Lesson 15 Bibliography: Minoan Religion
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T. Eliopoulos, “Gournia, Vronda Kavousi, Kephala Vasilikis: A Triad of Interrelated Shrines of the Expiring Minoan Age on the Isthmus of Ierapetra,” in L. P. Day, M. S. Mook, and J. D. Muhly (eds.), Crete Beyond the Palaces: Proceedings of the Crete 2000 Conference (Philadelphia 2004) 81-90.
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R. Hägg, “On the Reconstruction of the West Facade of the Palace at Knossos,” in R. Hägg and N. Marinatos (eds.), The Function of the Minoan Palaces (Stockholm 1987) 129-134.
B. Hallager, “Domestic Shrines in Late Minoan IIIA2-Late Minoan IIIC Crete: Fact or Fiction?,” in A. L. D’Agata and A. Van de Moortel (eds.), Archaeologies of Cult: Essays on Ritual and Cult in Crete in Honor of Geraldine C. Gesell [Hesperia Supplement 42] (Princeton 2009) 107-120.
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J. W. Shaw, “Evidence for the Minoan Tripartite Shrine,” AJA 82(1978) 429-448.
E. Sikla, “The Elusive Domestic Shrine in Neopalatial Crete: On the Archaeological Correlates of Domestic Religion,” in K. T. Glowacki and N. Vogeikoff-Brogan (eds.), STEGA: The Archaeology of Houses and Households in Ancient Crete [Hesperia Supplement 44] (Princeton 2011) 219-231.
F. Stevens and A. Simandiraki-Grimshaw, “Composite, Partial, Created and Floating Bodies: A Re-assessment of the Knossos Temple Repositories Assemblage,” in M. Mina, S. Triantaphyllou, and Y. Papadatos (eds.), An Archaeology of Prehistoric Bodies and Embodied Entities in the Eastern Mediterranean (Oxford 2016) 25-31.
T. E. Strasser, “Horns of Consecration or Rooftop Granaries? Another Look at the Master Impression,” in R. Laffineur and P. P. Betancourt (eds.), TEXNH: Craftsmen, Craftswomen and Craftsmanship in the Aegean Bronze Age [Aegaeum 16] (Liège/Austin 1997) 201-207.
M. Tsipopoulou, “A New Late Minoan IIIC Shrine at Halasmenos, East Crete,” in R. Laffineur and R. Hägg (eds.), POTNIA: Deities and Religion in the Aegean Bronze Age [Aegaeum 22] (Liège/Austin 2001) 99-101.
M. Tsipopoulou, “Goddesses for ‘Gene’? The Late Minoan IIIC Shrine at Halasmenos, Ierapetra,” in A. L. D’Agata and A. Van de Moortel (eds.), Archaeologies of Cult: Essays on Ritual and Cult in Crete in Honor of Geraldine C. Gesell [Hesperia Supplement 42] (Princeton 2009) 121-136.
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