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Lesson 10.16: The Script of the Phaistos Disc and Related Scripts

Lesson 10 Bibliography: Middle Minoan Crete

K. Aartun, Die minoische Schrift: Sprache und Texte I: Der Diskos von Phaistos. Die beschriftete Bronzeaxt. Die Inschrift der Tarragona-Tafel (Wiesbaden 1992).

M. Anastasiadou, “The Phaistos Disc as a Genuine Minoan Artefact and Its Place in the Stylistic Milieu of Crete in the Protopalatial Period,” Creta Antica 17(2016) 13-58.

G. Baldacci, “Low-relief Potters’ Marks and the Phaistos Disc: A Note on the ‘Comb’ Sign (N.21),” ASAtene 95(2017) 65-80.

T. Balistier, The Phaistos Disk: An Account of its Unresolved Mystery (Mähringen 2000).

A. Bradshaw, “The Imprinting of the Phaistos Disc,” Kadmos 15(1976) 1-17.

S. Collet, Le guerrier, le chat, l’aigle, le poisson et la colonne: la voie spiralée des signes. Approche, sémiologique, structural et archéologique du disque de Phaistos [Praehistorica Mediterranea 6] (Oxford 2017).

Y. Duhoux, Le disque de Phaistos (Louvain 1977).

J. Faucounau, Le déchiffrement du Disque de Phaistos: preuves et conséquences (Paris 1999).

S. R. Fisher, Evidence for Hellenic Dialect in the Phaistos Disk (Bern 1988).

G. Flouda, “Materiality and Script: Constructing a Narrative on the Minoan Inscribed Axe from the Arkalochori Cave,” SMEA NS 1(2015) 43-56.

L Godart, Le disque de Phaistos: l’énigme d’une écriture (Athens 1995). 

P. Hnila, “Notes on the Authenticity of the Phaistos Disk,” in M. Novotna, W. Jobst, M. Dufkova, and K. Kuzmova (eds.), ANODOS: Studies of the Ancient World in Honour of Marie Dufkova (Bratislava 2010) 59-66.

M. P. Jackson, “A Statistical Study of the Phaistos Disc,” Kadmos 38(1999) 19-30.

A. Sanavia, “An Overview of the Protopalatial Impressed Fine Ware from Phaistos and Some Comparisons with the Phaistos Disc,” ASAtene 95(2017) 81-104.

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