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Lesson 17.9: Pottery from Akrotiri

Lesson 17 Bibliography: Akrotiri on Thera, the Santorini Volcano, and the Middle and Late Cycladic Periods in the Central Aegean Islands

K. Birtacha, “‘Cooking’ Installations in LC IA Akrotiri on Thera: A Preliminary Study of the ‘Kitchen’ in Pillar Shaft 65,” in N. Brodie, J. Doole, G. Gavalas, and C. Renfrew (eds.), ORIZON. A Colloquium on the Prehistory of the Cyclades (Cambridge 2008) 349-376.

K. Demakopoulou and J. H. Crouwel, “More Cats or Lions from Thera?,” ArchEph (1993) 1-11.

C. Doumas, “Pitharia me endeixe gia to ygro periechomeno tous apo ten YM IA Thera,” in STELE. Tomos eis mnemen Nikolaou Kontoleontos (Athens 1978) 117-124.

C. Doumas, “Akrotiri et le commerce à longue distance,” Pasiphae 12(2018) 59-67.

C. Gillis, “Akrotiri and its Neighbors to the South: Conical Cups Again,” TAW III.3(1990) 98-117.

C. Gillis, “Statistical Analyses and Conical Cups: A Preliminary Report from Akrotiri, Thera,” OpAth 18(1990) 63-93.

O. Höckmann, “Theran Floral Style in Relation to That of Crete,” TAW II.1(1978) 605-616.

L. Katsa, “The Pottery-producing System at Akrotiri: An Index of Exchange and Social Activity,” in TAW III.1(1990) 75-80.

V. Kilikoglou, C. Doumas, A. Papagiannopoulou, E. V. Sayre, Y. Maniatis, and P. Grimanis, “A Study of Middle and Late Cycladic Pottery from Akrotiri,” in TAW III.1(1990) 441-448.

C. Knappett and I. Nikolakopoulou, “Colonialism without Colonies? A Bronze Age Case Study from Akrotiri, Thera,” Hesperia 77(2008) 1-42.

C. Knappett, D. Pirrie, M. R. Power, I. Nikolakopoulou, J. Hilditch, and G. K. Rollinson, “Mineralogical Analysis and Provenancing of Ancient Ceramics Using Automated SEM-EDS Analysis (QUEMSCAN):  A Pilot Study on LB I Pottery from Akrotiri, Thera,” JAS 38(2011) 219-232.

M. Kriga, “To idiotypo morphologika kterio Tomeas A (‘Apotheke ton Pithon’) sto Akroteri Theras kai ta eisegmena apo ten Krete angeia pou vrethekan se auto. Mia palia anaskaphe, mia kainouria melete [Building Sector A at the Late Bronze Age settlement of Akrotiri, Thera and its imported Minoan pottery. An Old Excavation Seen through Modern Eyes,” Archaiologiko Ergo Kretes 4:2[2016] (2020) 121-134.

D. Krinka, “Oi asaminthoi sto Akroteri Theras. Skepseis yia tis theseis evreseos kai tis chreseis ton asaminthon kata ten Ystere Epoche tou Chalkou sto Aigaio,” in A. Vlachopoulos and K. Birtacha (eds.), ARGONAUTIS: Timetikos tomos yia ton Kathegete Christo G. Douma apo tous mathetes tou sto Panepistimio Athenon (1980-2000) (Athens 2003) 461-482.

M. Marthari, “Akrotiri: Kerameike mesoelladikes paradoses sto stroma tes ephaisteiakes katastrophes,” ArchEph (1980) 182-210.

M. Marthari, “The Destruction of the Town at Akrotiri, Thera, at the Beginning of LC I: Definition and Chronology,” in J. A. McGillivray and R. L. N. Barber (eds.), The Prehistoric Cyclades (Edinburgh 1984) 119-133.

M. Marthari, “The Local Pottery Wares with Painted Decoration from the Volcanic Destruction Level of Akrotiri, Thera: A Preliminary Report,” AA (1987) 359-379.

M. Marthari, “The Chronology of the Last Phases of Occupation at Akrotiri in the Light of the Evidence from the West House Pottery Groups,” TAW III.1(1990) 57-70.

M. Marthari, “The Ceramic Evidence for Contacts between Thera and the Greek Mainland,” in C. and P. Zerner and J. Winder (eds.), Wace and Blegen: Pottery as Evidence for Trade in the Aegean Bronze Age 1939-1989 (Amsterdam 1993) 249-256.

M. Marthari, “The Griffin Jar from Ayia Irini, Keos, and its Relationship to the Pottery and Frescoes from Thera,” in L. G. Mendoni and A. Mazarakis Ainian (eds.), Kea - Kythnos. History and Archaeology (Paris 1998) 139-154.

M. Marthari, “An MM Seal with Swallow Motif from Knossos and its Interconnections with Late MC – LC I Theran Iconography,” in D. Danielidou (ed.), DORON: Timetikos Tomos gia ton Kathegete Spyro Iakovide (Athens 2009) 419-439.

M. Marthari, “’The Attraction of the Pictorial’ Reconsidered: Pottery and Wall-paintings, and the Artistic Environment on Late Cycladic I Thera in the Light of the Most Recent Research,” in A. G. Vlachopoulos (ed.), ΧΡΩΣΤΗΡΕΣ/Paintbrushes: Wall-painting and Vase-painting of the Second Millennium BC in Dialogue (Athens 2018) 205-221.

M. Marthari, T. Marketou, and R. E. Jones, “LB I Ceramic Connections between Thera and Kos,” TAW III.1(1990) 171-184.

N. S. Müller, Technology of Bronze Age Cooking Vessels from Akrotiri, Thera (Ph.D. dissertation, University of Sheffield 2008).

N. S. Müller, V. Kilikoglou, and P. M. Day, “Home-made Recipes: Tradition and Innovation in Bronze Age Cooking Pots from Akrotiri, Thera,” in M. Spataro and A. Villing (eds.), Ceramics, Cuisine and Culture: The Archaeology and Science of Cookiing Pottery in the Ancient Mediterranean World (Oxford 2015) 37-48.

N. S. Müller, V. Kilikoglou, P. M. Day, A. Hein, and G. Vekinis, “Thermal Shock Resistance of Tempered Archaeological Ceramics,” in M. Martinon-Torres (ed.), Craft and Science: International Perspectives on Archaeological Ceramics (Doha 2014) 263-270.

N. S. Müller, V. Kilikoglou, P. M. Day, and G. Vekinis, “The Influence of Temper Shape on the Mechanical Properties of Archaeological Ceramics,” Journal of the European Ceramic Society 30(2010) 2457-2465.

 I. Nikolakopoulou, Storage, Storage Facilities and Island Economy: The Evidence from LC I Akrotiri, Thera (Ph.D. dissertation, University of Bristol 2002). 

I. Nikolakopoulou, “Minoïkoi pithoi apo to Akrotiri Theras,” Pepragmena tou Θ’ Diethnous Kretologikou Synedriou (Heraklion 2006) A4: 91-107.

I. Nikolakopoulou, “Middle Minoan III beyond Crete: Τhe Evidence from Thera,” in C. F. Macdonald and C. Knappett (eds.), Intermezzo. Intermediacy and Regeneration in Middle Minoan III Palatial Crete [BSA Studies 21] (London 2013) 213-220.

I. Nikolakopoulou, “The Painter’s Brush and How to Use It: Elementary and Advanced Lessons from Akrotiri Iconography,” in A. G. Vlachopoulos (ed.), ΧΡΩΣΤΗΡΕΣ/Paintbrushes: Wall-painting and Vase-painting of the Second Millennium BC in Dialogue (Athens 2018) 195-204.

I. Nikolakopoulou, Akrotiri, Thera. MBA Pottery and Stratigraphy I-II [Bibliotheke tes Archaiologikes Etaireias Athenon 318-319] (Athens 2019).

A. Papagiannopoulou, “Xeste 3, Akrotiri, Thera: The Pottery,” in C. Morris (ed.), Klados: Essays in Honour of J. N. Coldstream [BICS Supplement 63] (London 1995) 209-215.

A. Papagiannopoulou, “The Change in LC Pottery Production and Ιts Trade Implications,” in C. Gillis, C. Risberg, and B. Sjöberg (eds.), Trade and Production in Premonetary Greece: Aspects of Trade [SIMA-PB 134] (Jonsered 1995) 55-60.

A. Papagiannopoulou, “From Pots to Pictures: Middle Cycladic Figurative Art from Akrotiri, Thera,” in N. Brodie, J. Doole, G. Gavalas, and C. Renfrew (eds.), ORIZON. A Colloquium on the Prehistory of the Cyclades (Cambridge 2008) 433-449.

A. Papagiannopoulou, “The Beginnings of an Island Narration. Pictorial Pottery and Wall Paintings of the Second Millennium BC,” in A. G. Vlachopoulos (ed.), ΧΡΩΣΤΗΡΕΣ/Paintbrushes: Wall-painting and Vase-painting of the Second Millennium BC in Dialogue (Athens 2018) 163-182.

N. Polychronakou-Sgouritsa, “E mastoprochous os diakosmetiko thema tes YK I kerameikes tou Akroteriou Theras,” ArchEph 133(1994) 117-133.

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