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Lesson 16.22: External Contacts

Lesson 16 Bibliography: The Shaft Graves

W. David, “Altbronzezeitliche Beinobjekte des Karpatenbeckens mit Spiralwirbel- oder Wellenbandornament und ihre Parallelen auf der Peloponnes und in Anatolien in frühmykenischer Zeit,” in P. Roman, S. Diamandi, and M. Alexianu (eds.), The Thracian World at the Crossorads of Civilization I (Bucharest 1997) 247-305.

W. David, “Zu den Beziehungen zwischen Donau-Karpatenraum, osteuropäischen Steppengebieten und ägäischen-anatolischen Raum zur Zeit der mykenischen Schachtgräber unter Berücksichtigung neuerer Funde aus Südbayern,” in M. Novotná (ed.), Proceedings of the International Conference ‘The Mediterraenan and Central Europe in Contacts and Confrontations (from the Bronze Age until the End of Antique)’ (Trnava 2001) 51-80.

W. David, “Gold and Bone Artefacts as Evidence of Mutual Contact Between the Aegean, the Carpathian Basin, and Southern Germany in the Second Millennium B.C.,” in I. Galanaki, H. Tomas, Y. Galanaki, and R. Laffineur (eds.), Between the Aegean and Baltic Seas. Prehistory Across Borders (Liège/Austin 2007) 411-420.

E. Davis, “The Gold of the Shaft Graves: The Transylvanian Connection,” TUAS 8(1983) 32-38.

O. T. P. K. Dickinson, “Cretan Contacts with the Mainland during the Period of the Shaft Graves,” in R. Hägg and N. Marinatos (eds.), The Minoan Thalassocracy: Myth and Reality (Stockholm 1984) 115-118.

S. Dietz, “Some Notes on the Pattern of Foreign Influence in the B-Circle at Mycenae (The Ceramic Evidence),” Kolloquium zur ägäischen Vorgeschichte, Mannheim, 20.-22.2.1986 [Schriften des deutschen Archäologen-Verbandes 9] (1987) 113-119.

S. Dietz, “The Cyclades and the Mainland in the Shaft Grave Period - A Summary,” Proceedings of the Danish Institute at Athens 2(1998) 9-36.

M. H. Feldman and C. Suavage, “Objects of Prestige? Chariots in the Late Bronze Age Eastern Mediterranean and Near East,” Ägypten und Levante 20(2010) 67-181.

G. Graziadio, “Trade Circuits and Trade-routes in the Shaft Grave Period,” SMEA 40(1998) 29-76.

G. Graziadio, “L’Egeo e l’Italia nel periodo delle tombe a fossa,” in G.Castellana (ed.), La cultura del Medio Bronzo nell’Agrigentino ed i rapporti con il mondo miceneo (Palermo 2000) 246-263.

S. Hiller, “Die Schachtgräber von Mykene in ägyptischem Kontext,” Minos 29-30(1994-95) 7-31.

J. T. Hooker, “The Mycenae Siege Rhyton and the Question of Egyptian Influence,” AJA 71(1967) 269-281.

R. Jung, “Der Charakter der Nordkontakte der minoischen und mykenischen Zivilisation um 1600 v.u.Z.,” in H. Meller and F. Bertemes (eds.), Der Griff nach den Sternen: Wie Europas Eliten zu Macht und Reichtum kamen [Tagungen des Landesmuseums für Vorgeschichte Halle 5] (Halle 2010) 657-674.

G. Kopcke, “For Ellen Davis: Transylvanian Gold?,” in R. B. Koehl (ed.), Studies in Aegean Art and Culture: A New York Aegean Bronze Age Colloquium in Memory of Ellen N. Davis (Philadelphia 2016) 27-34.

R. Laffineur, “Material and Craftsmanship in the Mycenae Shaft Graves: Imports vs. Local Production,” Minos 25-26(1990-91) 245-295.

J. Maran, “Wessex und Mykene. Zur Deutung des Bernsteins in der Schachtgräberzeit Südgriechenlands,” in B. Hänsel and E. Studenikova (eds.), Zwischen Karpaten und Ägäis: Neolithikum und Ältere Bronzezeit [Gedenkschrift für Viera Nemejcova-Pavukova] (Rahden 2004) 47-65.

J. Maran and A. Van de Moortel, “A Horse-Bridle Piece with Carpatho-Danubian Connections from Late Helladic I Mitrou and the Emergence of a Warlike Elite in Greece during the Shaft Grave Period,” AJA 118(2014) 529-548.

H. Matthäus, “Minoan Influence on the Greek Mainland during the Sixteenth Century B.C. and the Origins of Mycenaean Civilization,” TUAS 5(1980) 37-44.

H. Matthäus, “Mykenai, der mittlere Donauraum während des Hajdusamson-Horizontes und der Schatz von Vakitran,” in J. G. P. Best and N. M. W. de Vries (eds.), Thracians and Mycenaeans (Leiden 1989)    .

S. Penner, Schliemanns Schachtgräberrund und der europäische Nordosten: Studien zur Herkunft der frühmykenischen Streitwagenausstattung [Saarbrücker Beiträge zur Altertumskunde 60] (Bonn 1998).

R. Risch and H. Meller, “Change and Continuity in Europe and the Mediterranean around 1600 bc” PPS 81(2015) 239-264.

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