Lesson 13 Bibliography: Minoan Domestic and Funerary Architecture of the Neopalatial and Post-Palatial Periods
K. Athanasaki, “A Serpentine Quarry-scape in Gonies, North-central Crete,” in G. Touchais, R. Laffineur, and F. Rougemont (eds.), PHYSIS: L’environnement naturel et la relation homme-milieu dans le monde égéen protohistorique [Aegaeum 37] (Liège 2014) 33-40.
M. J. Becker, “Soft-stone Sources on Crete,” JFA 3(1976) 361-374.
S. Chlouveraki, “Exploitation of Gypsum in Minoan Crete,” in L. Lazzarini (ed.), Asmosia VI (Padova 2002) 25-44.
S. Chlouveraki, Gypsum in Minoan Architecture: Exploitation, Utilisation and Weathering of a Prestige Stone (Ph.D. dissertation, University College London 2006).
J. Driessen, “Notes on Building Materials and Quarries,” in J. A. MacGillivray, L. H. Sackett, and J. Driessen, “An Archaeological Survey of the Roussolakos Area at Palaikastro,” BSA 79(1984) 143-149.
A. Guest-Papamanoli, “Les carrières de grès dunaire à Malia,” BCH 113(1989) 113-122.
S. Müller-Celka and R. Dalongeville, “Les calcarénites dunaires littorales en Méditerranée orientale : Formation, propriétés, exploitation,” in P. Jockey (ed.), Leukos lithos: Marbres et autres roches de la Méditerranée antique. Études interdisciplinaires (Paris 2009) 143-160.
J. W. Shaw, “Minoan Architecture: Materials and Techniques,” Annuario 49(1971) 7-265.
J. S. Soles, “A Bronze Age Quarry in Eastern Crete,” JFA 10(1983) 33-46.
L. Vandeput, “Splitting Techniques in Quarries in the Eastern Mediterranean,” Acta Archaeologica Lovanensia 26-27(1987-1988) 81-99.