Lesson 10 Bibliography: Middle Minoan Crete
D. J. I. Begg, “An Interpretation of Mason’s Marks at Knossos,” in G. Cadogan, E. Hatzaki, and A. Vasilakis (eds.), Knossos: Palace, City, State [BSA Studies 12] (London 2004) 219-223.
D. J. I. Begg, “An Archaeology of Palatial Mason’s Marks on Crete,” in A. Chapin (ed.), CHARIS: Essays in Honor of Sara A. Immerwahr [Hesperia Supplement 33] (Princeton 2004) 1-25.
F. Chapouthier, Les écritures minoennes au palais de Mallia [Études Crétoises 2] (Paris 1930) 75-95.
N. Cucuzza, “Mason's Marks at Haghia Triada,” Sileno 17(1992) 1-12.
N. Cucuzza, “Un’altra nota sui masons’ marks,” Creta Antica 2(2001) 105-111.
M. Devolder, “The Function of Masons’ Marks in the Bronze Age Palace at Malia (Crete),” AJA 122(2018) 343-365.
S. Hood, “Mason's Marks in the Palaces,” in R. Hägg and N. Marinatos (eds.), The Function of the Minoan Palaces (Stockholm 1987) 205-212.
S. Hood, “Minoan ‘Masons’ Marks’,” Cretan Studies 7(2002) 97-110.
S. Hood and L. M. Bendall, The Mason’s Marks of Minoan Knossos I [BSA Supplementray Volume 49:1] (Athens 2020].
E. Notti, “A Catalogue of the Masons’ Marks at Akrotiri,” Pasiphae 8(2014) 97-136.
J.-P. Olivier, “Catalogue des marques de maçons,” in O. Pelon et al., Le Palais de Mallia V [Études Crétoises 25] (Paris 1980) 175-238.
L. Pernier and L. Banti, Il Palazzo Minoico di Festòs I (Rome 1935) 399-415.
J. Sakellarakis, “Mason's Marks from Archanes,” Europa: Festschrift für Ernst Grumach (Berlin 1967) 277-288.