Lesson 17 Bibliography: Akrotiri on Thera, the Santorini Volcano, and the Middle and Late Cycladic Periods in the Central Aegean Islands
E. F. Bloedow and G. A. Spina, “Two Tales of One City: Atlantis Surfaces from the Deluge to Claim Ilion,” Studia Troica 4(1994) 159-171.
J. R. Fears (ed.), Atlantis, Fact or Fiction (Bloomington 1978).
K. T. Frost, “The Critias and Minoan Crete,” JHS 33(1909) 189-206.
P. Forsyth, Atlantis: The Making of Myth (Montreal 1980).
W. L. Friedrich, Fire in the Sea: The Minoan Eruption of Santorini and the Legend of Atlantis [trans. A. R. McBirney] (Cambridge 2000).
A. G. Galanopoulos and E. Bacon, Atlantis: The Truth behind the Legend (New York 1969).
N. Hartmann, “Atlantis Lost and Found: The Ancient Aegean from Politics to Volcanoes,” Expedition 29:2(1987) 19-26.
J. V. Luce, The End of Atlantis: New Light on an Old Legend (London 1969).
E. S. Ramage (ed.), Atlantis: Fact or Fiction? (Bloomington 1978).
T. A. Szlezák, “Atlantis und Troia, Platon und Homer. Bemerkungen zum Wahrheitsanspruch des Atlantis-Mythos,” Studia Troica 3(1993) .
P. Vidal-Naquet, “Athens and Atlantis: Structure and Meaning of a Platonic Myth,” in R. L. Gordon (ed.), Myth, Religion and Society (Cambridge 1981) .
E. Zangger, The Flood from Heaven: Deciphering the Atlantis Legend (New York 1992).