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Lesson 15.23: Reflections of Minoan Crete in Later Greek Mythology

Lesson 15 Bibliography: Minoan Religion

C. Baurain, “Minos et la thalassocratie minoenne. Réflexions historiographiques sur la naissance d’un mythe,” in R. Laffineur and L. Basch (eds.), THALASSA. L’Égée préhistorique et la mer [Aegaeum 7] (Liège 1991) 255-266.

C. G. Doumas, “Gaia perirrhytos: Some Thoughts on ‘Neo-Minoan’ Mythology,” in E. Mantzourani and P. P. Betancourt (eds.), PHILISTOR. Studies in Honor of Costis Davaras [Prehistory Monographs 36] (Philadelphia 2012) 25-34.

N. Schlager, “Minotauros in der ägäischen Glyptik?,” in W. Müller (ed.), Fragen und Probleme der bronzezeitlichen ägäischen Glyptik [CMS Beiheft 3] (Berlin 1989) 225-237.

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