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Lesson 15.1: Colloquia, Symposia, and Festschriften

Lesson 15 Bibliography: Minoan Religion

S. A. Alcock and R. Osborne (eds.), Placing the Gods: Sanctuaries and Sacred Space in Ancient Greece (Oxford 1994).

E. Alram-Stern, F. Blakolmer, S. Deger-Jalkotzy, R. Laffineur, and J. Weilhartner (eds.), METAPHYSIS: Ritual, Myth and Symbolism in the Aegean Bronze Age [Aegaeum 39] (Liège 2016).

F. Blakolmer (ed.), Österreichische Forschungen zur ägäischen Bronzezeit 1998 (Vienna 2000).

E. Borgna, I. Caloi, F. M. Carinci, and R. Laffineur (eds.), ΜΝΗΜΗ/MNEME: Past and Memory in the Aegean Bronze Age [Aegaeum 43] (Liège 2019).

F. Carinci, N. Cucuzza, P. Militello, and O. Palio (eds.), KRETES MINOIDOS: Tradizione e identità minoica tra produzione artigianale, pratiche cerimoniali e memoria del passato. Studi offerti a Vincenzo La Rosa per il Suo 70o compleanno (Padova 2011).

Centre Gustave Glotz, Aux origines de l’hellénisme: Hommage à Henri van Effenterre (Paris 1984).

A. Chaniotis (ed.), From Minoan Farmers to Roman Traders: Sidelights on the Economy of Ancient Crete (Stuttgart 1999).

A. Chapin (ed.), CHARIS : Essays in Honor of Sara A. Immerwahr [Hesperia Supplement 33] (Princeton 2004).

A. Cohen and J. B. Rutter, Constructions of Childhood in Ancient Greece and Italy [Hesperia Supplement 41] (Princeton 2007).

A. L. D’Agata and A. Van de Moortel (eds.), Archaeologies of Cult: Essays on Ritual and Cult in Crete in Honor of Geraldine C. Gesell [Hesperia Supplement 42] (Princeton 2009).

L. P. Day, M. S. Mook, and J. D. Muhly (eds.), Crete Beyond the Palaces: Proceedings of the Crete 2000 Conference (Philadelphia 2004).

L. Goodison and C. Morris (eds.), Ancient Goddesses: The Myths and the Evidence (London 1998).

R. Hägg and N. Marinatos (eds.), Sanctuaries and Cults in the Aegean Bronze Age (Stockholm 1981).

R. Hägg, N. Marinatos, and G. Nordquist (eds.), Early Greek Cult Practice (Göteborg 1988).

M. Haysom and J. Wallensten (eds.), Current Approaches to Religion in Ancient Greece (Stockholm 2011).

L. A. Hitchcock, R. Laffineur, and J. Crowley (eds.), DAIS: The Aegean Feast [Aegaeum 29] (Liège/Austin 2008).

V. Karageorghis, H. Matthäus, and S. Rogge (eds.), Cyprus: Religion and Society from the Late Bronze Age to the End of the Archaic Period (Bibliopolis 2005).

K. Kopaka (ed.), FYLO. Engendering Prehistoric ‘Stratigraphies’ in the Aegean and the Mediterranean [Aegaeum 30] (Liège/Austin 2009).

O. Krzsyzkowska (ed.), Cretan Offerings: Studies in Honour of Peter Warren [BSA Studies 18] (London 2010).

R. Laffineur (ed.), THANATOS:  Les coutûmes funéraires en Égée à l’âge du Bronze [Aegaeum 1] (Liège 1987).

R. Laffineur (ed.), Transition. Le monde égéen du Bronze moyen au Bronze récent [Aegaeum 3] (Liège 1989).

R. Laffineur and L. Basch (eds.), THALASSA: L’Égée préhistorique et la mer [Aegaeum 7] (Liège 1991).

R. Laffineur and J. L. Crowley (eds.), EIKON: Aegean Bronze Age Iconography: Shaping a Methodology [Aegaeum 8] (Liège 1992).

R. Laffineur and R. Hägg (eds.), POTNIA: Deities and Religion in the Aegean Bronze Age [Aegaeum 22] (Liège/Austin 2001).

F. Lang, C. Reinholdt, and J. Weilhartner (eds.), STEPHANOS ARISTEIOS: Archäologische Forschungen zwischen Nil und Istros: Festschrift für Stefan Hiller zum 65. Geburtstag (Vienna 2007).

V. La Rosa, D. Palermo, and L. Vagnetti (eds.), EPI PONTON PLAZOMENOI: Simposio italiano di Studi Egei dedicato a Luigi Bernabò Brea e Giovanni Pugliese Carratelli (Rome 1999).

E. Mantzourani and P. P. Betancourt (eds.), PHILISTOR. Studies in Honor of Costis Davaras [Prehistory Monographs 36] (Philadelphia 2012).

J. M. A. Murphy (ed.), Rituals, Collapse, and Radical Transformation in Archaic States (London/New York 2021).

J. Mynarova, P. Onderka, and P. Pavuk (eds.), There and Back Again – the Crossroads II (Prague 2015).

P. Rehak (ed.), The Role of the Ruler in the Prehistoric Aegean [Aegaeum 11] (Liège/Austin1995).

G. Touchais, R. Laffineur, and F. Rougemont (eds.), PHYSIS: L’environnement naturel et la relation homme-milieu dans le monde égéen protohistorique [Aegaeum 37] (Liège 2014).

G. Vavouranakis, K. Kopanias, and C. Kanellopoulos (eds.), Popular Religion and Ritual in Prehistoric and Ancient Greece and the East Mediterranean (Oxford 2018).

A. Vlachopoulos and K. Birtacha (eds.), ARGONAUTIS: Timetikos tomos yia ton Kathegete Christo G. Douma apo tous mathetes tou sto Panepistimio Athenon (1980-2000) (Athens 2003).

M. Wedde (ed.), Celebrations: Sanctuaries and the Vestiges of Cult Acitvity [Papers from the Norwegian Institute at Athens 6] (Bergen 2004).

Antichità Cretesi. Studi in onore di Doro Levi I-II (Catania 1973,1974).

EILAPINE. Tomos timetikos gia ton kathegete Nikolao Platona (Heraklion 1987).

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