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Lesson 16.2: The Shaft Graves at Mycenae: Excavation, Internal Chronology, Ideology, and Social Stratification

Lesson 16 Bibliography: The Shaft Graves

O. T. P. K. Dickinson, “Schliemann and the Shaft Graves,” Greece and Rome 33(1976) 159-168.

O. T. P. K. Dickinson, The Origins of Mycenaean Civilization [SIMA 49] (Göteborg 1977).

O. T. P. K. Dickinson, “‘The Origins of Mycenaean Civilization’ Revisited,” in R. Laffineur (ed.), Transition. Le monde égéen du Bronze moyen au Bronze récent [Aegaeum 3] (Liège 1989) 131-136.

O. Dickinson, “Arts and Artefacts in the Shaft Graves: Some Observations,” in R. Laffineur and P. P. Betancourt (eds.), TEXNH: Craftsmen, Craftswomen and Craftsmanship in the Aegean Bronze Age [Aegaeum 16] (Liège 1997) 45-49.

S. Dietz, “On the Origin of the Mycenaean Civilization: Some Recent Results,” in Studies in Ancient History and Numismatics Presented to Rudi Thomsen (Aarhus 1988) 22-28.

S. Dietz, “The Concept of the Middle Helladic III Period in a Historical Perspective,” in R. Laffineur (ed.), Transition. Le monde égéen du Bronze moyen au Bronze récent [Aegaeum 3] (Liège 1989) 123-129.

S. Dietz, The Argolid at the Transition to the Mycenaean Age: Studies in the Chronology and Cultural Development in the Shaft Grave Period (Copenhagen 1991).

A. J. Evans, The Shaft Graves and Bee-Hive Tombs of Mycenae and their Interrelation (London 1929).

L. Girella, “Negotiating Power. Definizione e trasformazione del poter nella Grecia continentale dal Bronzo Medio alla formazione dei ‘regni’ micenei,” Archeologia Classica 68(2017) 343-373.

G. Graziadio, “The Chronology of the Graves of Circle B at Mycenae: A New Hypothesis,” AJA 92(1988) 343-372.

G. Graziadio, “The Process of Social Stratification at Mycenae in the Shaft Grave Period: A Comparative Examination of the Evidence,” AJA 95(1991) 403-440.

C. Heitz, Burying the Palaces? Ideologies in the Shaft Grave Period [revised online version of MA thesis, University of Cambridge 1998 [revised ca. 2008]) 

R. Jung, “Der Charakter der Nordkontakte der minoischen und mykenischen Zivilisation um 1600 v.u.Z.,” in H. Meller and F. Bertemes (eds.), Der Griff nach den Sternen: Wie Europas Eliten zu Macht und Reichtum kamen [Tagungen des Landesmuseums für Vorgeschichte Halle 5] (Halle 2010) 657-674.

G. Karo, “Die Schachtgräber von Mykenai,” AM 40(1915) 113-230.

G. Karo, Die Schachtgräber von Mykenai (Munich 1930).

A. D. Keramopoullos, “Peri ton vasilikon taphon tes akropoleos ton Mykenon,” ArchEph (1918) 52-57.

P. I. Kuniholm, C. L. Pearson, and T. J. Wazny, “Hathor and Shaft Grave V: A Dendrochronological Report,” in S. W. E. Blum, T. Efe, T. I. Kienlin, and E. Pernicka (eds.), From Past to Present. Studies in Memory of Manfred O. Korfmann (Bonn 2020) 333-338.

R. Laffineur, “Le cercle des tombes de Schliemann cent dix ans après,” in R. Laffineur (ed.), THANATOS. Les coutumes funéraires en Égée à l'âge du Bronze [Aegaeum 1] (Liège 1987) 117-125.

R. Laffineur, “Mobilier funéraire et hiérarchie sociale aux cercles des tombes de Mycènes,” in R. Laffineur (ed.), Transition. Le monde égéen du Bronze moyen au Bronze récent [Aegaeum 3] (Liège 1989) 227-238.

R. Laffineur, “Grave Circle A at Mycenae: Further Reflections on its History,” in R. Hägg and G. C. Nordquist (eds.), Celebrations of Death and Divinity in the Bronze Age Argolid (Stockholm 1990) 201-206.

R. Laffineur, “Aspects of Rulership at Mycenae in the Shaft Grave Period,” in P. Rehak (ed.), The Role of the Ruler in the Prehistoric Aegean [Aegaeum 11] (Liège/Austin 1995) 81-94.

J. Lebegyev, “Phases of Childhood in Early Mycenaean Greece,” Childhood in the Past 2(2009) 15-32.

K. E. Leith, “’Manly Hearted’ Mycenaeans (?): Challenging Preconceptions of Warrior Ideology in Mycenae’s Grave Circle B,” JGA 1(2016) 45-72.

J. Maran, “Wessex und Mykene. Zur Deutung des Bernsteins in der Schachtgräberzeit Südgriechenlands,” in B. Hänsel and E. Studeníková (eds.), Zwischen Karpaten und Ägäis. Neolithikum und Ältere Bronzezeit. Gedenkschrift für Viera Nemejcová-Pavúková (Rahden 2004) 47-65.

J. Maran, “Lost in Translation: The Emergence of Mycenaean Culture as a Phenomenon of Glocalization,” in T. C. Wilkinson, S. Sherratt, and J. Bennet (eds.), Interweaving Worlds: Systemic Interactions in Eurasia, 7th to 1st Millennia BC (Oxford 2011) 282-294.

J. D. Muhly, “On the Shaft Graves at Mycenae,” in M. A. Powell, Jr. and R. H. Sack (eds.), Studies in Honor of Tom B. Jones (Neukirchen-Vluyn 1979) 311-323.

G. E. Mylonas, Mycenae and the Mycenaean Age (Princeton 1966).

G. E. Mylonas, “Ho pemptos lakkoeides taphos tou Kyklou A ton Mykenon,” ArchEph (1969) 125-142.

G. E. Mylonas, Ho Taphikos Kyklos B ton Mykenon (Athens 1973).

J. B. Rutter, “Review of Aegean Prehistory II: The Prepalatial Bronze Age of the Southern and Central Greek Mainland,” AJA 97(1993) 745-797, esp.785-794.

H. Schliemann, Mycenae (New York 1878).

K. Schuchardt, Schliemann’s Excavations: An Archaeological and Historical Study (London 1891).

B. F. Steinmann, Die Waffengräber der ägäischen Bronzezeit. Waffenbeigaben, soziale Selbstdarstellung und Adelsethos in der minoisch-mykenischen Kultur (Wiesbaden 2012).

I. Strøm, “The So-called Altar above the Shaft Grave IV at Mycenae,” Acta Archaeologica 54(1983) 141-146.

I. Tournavitou, “The Shaft Grave Phenomenon: A Dead End?,” in C. Gillis, C. Risberg, and B. Sjöberg (eds.), Trade and Production in Premonetary Greece: Aspects of Trade [SIMA-PB 134] (Jonsered 1995) 111-123.

D. Vasilikou, To Chroniko tes Anaskaphes ton Mykenon (1870-1878) (Athens 2011).

S. Voutsaki, “Social and Political Processes in the Mycenaean Argolid: The Evidence from the Mortuary Practices,” in R. Laffineur and W.-D. Niemeier, POLITEIA: Society and State in the Aegean Bronze Age [Aegaeum 12] (Liège/Austin 1995) I: 55-66.

S. Voutsaki, “Mortuary Display, Prestige and Identity in the Shaft Grave Era,” in I. Kilian-Dirlmeier and M. Egg (eds.), Eliten in der Bronzezeit: Ergebnisse zweier Colloquien in Mainz und Athen (Mainz 1999) 103-117.

S. Voutsaki, “Agency and Personhood at the Onset of the Mycenaean Period,” Archaeological Dialogues 17(2010) 65-92.

S. Voutsaki, “From Value to Meaning, from Things to Persons: The Grave Circles of Mycenae Reconsidered,” in G. Urton and J. Papadopoulos (eds.), The Construction of Value in the Ancient World (Los Angeles 2012) 112-137.

S. Voutsaki, “Social Change and Human Agency: The Argolid at the Onset of the Mycenaean Era,” in B. Eder and M. Zavadil (eds.), (Social) Place and Space in Early Mycenaean Greece: International Discussions in Mycenaean Archaeology [Mykenische Studien 35] (Vienna 2021) 423-452.

A. J. B. Wace, “The Grave Circle,” BSA 49(1954) 244-247.

A. Wolpert, “Getting Past Consumption and Competition: Legitimacy and Consensus in the Shaft Graves,” in J. C. Barrett and P. Halstead (eds.), The Emergence of Civilisation Revisited [Sheffield Studies in Aegean Archaeology 6] (Oxford 2004) 127-144.

J. C. Wright, “Death and Power at Mycenae: Changing Symbols in Mortuary Practice,” in R. Laffineur (ed.), THANATOS. Les coutumes funéraires en Égée à l'âge du Bronze [Aegaeum 1] (Liège 1987) 171-184.

J. C. Wright, “From Chief to King in Mycenaean Greece,” in P. Rehak (ed.), The Role of the Ruler in the Prehistoric Aegean [Aegaeum 11] (Liège/Austin 1995) 63-80.

A. Xenaki-Sakellariou, “Problèmes chronologiques des tombes du cercle A de Mycènes,” in R. Laffineur (ed.), Transition. Le monde égéen du Bronze moyen au Bronze récent [Aegaeum 3] (Liège 1989) 177-182.

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