S. Hutchinson, "Mycenaean Kingdoms and Medieval Estates," Historia 26(1977) 1-23.

J. Maran, “The Crisis Years? Reflections on Signs of Instability in the Last Decades of the Mycenaean Palaces,” in A. Cardarelli , A. Cazzella, M. Frangipane, and R. Peroni (eds.), Reasons for Change. Birth, Decline and Collapse of Societies between the End of the Fourth ad the Beginning of the First Millennium B.C. [Scienze dell’antichità 15] (Rome 2010) 241-262.


Dependence of Mycenaean Palatial Culture on Overseas Trade and Exchange

C. Bell, "Continuity and Change: The Divergent Destinies of Late Bronze Age Ports in Syria and Lebanon across the LBA/Iron Age Transition," in G. Bachhuber and G. Roberts (eds.), Forces of Transformation: The End of the Bronze Age in the Eastern Mediterranean [BANEA Monograph 1] (Oxford 2009) 30-38.

C. Maggidis, “Mycenae Abroad: Mycenaean Foreign Policy, the Anatolian Frontier, and the Theory of Overextension – Reconstructing an Integrated Causal Nexus for the Decline and Fall of the Mycenaean World,” in P. Kousoulis and K. Magliveras (eds.), Moving Across Borders: Foreign Relations, Religion and Cultural Interactions in the Ancient Mediterranean [Orientalia Lovanensia Analecta 159] (Louvain 2007) 71-98.

B. Routledge and K. McGeough, "Just What Collapsed? A Network Perspective on 'Palatial' and 'Private' Trade at Ugarit," in G. Bachhuber and G. Roberts (eds.), Forces of Transformation: The End of the Bronze Age in the Eastern Mediterranean [BANEA Monograph 1] (Oxford 2009) 22-29.

E. T. Vermeule, "The Fall of the Mycenaean Empire," Archaeology 13(1960) 66-75.


Evidence of Bronzes and Changes in Warfare

H. W. Catling, "Bronze Cut-and-Thrust Swords in the East Mediterranean," Antiquity 22(1956) 102-126.

H. W. Catling, “A New Bronze Sword from Cyprus,” Antiquity 35(1961) 115-122.

J. D. Cowen, "The Origins of the Flange-hilted Sword of Bronze in Continental Europe," PPS 32(1966) 262-312.

O. Dickinson, "Robert Drews's Theories about the Nature of Warfare in the Late Bronze Age," in R. Laffineur (ed.), POLEMOS. Le contexte guerrier en Égée à l'Âge du Bronze [Aegaeum 19] (Liège/Austin 1999) 21-29.

R. Drews, The Coming of the Greeks (Princeton 1988) 203-225.

R. Drews, The End of the Bronze Age: Changes in Warfare and the Catastrophe ca. 1200 B.C. (Princeton 1993).

A. F. Harding, "Mycenaean Greece and Europe: the Evidence of Bronze Tools and Implements," PPS 41(1975) 183-202.

O. Höckmann, "Lanze und Speer im spätminoischen und mykenischen Griechenland," JRGZM 27(1980) 13-158.

R. Jung and M. Mehofer, “A Sword of Naue II Type from Ugarit and the Historical Significance of Italian-type Weaponry in the Eastern Mediterranean,” Aegean Archaeology 8[2005-2006] (2009) 111-135.

M. A. Littauer and J. H. Crouwel, "Robert Drews and the Role of Chariotry in Bronze Age Greece," OJA 15(1996) 297-305.

M. Liverani, "History as a War Game," JMA 7(1994) 241-248.

H. Matthäus, "Italien und Griechenland in der ausgehenden Bronzezeit. Studien zu einigen Formen der Metallindustrie beider Gebiete," JdI 95(1980) 109-139.

B. Molloy, “Naue II Swords and the Collapse of the Aegean Bronze Age,” in C. Briault, J. Green, A. Kaldelis, and A. Stellatou (eds.), SOMA 2003: Symposium on Mediterranean Archaeology [BAR Internatkional Series 1391] (Oxford 2005) 115-118.

A. M. Snodgrass, "Metal-work as Evidence for Immigration in the Late Bronze Age," in R. M. Crossland and A. Birchall (eds.), Bronze Age Migrations in the Aegean (Park Ridge 1974) 209-213.


Ceramic Evidence

H. A. Bankoff and F. A. Winter, "Northern Intruders in LH IIIC Greece: a View from the North," Journal of Indo-European Studies 12(1984) 1-30.

H. A. Bankoff, N. Meyer, and M. Stefanovich, "Handmade Burnished Ware and the Late Bronze Age of the Balkans," JMA 9:2(1996) 193-209.

M. Bettelli, “Barbarian Ware, Ceramica Pseudominia e Bronzi di Fogge Italiane in Grecia, nel Quadro delle Relazioni tra Egeo e Penisola Italiana durante la Tarda Età del Bronzo,” in M. Bettelli, Italia meridionale e mondo miceneo: ricerche su dinamiche di acculturazione e aspetti archeologici, con particolare rifeerimento ai versanti azdriatico e ionico della penisola italiana) (Florence 2002) 117-137.

E. F. Bloedow, "Handmade Burnished Ware or 'Barbarian' Pottery and Troy VIIB," PdP 222(1985) 161-199.

H. W. and E. A. Catling, "'Barbarian' Pottery from the Mycenaean Settlement at the Menelaion, Sparta," BSA 76(1981) 71-82.

S. Deger-Jalkotzy, Fremde Zuwanderer im spätmykenischen Griechenland (Vienna 1977).

S. Deger-Jalkotzy, "Das Problem der 'Handmade Burnished Ware' von Myk. IIIC," in S. Deger-Jalkotzy (ed.), Griechenland, die Ägäis und die Levante während der 'Dark Ages' vom 12. bis zum 9.Jh. v. Chr.  [Akten des Symposions von Stift Zwettl 11.-14. Oktober 1980] (Vienna 1983) 161-178.

S. Deger-Jalkotzy and E. Alram-Stern, "Aigeira-Hyperesia und die Siedlung Phelloë in Achaia I: Akropolis. I: Die mykenische Siedlung," Klio 67(1985) 394-426.

H. Genz, "Northern Slaves and the Origin of Handmade Burnished Ware: A Comment on Bankoff et al.," JMA 10(1997) 109-111.

B. P. Hallager, "A New Social Class in Late Bronze Age Crete: Foreign Traders in Khania," in O. Krzyszkowska and L. Nixon (eds.), Minoan Society (Bristol 1983) 111-119.

B. P. Hallager, "Crete and Italy in the Late Bronze Age III Period," AJA 89(1985) 293-305.

S. Hood, "Buckelkeramik at Mycenae?," in W. C. Brice (ed.), Europa: Studien zur Geschichte und Epigraphik der frühen Ägäis. Festschrift für Ernst Grumach (Berlin 1967).

R. E. Jones, "Chemical Analysis of 'Barbarian" Ware," in V. Karageorghis (ed.), Acts of the International Archaeological Symposium 'Cyprus between the Orient and the Occident' [Nicosia, 8-14 September 1985] (Nicosia 1986) 259-264.

V. Karageorghis, "'Barbarian' Ware in Cyprus," in V. Karageorghis (ed.), Acts of the International Archaeological Symposium 'Cyprus between the Orient and the Occident' [Nicosia, 8-14 September 1985] (Nicosia 1986) 246-253.

K. Kilian, "Nordwestgriechische Keramik aus der Argolis und ihre Entsprechungen in der Supappeninfacies," Atti della XX riunione scientifica dell'Istituto italiano di preistoria e protostoria in Basilicata, 1976 (Florence 1978) 311-320.

J. Lebegyev, “Dating of the Destruction Horizon of the Mycenaean Palaces by Decorated Ceeramics,” Acta Archaeologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 55(2004) 239-278.

P. Papadopoulos, “The ‘Thracian’ Pottery of South-east Europe: a Contribution to the Discussion on the handmade Pottery Traditions of the Historical Period,” BSA 96(2001) 157-194.

D. Pilides, "Handmade Burnished Wares of the Late Bronze Age: Toward a Clearer Classification System," in J. A. Barlow, D. L. Bolger, and B. Kling (eds.), Cypriot Ceramics: Reading the Prehistoric Record (Philadelphia 1991) 139-150.

D. Pilides, Handmade Burnished Wares of the Late Bronze Age in Cyprus [SIMA 105] (Jonsered 1994).

J. Rutter, "Ceramic Evidence for Northern Intruders in Southern Greece at the Beginning of the Late Helladic IIIC Period," AJA 79(1975) 17-32.

J. B. Rutter, "Some Comments on Interpreting the Dark-surfaced Handmade Burnished Pottery of the 13th and 12th Century B.C. Aegean," JMA 3(1990) 29-49.

D. B. Small, "'Barbarian Ware' and Prehistoric Aegean Economics: an Argument for Indigenous Appearance," JMA 3(1990) 3-28.

D. B. Small, "Can We Move Forward? Comments on the Current Debate over Handmade Burnished Ware," JMA 10(1997) 223-228.

G. Walberg, "Northern Intruders in Mycenaean IIIC?," AJA 80(1976) 186-187.

I. Whitbread, "Petrographic Analysis of Barbarian Ware from the Menelaion, Sparta," in J. M. Sanders (ed.), PHILOLAKON: Lakonian Studies in Honour of Hector Catling (London 1992) 297-306.


Climatic and Other Environmental Theories

P. Åström and K. Demakopoulou, "Signs of an Earthquake at Midea?," in S. Stiros and R. E. Jones (eds.), Archaeoseismology [Fitch Laboratory Occasional Paper 7] (Exeter 1996) 37-40.

M. G. L. Baillie, “Evidence for Climatic Deterioration in the 12th and 17th Centuries BC,” in B. Hänsel (ed.), Mensch und Umwelt in der Bronzezeit Europas (Kiel 1998) 49-55.

E. F. Bloedow, "Human and Environmental Interaction in the Emergence and Decline of Mycenaean State and Society," in R. Laffineur and W-D. Niemeier, Politeia: Society and State in the Aegean Bronze Age [Aegaeum 12] (Liège 1995) II: 639-648.

R. Bryson, H. Lamb, and D. Donley, "Drought and the Decline of Mycenae," Antiquity 48(1974) 46-50.

R. Carpenter, Discontinuity in Greek Civilization (Cambridge 1966).

Ph. Dakoronia, "Earthquakes of the Late Helladic III Period (12th Century B.C.) at Kynos (Livanates, Central Greece)," in S. Stiros and R. E. Jones (eds.), Archaeoseismology [Fitch Laboratory Occasional Paper 7] (Exeter 1996) 41-44.

O. T. P. K. Dickinson, "'Drought and the Decline of Mycenae': Some Comments," Antiquity 48(1974) 228-230.

E. French, "Evidence for an Earthquake at Mycenae," in S. Stiros and R. E. Jones (eds.), Archaeoseismology [Fitch Laboratory Occasional Paper 7] (Exeter 1996) 51-54.

K. Kilian, "Earthquakes and Archaeological Context at 13th Century B.C. Tiryns," in S. Stiros and R. E. Jones (eds.), Archaeoseismology [Fitch Laboratory Occasional Paper 7] (Exeter 1996)  63-68.

P. I. Kuniholm, "Archaeological Evidence and Non-evidence for Climatic Change," Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series A 330(1990) 645-655.

H. Maroukian, K. Gaki-Papanastassiou, and D. Papanastassiou, "Geomorphologic-Seismotectonic Observations in Relation to the Catastrophes at Mycenae," in K. Kilian, "Earthquakes and Archaeological Context at 13th Century B.C. Tiryns," in S. Stiros and R. E. Jones (eds.), Archaeoseismology [Fitch Laboratory Occasional Paper 7] (Exeter 1996)  189-194.

J. Moody, “’Drought and the Decline of Mycenae’ Updated,” in A. Dakouri-Hild and S. Sherratt (eds.), AUTHOCHTHON: Papers Presented to O. T. P. K. Dickinson on the Occasion of His Retirement [BAR International Series 1432] (Oxford 2005) 126-133.

J. Moody, "Changes in Vernacular Architecture and Climate at the End of the Aegean Bronze Age," in G. Bachhuber and G. Roberts (eds.), Forces of Transformation: The End of the Bronze Age in the Eastern Mediterranean [BANEA Monograph 1] (Oxford 2009) 6-19.

A. Nur, "The Collapse of Ancient Societies by Great Earthquakes," in B. J. Peiser, T. Palmer, and M. Bailey (eds.), Natural Catastrophes during Bronze Age Civilisations: Archaeological, Geological, Astronomical, and Cultural Perspectives [BAR International Series 728] (Oxford 1998) 140-147.

A. Nur and E. H. Cline, "Poseidon's Horses: Plate Tectonics and Earthquake Storms in the Late Bronze Age Aegean and Eastern Mediterranean," JAS 27(2000) 43-63.

F. and A. Papadimitriou, "Landscape Instability and the Late Mycenaean World," in E periphereia tou mykenaïkou kosmou [A' Diethnes Diepistemoniko Symposio. Lamia, 25 - 29 Septembriou 1994] (Lamia 1999) 5-6.

G. A. Papadopoulos, "An Earthquake Engineering Approach to the Collapse of the Mycenaean Palace Civilization of the Greek Mainland," in S. Stiros and R. E. Jones (eds.), Archaeoseismology [Fitch Laboratory Occasional Paper 7] (Exeter 1996) 205-209.

G. Rapp, Jr., "Assessing Archaeological Evidence for Seismic Catastrophes," Geoarchaeology 1(1986) 365-379.

E. J. Rohling, A. Hayes, P. A. Mayewski, and M. Kucera, "Holocene Climatic Variability in the Eastern Mediterranean, and the End of the Bronze Age," in G. Bachhuber and G. Roberts (eds.), Forces of Transformation: The End of the Bronze Age in the Eastern Mediterranean [BANEA Monograph 1] (Oxford 2009) 2-5.

G. Shrimpton, "Regional Drought and the Economic Decline of Mycenae," Classical Views 6(1987) 137-177.

A. M. Snodgrass, "Climatic Changes and the Fall of Mycenaean Civilization," BICS 22(1975) 213-214.

S. C. Stiros, "Identification of Earthquakes from Archaeological Data: Methodology, Criteria and Limitations," in S. Stiros and R. E. Jones (eds.), Archaeoseismology [Fitch Laboratory Occasional Paper 7] (Exeter 1996) 129-152.

S. Steiros, "Physika phainomena kai o pithanos tous rolos sten katastrophe tou mykenaïkou kosmou," in E periphereia tou mykenaïkou kosmou [A' Diethnes Diepistemoniko Symposio. Lamia, 25 - 29 Septembriou1994] (Lamia 1999) 1-4.

J. Vanschoonswinkel, “Earthquakes and the End of the Mycenaean Palaces,” Les Études Classiques 70(2002) 123-137.

E. Weiberg, M. Lindblom, B. L. Sjöberg, and G. Nordquist, “Social and Environmental Dynamics in Bronze and Iron Age Greece,” in P. J. J. Sinclair, G. Nordquist, F. Herschend, and C. Isendahl (eds.), The Urban Mind: Cultural and Environmental Dynamics (Uppsala 2010) 149-194.

H. E. Wright, "Climatic Change in Mycenaean Greece," Antiquity 42(1968)

E. Zangger, "Naturkatastrophen in der ägäischen Bronzezeit: Forschungsgeschichte, Signifikanz und Beurteilungskriterien," in E. Olshausen and H. Sonnabend (eds.), Naturkatastrophen in der Antiken Welt [Stuttgarter Kolloquium zur Historischen Geographie des Altertums 6] (Stuttgart 1998) 211-241.


Disease or Epidemic

L. Walløe, "Was the Disruption of the Mycenaean World Caused by Repeated Epidemics of Bubonic Plague?," Opuscula Atheniensia 24(1999) 121-126.


The Dorians

[for the Sea Peoples, see the file on "The LH/LM IIIC Aegean"]

M. Andronikos, "E 'dorike Eisvole" kai ta archaiologika Euremata," Hellenika 13(1954) 221-240.

R. J. Buck, "The Mycenaean Time of Troubles," Historia 18(1969) 276-298.

J. Chadwick, "Who Were the Dorians?," PdP 31(1976) 103-117.

B. Eder, Argolis, Lakonien, Messenien: Vom Ende der mykenischen Palastzeit bis zur Einwanderung der Dorier (Vienna 1998) 11-23.

M. Finkelberg, "Greek Epic Tradition on Population Movements in Bronze Age Greece," in R. Laffineur (ed.), POLEMOS. Le contexte guerrier en Égée à l'Âge du Bronze [Aegaeum 19] (Liège/Austin 1999) 31-36.

L. Godart, "La caduta dei regni micenei a Creta e l'invasione dorica," in D. Musti (ed.), Le Origine dei Greci: Dori e mondo egeo (Rome 1990) 173-200.

A. Guzzetti, The Modern Interpretations of the Dorian Invasion (MA thesis, Bryn Mawr College 2005).

A. Guzzetti, “Homer and the Dorians: The Reasons for a Missed Encounter,” in S. P. Morris and R. Laffineur (eds.), EPOS. Reconsidering Greek Epic and Aegean Bronze Age Archaeology [Aegaeum 28] (Liège/Austin 2007) 185-190.

N. G. L. Hammond, "Prehistoric Epirus and the Dorian Invasion," BSA 32(1931-32) 131-179.

W. A. Heurtley, "A Prehistoric Site in Western Macedonia and the Dorian Invasion," BSA 28(1926-27) 158-194.

J. T. Hooker, "New Reflexions on the Dorian Invasion," Klio 61(1979) 353-360.

V. Milojcic, "Die dorische Wanderung im Lichte der vorgeschichtlichen Funde," AA (1948-49) 12-36.

V. Parker, "Zur Datierung der dorischen Wanderung," Museum Helveticum 52(1995) 130-154,

E. Risch, "Die griechischen Dialekte im 2. vorchristlichen Jahrtausend," SMEA 20(1979) 91-111.

Z. Rubensohn, "The Dorian Invasion Again," PdP 30(1975) 105-131.

C. G. Thomas, "A Dorian Invasion? The Early Evidence," SMEA 19(1978) 77-87.

C. G. Thomas, "Found: the Dorians," Expedition 20:3(1978) 21-25.

C. G. Thomas, "The Celts: A Model for the Dorian Invasion?," SMEA 21(1980) 303-308.

P. G. van Soesbergen, "The Coming of the Dorians," Kadmos 20(1981) 38-51.

F. A. Winter, "An Historically Derived Model for the Dorian Invasion," in E. Davis (ed.), Symposium on the Dark Ages in Greece (New York 1977) 60-76.

R. D. Woodard, "Dialectal Differences at Knossos," Kadmos 25(1986) 49-74.


Local Circumstances: Athens

O. Broneer, "The Dorian Invasion: What Happened at Athens," AJA 52(1948) 111-114.

O. Broneer, "Athens in the Late Bronze Age," Antiquity 30(1956) 9-18.


Local Circumstances: Corinth

O. Broneer, "The Cyclopean Wall across the Isthmus and its Bearing on Late Bronze Age Chronology," Hesperia 35(1966) 346-362.

O. Broneer, "The Cyclopean Wall on the Isthmus of Corinth, Addendum," Hesperia 37(1968) 25-35.

Ch. Kardara, "The Isthmus Wall," AAA 4(1971) 85-89.


Local Circumstances: Dimini

V. Adrimi-Sismani, “The Palace of Iolkos and its End,” in S. Deger-Jalkotzy and I. S. Lemos (eds.), Ancient Greece: From the Mycenaean Palaces to the Age of Homer (Edinburgh 2006) 465-481.

V. Adrimi-Sismani, “Habitation Changes in the Eastern Coastal Thessaly Following the Destruction of the Palaces at the End of LH IIIB2,” in A. Mazarakis Ainian (ed.), The /’Dark Ages’ Revisited: Acta of an International Symposium in Memory of William D. E. Coulson (Volos 2011) 269-286.

Local Circumstances: Midea

P. Åström and K. Demakopoulou, "Signs of an Earthquake at Midea?," in S. Stiros and R. E. Jones (eds.), Archaeoseismology [Fitch Laboratory Occasional Paper 7] (Exeter 1996) 37-40.


Local Circumstances: Mycenae and Tiryns

E. French, "Possible Northern Intrusions at Mycenae," in J. G. P. Best and N. M. W. deVries (eds.), Thracians and Mycenaeans [Rotterdam 1984] (Leiden, forthcoming).

E. B. French, "Evidence for an Earthquake at Mycenae," in S. Stiros and R. E. Jones (eds.), Archaeoseismology [Fitch Laboratory Occasional Paper 7] (Exeter 1996) 51-54.

E. B. French, "The Ups and Downs of Mycenae: 1250 - 1150 BCE," in S. Gitin, A. Mazar, and E. Stern (eds.), Mediterranean Peoples in Transition: Thirteenth to Early Tenth Centuries BCE: In Honor of Professor Trude Dothan (Jerusalem 1998) 2-5.

S. Iakovides, "Destruction Horizons at Late Bronze Age Mycenae," in Philia Epe eis Georgion E. Mylonan A' (Athens 1986) 233-260.

K. Kilian, "Zum Ende der mykenischen Epoche in der Argolis," JRGZM 27(1980) 166-195.

K. Kilian, "Neue historische Aspekte des Spätmykenischen. Ergebnisse der Grabungen in Tiryns," Jahrbuch der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften (1981) 76-83.

K. Kilian, "La caduta dei palazzi micenei continentali: aspetti archeologici," in D. Musti (ed.), Le Origini dei Greci: Dori e Mondo Egeo (Rome 1985) 73-95.

K. Kilian, "Earthquakes and Archaeological Context at 13th Century B.C. Tiryns," in S. Stiros and R. E. Jones (eds.), Archaeoseismology [Fitch Laboratory Occasional Paper 7] (Exeter 1996)  63-68.

J. Maran, "Das Megaron im Megaron. Zur Datierung und Funktion des Antenbaus im mykenischen Palast von Tiryns," AA (2000) 1-16.

J. Maran, “The Crisis Years? Reflections on Signs of Instability in the Last Decades of the Mycenaean Palaces,” in  A. Cardarelli, A. Cazzella, M. Frangipane, and R. Peroni (eds.), Reasons for Change: ‘Birth’, ‘Decline’, and ‘Collapse’ of Societies between the End of the 4th and the Beginning of the 1st Millennium B.C. [Scienze dell’Antichità: Storia Archeologia Antropologia 15] (Rome 2009) 241-262.

J. Maran and A. Papadimitriou, “Forschungen im Stadtgebiet von Tiryns 1999-2002,” AA (2006) 97-169.

H. Maroukian, K. Gaki-Papanastassiou, and D. Papanastassiou, "Geomorphologic-Seismotectonic Observations in Relation to the Catastrophes at Mycenae," in K. Kilian, "Earthquakes and Archaeological Context at 13th Century B.C. Tiryns," in S. Stiros and R. E. Jones (eds.), Archaeoseismology [Fitch Laboratory Occasional Paper 7] (Exeter 1996)  189-194.

T. Mühlenbruch, “Ein dunkles Zeitalter? – Untersuchungen zur Siedlungsstruktur der Unterburg von Tiryns in der mykenischen Palastzeit,” Archälogisches Nachrichtenblatt 11(2006) 18-21 [abstract of Ph.D. dissertation with the same title completed for University of Heidelberg 2005].


Local Circumstances: Pylos

L. Baumbach, "An Examination of the Evidence for a State of Emergency at Pylos c. 1200 B.C.," in A. Heubeck and G. Neumann (eds.), Res Mycenaeae (Göttingen 1983) 28-40.

P. Cassola Guida, "Considerazioni sulla crisi della civiltà micenea: Il palazzo di Pilo," in E. De Miro, L. Godart, and A. Sacconi (eds.), Atti e memorie del secondo congresso internazionale di micenologia [Incunabula Graeca 98] (Rome 1996)  II: 693-700.

J. Chadwick, The Mycenaean World (Cambridge 1976) 89-92.

J. T. Hooker, "The End of Pylos and the Linear B Evidence," SMEA 23(1982) 209-217.

D. D. Hughes, Human Sacrifice in Ancient Greece (1991) 199-202.

P. A. Mountjoy, "The Destruction of the Palace at Pylos Reconsidered," BSA 92(1997) 109-135.

T. G. Palaima, "The Last Days of the Pylos Polity," in R. Laffineur and W-D. Niemeier, Politeia: Society and State in the Aegean Bronze Age [Aegaeum 12] (Liège 1995) II: 623-633.

M. Popham, "Pylos: Reflections on the Date of its Destruction and on its Iron Age Reoccupation," OJA 10(1991) 291-302.

C. W. Shelmerdine, "Architectural Change and Economic Decline at Pylos," Minos 20-22(1987) 557-568.

C. W. Shelmerdine, "Pylian Polemics: The Latest Evidence on Military Matters," in R. Laffineur (ed.), POLEMOS. Le contexte guerrier en Égée à l'Âge du Bronze [Aegaeum 19] (Liège/Austin 1999) 403-410.

P. M. Thomas, “Some Observations on the ‘Zygouries’ Kylix and Late Helladic IIIB Chronology,” Festschrift for Sara A. Immerwahr [forthcoming].

J. C. Wright, "Changes in Form and Function of the Palace at Pylos," in C. W. Shelmerdine and T. G. Palaima (eds.), Pylos Comes Alive: Industry + Administration in a Mycenaean Palace (New York 1984) 19-29.


Local Circumstances: Thebes

A. Sampson, "Cases of Earthquakes at Mycenaean and Pre-Mycenaean Thebes," in S. Stiros and R. E. Jones (eds.), Archaeoseismology [Fitch Laboratory Occasional Paper 7] (Exeter 1996) 113-117.


The Northern Boundary of Mycenaean Culture 

[see also in "Mycenaean Trade" handout under "Aegean Conteacts with the Balkans", also in "Mycenaean Palatial Architecture" handout under "Late Bronze Age Settlements in Thessaly, Macedonia, Epirus, and Thrace"]

J. Bouzek, "Late Bronze Age Greece and the Balkans: A Review of the Present Picture," BSA 89(1994) 217-234.

B. Feuer, The Northern Mycenaean Border in Thessaly (Oxford 1983).

A. F. Harding, The Mycenaeans and Europe (London 1984).

K. Kilian, "Nordgrenze des ägäischen Kulturbereiches im mykenischer und nackmykenischer Zeit," Jahresbericht des Instituts für Vorgeschichte, Universität Frankfurt-am-Main (1976) 112-129.

C. Podzuweit, "Die mykenische Welt und Troja," in B. Hänsel (ed.), Südosteuropa zwischen 1600 und 1000 v. Chr. (Berlin 1982) 65-88.

C. Renfrew, "Wessex without Mycenae," BSA 63(1968) 277-285.

N. Sandars, "North and South at the End of the Mycenaean Age: Aspects of an Old Problem," OJA 2(1983) 43-68.

K. A. Wardle, "The Northern Frontier of Mycenaean Greece," BICS 22(1975) 206-212.

Lesson Materials