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Lesson 10.13: Cretan Writing during the Old and New Palace Periods, the Nature of the Minoan Language, and the Identity of the Minoans

Lesson 10 Bibliography: Middle Minoan Crete

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S. Ferrara, “The Beginnings of Writing on Crete: Theory and Context,” BSA 110(2015) 27-49.

S. Ferrara, “Another Beginning’s End: Secondary Script Formation in the Aegean and the Eastern Mediterranean,” in P. M. Steele (ed.), Understanding Relations between Scripts: The Aegean Writing Systems (Oxford 2017) 7-32.

M. Finkelberg, “Anatolian Languages and Indo-European Migrations,” CW 91(1997) 3-20.

M. Finkelberg, “The Language of Linear A: Greek, Semitic, or Anatolian?,” in R. Drews (ed.), Greater Anatolia and the Indo-Hittite Language Family [JIES Monograph 38] (Washington D.C. 2001) 81-105.

G. Flouda, “Materiality of Minoan Writing: Modes of Display and Perception,” in K. E. and R. D. Whitehouse (eds.), Writing as Material Practice: Substance, Surface, and Medium (London 2013) 143-174.

L. Godart, “Les écritures crétoises et le bassin méditerraneen,” CRAI (1994) 707-731.

L. Godart, “Le développement et la diffusion des écritures égéennes,” in I. Bradfer, B. Detournay, and R. Laffineur (eds.), KRES TECHNITES: L’artisan crétois: Recueil d’articles en l’honneur de Jean-Claude Poursat, publié à l’occasion des 40 ans de la découverte du Quartier Mu [Aegaeum 26] (Liège/Austin 2005) 97-107.

L. Godart, A. Kanta, and A. Tzigounaki, “La bureaucratie palatiale: Naissance et évolution d'un système de pouvoir en Égée,” in E. De Miro, L. Godart, and A. Sacconi (eds.), Atti e memorie del secondo congresso internazionale di micenologia [Incunabula Graeca 98] (Rome 1996) II: 581-598.

P. Militello, “Il periodo Medio Minoico II : l’attività amministrativa,” in I Cento Anni dello Scavo di Festòs [Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei: Atti dei Convegni Lincei 173] (Rome 2001) 169-201.

B. Montecchi, “Distribution and Functions of Minoan Inscribed Clay Vessels and the Consequences for the Question of Literacy in the Bronze Age Aegean,” SMEA NS 6(2020) 49-66.

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J.-P. Olivier, “Les écritures crétoises: sept points à considérer,” in E. De Miro, L. Godart, and A. Sacconi (eds.), Atti e memorie del secondo congresso internazionale di micenologia [Incunabula Graeca 98] (Rome 1996) 101-113.

J.-P. Olivier, “Rapport 1991-1995 sur les textes en écriture hiéroglyphique crétois, en linéaire A et en linéaire B,” in S. Deger-Jalkotzy, S. Hiller, and O. Panagl (eds.), Floreant Studia Mycenaea I-II (Vienna 1999) 419-436.

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J.-P. Olivier, “Rapport sur les textes en écriture hiéroglyphique crétois, en linéaire A et en linéaire B,” in Pasiphae 3(2009) 187-197.

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G. A. Owens, “The Common Origin of Cretan Hieroglyphics and Linear A,” Kadmos 35(1996) 105-110.

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T. G. Palaima, “Problems in Minoan and Mycenaean Writing Style and Practice: The Strange Case of *33 ra3 on Pylos Tablet An 61,” in B. Davis and R. Laffineur (eds.), NEOTEROS. Studies in Bronze Age Aegean Art and Archaeology in Honor of Professor John G. Younger on the Occasion of His Retirement [Aegaeum 44] (Louvain/Liège 2020) 3-14.

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I. Schoep, “Ritual, Politics and Script on Minoan Crete,” Aegean Archaeology 1(1994) 7-25.

I. Schoep, “Towards an Interpretation of Different Levels of Administration in Late Minoan IB Crete,” Aegean Archaeology 3(1996) 75-85.

I. Schoep, “The Origins of Writing and Administration on Crete,” OJA 18(1999) 265-275.

I. Schoep, “The Development of Writing on Crete in EM III–MM IIB (ca 2200–1750/00 B.C.),” in B. Davis and R. Laffineur (eds.), NEOTEROS. Studies in Bronze Age Aegean Art and Archaeology in Honor of Professor John G. Younger on the Occasion of His Retirement [Aegaeum 44] (Louvain/Liège 2020) 43-54.

H. Whittaker, “Social and Symbolic Aspects of Minoan Writing,” EJA 8(2005) 29-41.

J. G. Younger and P. Rehak, “Minoan Culture: Religion, Burial Customs, and Administration,” in C. W. Shelmerdine (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to the Aegean Bronze Age (Cambridge 2008) 105-120.

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