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Lesson 15.5: Extramural Cult Locales: Cave and Peak Sanctuaries

Lesson 15 Bibliography: Minoan Religion

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E. Banou, “Ta Kythera anamesa ste minoïke Krete kai te mykenaïke Peloponneso: Ta mikroantikeimena apo to minoïko iero koryphes ston A. Giorge sto Vouno,” Praktika tou A' Diethnous Synedriou Kytheraïkon Meleton (Kythera 2003) 69-75.

E. Banou, “Minoïka iera koryphes: e periptose tou Agiou Georgiou sto Vouno Kytheron,” in EPATHLON: Archaiologikon Synedrion pros Timen tou Adonidos K. Kyrou (Athens 2007) A': 285-294.

M. Benzi, “Daskalio (Vathy), Kalymnos: A Late Bronze I Sacred Cave in the East Aegean,” in W. Gauss, M. Lindblom, R. A. K. Smith, and J. C. Wright (eds.), Our Cups Are Full: Pottery and Society in the Aegean Bronze Age (Oxford 2011) 13-24.

P. P. Betancourt, “Caves in Crete and Their Use as Architectural Space,” in M. Relaki and Y. Papadatos (eds.), From the Foundations to the Legacy of Minoan Society [Sheffield Studies in Aegean Archaeology 12] (Oxford 2018) 83-95.

F. Blakolmer, “Meaningful Landscapes: Minoan ‘Landscape Rooms’ and Peak Sanctuaries,” in G. Touchais, R. Laffineur, and F. Rougemont (eds.), PHYSIS: L’environnement naturel et la relation homme-milieu dans le monde égéen protohistorique [Aegaeum 37] (Liège 2014) 121-128.

C. Briault, “Making Mountains Out of Molehills in the Bronze Age Aegean: Visibility, Ritual Kits, and the Idea of a Peak Sanctuary,” WorldArch 39(2007) 122-141.

S. Chryssoulaki, “The Traostalos Peak Sanctuary: Aspects of Spatial Organization,” in R. Laffineur and R. Hägg (eds.), POTNIA: Deities and Religion in the Aegean Bronze Age [Aegaeum 22] (Liège/Austin 2001) 57-66.

C. Davaras, “Anaskaphe MM Ierou Koryphes Vrysina Rethymnes,” AAA 7(1974) 210-213.

C. Davaras, “Three New Linear A Libation Vessel Fragments from Petsophas,” Kadmos 20(1981) 1-6.

C. Davaras, “One Minoan Peak Sanctuary Less: The Case of Thylakas,” in O. Krzsyzkowska (ed.), Cretan Offerings: Studies in Honour of Peter Warren [BSA Studies 18] (London 2010) 71-88.

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R. M. Dawkins and M. L. W. Laistner, “The Excavation of the Kamares Cave in Crete,” BSA 19(1912-13) 1-34.

E. Z. Faro, Ritual Activity and Regional Dynamics: Towards a Reinterpretation of Minoan Extra-Urban Ritual Space (PhD dissertation, University of Michigan 2008). 

P. Faure, “Cultes de sommets et cultes de cavernes en Crète,” BCH 87(1963) 493-508.

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N. Fernandez, “Les lieux de culte de l’âge du Bronze en Crète: question de méthode,” RA (1985) 257-268.

I. Gavrilaki, “Oi anaskaphes sto spelaio Melidoniou,” in M. Andrianakis and I. Tzachili (eds.), Archaiologiko Ergo Kretes 1[2008] (Rethymno 2010) 657-669.

M. Georgiadis, “Leska. A New Peak Sanctuary on the Island of Kythera,” JPR 23(2012) 7-23.

M. Georgiadis, “The Physical Environment and the Beliefs at Leska, a New Peak Sanctuary on Kythera,” in G. Touchais, R. Laffineur, and F. Rougemont (eds.), PHYSIS: L’environnement naturel et la relation homme-milieu dans le monde égéen protohistorique [Aegaeum 37] (Liège 2014) 481-484.

D. C. Haggis, “Staple Finance, Peak Sanctuaries, and Economic Complexity in Late Prepalatial Crete,” in A. Chaniotis (ed.), From Minoan Farmers to Roman Traders: Sidelights on the Economy of Ancient Crete (Stuttgart 1999) 53-86.

M. Haysom, “Recent Research into Minoan Extra-urban Sanctuaries,” AR 61(2014-15) 94-103.

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J. Hazzidakis, “An Early Minoan Sacred Cave at Arkalochori in Crete,” BSA 19(1912-13) 35-47.

G. Henriksson and M. Blomberg, “Evidence for Minoan Astronomical Observations from the Peak Sanctuaries on Petsophas and Traostalos,” OpAth 21(1996) 99-114.

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A Karetsou, “A New ‘Minoan Male Portrait’ Sealstone and Early Sealing Evidence from the Juktas Peak Sanctuary,” in M. Perna (ed.), Studi in onore di Enrica Fiandra: Contributi di archeologia greca e vicinorientale [Studi egei e vicinorientali 1] (Paris 2005) 113-131.

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A. Karetsou, L. Godart, and J.-P. Olivier, “Une nouvelle inscription en linéaire A du sanctuaire de sommet du Mont Iuktas (IO Za 16),” Minos 37-38(2002-03) 437-447.

A. Karetsou and R. B. Koehl, “An Enigmatic Piece of Gold-work from the Juktas Peak Sanctuary,” in F. Carinci, N. Cucuzza, P. Militello, and O. Palio (eds.), KRETES MINOIDOS: Tradizione e identità minoica tra produzione artigianale, pratiche cerimoniali e memoria del passato. Studi offerti a Vincenzo La Rosa per il Suo 70o compleanno (Padova 2011) 207-223.

A. Karetsou and R. B. Koehl, “Cult Object – Image – Emblem: A Life-sized Stone Bull’s Head from the Juktas Peak Sanctuary,” in R. B. Koehl (ed.), AMILLA: The Quest for Excellence: Studies Presented to Guenter Kopcke in Celebration of His 75th Birthday (Philadelphia 2013) 135-144.

A. Karetsou and R. B. Koehl, “The Minoan Mastiffs of Juktas,” in G. Touchais, R. Laffineur, and F. Rougemont (eds.), PHYSIS: L’environnement naturel et la relation homme-milieu dans le monde égéen protohistorique [Aegaeum 37] (Liège 2014) 333-340.

A. Karetsou and I. Mathioudaki, “The Middle Minoan III Building Complex at Alonaki, Juktas: Architectural Observations and Pottery Analysis,” Creta Antica 13(2012) 83-107.

A. Karetsou and G. Rethemiotakis, “Iero koryphes Kophina,” Kretike Estia 4(1992-93) 289-292.

A. Karetsou and A. Spiliotopoulou, “Clay Boat Models from the MM III Peak Sanctuary of Kophinas,” in M. Bettelli, M. Del Freo, and G. J. van Wijngaarden (eds.), Mediterranean Itinera: Studies in Honour of Lucia Vagnetti [Incunabula Graeca 106] (Rome 2018) 165-180.

G. Kordatzaki, “Epiphaneiake erevna sta oreina tou Rethymnou: endeiktike analyse keramikes apo ton Vrysina,” Archaiologiko Ergo Kretes 1[2008] (Rethymno 2010) 464-475.

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S. Marinatos, “Zur Frage der Grotte von Arkalochori,” Kadmos 1(1962) 87-94.

J. Moody, “Environmental Change and Minoan Sacred Landscapes,” in A. L. D’Agata and A. Van de Moortel (eds.), Archaeologies of Cult: Essays on Ritual and Cult in Crete in Honor of Geraldine C. Gesell [Hesperia Supplement 42] (Princeton 2009) 241-249.

C. Morris and A. D. Peatfield, “Dynamic Spirituality on Minoan Peak Sanctuaries,” in K. Rountree, C. Morris, and A. D. Peatfield (eds.), Archaeology of Spiritualities (New York 2012) 227-245.

J. L. Myres, “Excavations at Palaikastro II.13: The Sanctuary Site of Petsofa,” BSA 9(1902-03) 356-387.

L. Nixon, “Investigating Minoan Sacred Landscapes,” in A. L. D’Agata and A. Van de Moortel (eds.), Archaeologies of Cult: Essays on Ritual and Cult in Crete in Honor of Geraldine C. Gesell [Hesperia Supplement 42] (Princeton 2009) 269-275.

K. Nowicki, “Some Remarks on the Pre- and Protopalatial Peak Sanctuaries in Crete,” in B. Rutkowski (ed.), Aegean Archaeology 2(1994) 31-48.

K. Nowicki, “Minoan Peak Sanctuaries: Reassessing Their Origins,” in R. Laffineur and R. Hägg (eds.), POTNIA: Deities and Religion in the Aegean Bronze Age [Aegaeum 22] (Liège/Austin 2001) 31-37.

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E. Papadopoulou and I. Tzachili, “Iero koryphes Vrysina,” ArchDelt 60(2005) 1047-1049.

E. Papadopoulou and I. Tzachili, “Anaskaphe sto iero koryphes tou Vrysina Nomou Rethymnes,” Archaiologiko Ergo Kretes 1[2008] (Rethymno 2010) 452-463.

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Lesson Materials