Lesson 16 Bibliography: The Shaft Graves
[see also “Early Mycenaean Pottery” in Lesson 19]
P. P. Betancourt, S. C. Ferrence, V. Apostolakou, T. M. Brogan, E. Nodarou, and F. S. C. Hsu, “Origins of the Mycenaean Lustrous Dark-on-Light Pottery Technology,” in J. Driessen (ed.), RA-PI-NE-U: Studies on the Mycenaean World Offered to Robert Laffineur for his 70th Birthday [Aegis 10] (Louvain-la-Neuve 2016) 63-68.
J. Crouwel, “Pictorial Pottery from Mycenae at the Time of the Shaft Graves,” in R. Laffineur (ed.), Transition. Le monde égéen du Bronze moyen au Bronze récent [Aegaeum 3] (Liège 1989) 155-165.
J. L. Davis, “Polychrome Bird Jugs. A Note,” AAA 9(1976) 81-83.
J. L. Davis, “Brauron and Keos in the Shaft Grave Period,” AAA 10(1977) 270-272.
J. L. Davis, “The Mainland Panel Cup and Panelled Style,” AJA 82(1978) 216-222.
J. L. Davis, “LH I Pottery from Korakou,” Hesperia 48(1979) 234-259.
S. Dietz, The Argolid at the Transition to the Mycenaean Age: Studies in the Chronology and Cultural Development in the Shaft Grave Period (Copenhagen 1991).
S. A. Immerwahr, “Some Pictorial Fragments from Iolkos in the Volos Museum,” ArchEph (1985) 85-94.
J. L. Kramer, Analysis and Classification of the Late Helladic I Pottery in the Northeastern Peloponnese of Greece (Ph.D. dissertation, University of Cincinnati 2004).
M. Lindblom, W. Gauss, and E. Kiriatzi, “Some Reflections on Ceramic Technology Transfer at Bronze Age Kastri on Kythera, Kolonna on Aegina, and Lerna in the Argolid,” in W. Gauss, G. Klebinder-Gauss, and C. von Rüden (eds.), The Distribution of Technical Knowledge in the Production of Ancient Mediterranean Pottery [Sonderschriften des Österreichisches Archäologisches Instituts 54] (Vienna 2015) 225-237.
M. Lindblom and J. B. Rutter, “An Explosion of Polychromy: Establishing Localized Ceramic Identities at the Dawn of the Mycenaean Era,” in B. Eder and M. Zavadil (eds.), (Social) Place and Space in Early Mycenaean Greece: International Discussions in Mycenaean Archaeology [Mykenische Studien 35] (Vienna 2021) 549–569.
I. Mathioudaki, “’Mainland Polychrome’ Pottery: Definition, Chronology, Typological Correlations,” in A. Philippa-Touchais, G. Touchais, S. Voutsaki, and J. Wright (eds.), MESOHELLADIKA: The Greek Mainland in the Middle Bronze Age [BCH Suppl. 52] (Paris 2010) 621-633.
I. Mathioudaki, E ‘Epeirotike Polychrome’ Kerameike sten Epeirotike Ellada kai to Aigaio (Ph.D. dissertation, University of Athens 2011).
I. Mathioudaki, “Honouring the Dead with Polychrome Pots: The Case of Mainland Polychrome Pottery in Peloponnesian Funerary Contexts (An Interpretative Approach),” in H. Cavanagh, W. Cavanagh, and J. Roy (eds.), Honouring the Dead in the Peloponnese (Nottingham 2011) 459-466.
I. Mathioudaki, “Typoi dichromes kerameikes apo te Sterea Ellada kai te Thessalia tes Meses kai Proïmes Ysteres Epoches tou Chalkou,” AEThSE 4[2012] (2015) 47-56.
J. C. Overbeck, “The Middle Helladic Origin of ‘Shaft-Grave Polychrome’ Ware,” in A. Philippa-Touchais, G. Touchais, S. Voutsaki, and J. Wright (eds.), MESOHELLADIKA: The Greek Mainland in the Middle Bronze Age [BCH Suppl. 52] (Paris 2010) 615-619.
V. Petrakis, “The Arrival of the Rhyton in Early Mycenaean Greece,” JPR 25(2016) 47-63.
K. Pruckner, Äginetische Keramik der Schachtgräberzeit: Bichrom und vollständig bemalte Keramik aus dem Brunnen SH B1/06 in Ägina Kolonna (PhD dissertation, University of Salzburg 2010).
K. Pruckner, “Vollständig und bichrom bemalte äginetische Keramik des späten MH bis frühen SH aus Ägina-Kolonna,” in F. Blakolmer, C. Reinholdt, J. Weilhartner, and G. Nightingale (eds.), Österreichische Forschungen zur Ägäischen Bronzezeit 2009 (Vienna 2011) 241-252.
J. B. Rutter, “A Ceramic Definition of Late Helladic I from Tsoungiza,” Hydra 6(1989) 1-19.
J. B. Rutter, “Migrant Drinking Assemblages in Aegean Bronze Age Settings,” in J. Maran and P. W. Stockhammer (eds.), Materiality and Social Practice: Transformative Capacities of Intercultural Encounters (Oxford 2012) 73-88.
J. B. Rutter, “Ceramic Technology in Rapid Transition: The Evidence from Settlement Deposits of the Shaft Grave Era at Tsoungiza (Corinthia),” in W. Gauss, G. Klebinder-Gauss, and C. von Rüden (eds.), The Distribution of Technical Knowledge in the Production of Ancient Mediterranean Pottery [Sonderschriften des Österreichisches Archäologisches Instituts 54] (Vienna 2015) 207-223.
J. B. Rutter, “Middle Helladic III - Late Helladic II Pottery Groups,” in J. C. Wright and M. K. Dabney (eds.), Nemea Valley Archaeological Project III: The Mycenaean Settlement on Tsoungiza Hill (Princeton 2020) 473-818.
J. B. and S. H. Rutter, The Transition to Mycenaean: A Stratified Middle Helladic II to Late Helladic IIA Pottery Sequence from Ayios Stephanos in Lakonia (Los Angeles 1976).
D. Skorda, “Kirrha: oi kerameikoi klivanoi tou proïstorikou oikismou ste metabase apo te mesoelladike sten ysteroelladike epoche,” in A. Philippa-Touchais, G. Touchais, S. Voutsaki, and J. Wright (eds.), MESOHELLADIKA: The Greek Mainland in the Middle Bronze Age [BCH Suppl. 52] (Paris 2010) 651-668.
W. Wohlmayr, “Schachtgräberzeitliche Keramik aus Ägina,” in F. Blakolmer (ed.), Österreichische Forschungen zur ägäischen Bronzezeit [Wiener Forschungen zur Archäologie 3] (Vienna 2000) 127-136.
W. Wohlmayr, “Aegina Kolonna MH III – LH I: Ceramic Phases of an Aegean Trade-Domain,” in F. Felten, W. Gauss, and R. Smetana (eds.), Middle Helladic Pottery and Synchronisms [Ägina-Kolonna Forschungen und Ergebnisse I] (Vienna 2007) 45-55.
C. Zerner, “Ceramics and Ceremony: Pottery and Burials from Lerna in the Middle and Early Late Bronze Ages,” in R. Hägg and G. C. Nordquist (eds.), Celebrations of Death and Divinity in the Bronze Age Argolid (Stockholm 1990) 23-34.