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Lesson 16.11: Weaponry and Warfare

Lesson 16 Bibliography: The Shaft Graves

P. Acheson, “The Role of Force in the Development of Early Mycenaean Polities,” in R. Laffineur (ed.), POLEMOS. Le contexte guerrier en Égée à l'Âge du Bronze [Aegaeum 19] (Liège/Austin 1999) 97-104. 

T. Bader, “Neue Beiträge zu den mykenischen Schwerter von Typ A aus Rumänien,” Zeitschrift für Archäologie 20(1986) 1-15.

C. W. Blegen, “The 'Halberd' from the Sixth Shaft Grave,” in Epitymbion Chr. Tsounta (Athens 1941) 423-428.

E. Borgna, L'arco e le frecce nel mondo miceneo (Rome 1992).

S. W. Carter, ‘The Battle of the Glen’ Revisited: A Gold Signet Ring (CMS I 16) of the Aegean Late Bronze Age in its Full Iconographic Context (undergraduate Honors thesis, Dartmouth College 2000).

J. H. Crouwel, Chariots and Other Means of Land Transport in Bronze Age Greece (Amsterdam 1981).

J. Crouwel, “Early Chariots in the Aegean and Their Eastern Connections,” in R. Laffineur and E. Greco (eds.), EMPORIA. Aegeans in the Central and Eastern Mediterranean [Aegaeum 25] (Liège/Austin 2005) 39-44.

S. Deger-Jalkotzy, “Military Prowess and Social Status in Mycenaean Greece,” in R. Laffineur (ed.), POLEMOS. Le contexte guerrier en Égée à l'Âge du Bronze [Aegaeum 19] (Liège/Austin 1999) 121-131.

M. H. Feldman and C. Sauvage, “Objects of Prestige? Chariots in the Late Bronze Age Eastern

Mediterranean and Near East,” Ägypten und Levante 20(2010) 67-181.

C. R. Floyd, “Observations on a Minoan Dagger from Chrysokamino,” in R. Laffineur (ed.), POLEMOS. Le contexte guerrier en Égée à l'Âge du Bronze [Aegaeum 19] (Liège/Austin 1999) 433-442.

A. Harding, “Horse-Harness and the Origins of Mycenaean Civilisation,” in A. Dakouri-Hild and S. Sherratt (eds.), AUTOCHTHON: Papers Presented to O. T. P. K. Dickinson on the Occasion of His Retirement [BAR-IS 1432] (Oxford 2005) 296-300.

K. M. Harrell, Mycenaean Ways of War: The Past, Politics and Personhood (Ph.D. dissertation, University of Sheffield 2009).

K. M. Harrell, “The Weapon’s Beauty: A Reconsideration of the Ornamentation of the Shaft Grave Swords,” in M.-L. B. Nosch and R. Laffineur (eds.), KOSMOS: Jewellery, Adornment and Textiles in the Aegean Bronze Age [Aegaeum 33] (Liege/Austin 2012) 799-806.

K. Harrell, “The Fallen and Their Swords: A New Explanation for the Rise of the Shaft Graves,” AJA 118(2014) 3-17.

K. Harrell, “Piece Out: Comparing the Intentional Destruction of Swords in the Early Iron Age and the Mycenae Shaft Graves,” in K. Harrell and J. Driessen (eds.), THRAVSMA: Contextualizing the Intentional Destruction of Objects in the Bronze Age Aegean and Cyprus (Louvain-la-Neuve 2015) 143-153.

S. Hood, “Shaft Grave Swords: Mycenaean or Minoan?,” Pepragmena tou Δ Diethnous Kretologikou Synedriou (Athens 1980) I: 234-237.

G. S. Korres, “H megaloprepeia ton mykenaïkon kranon,” AAA 2(1969) 446-462.

R. Laffineur, “Iconographie mycénienne et symbolisme guerrier," Art & Fact: Revue des historiens, archéologues et orientalistes de l'Université de Liège 2(1983) 38-49.

R. Laffineur, “Mycenaeans at Thera: Further Evidence?," in R. Hägg and N. Marinatos (eds.), The Minoan Thalassocracy: Myth and Reality (Stockholm 1984) 133-139. 

M. A. Littauer, “The Military Use of Chariots in the Aegean in the Late Bronze Age," AJA 76(1972) 145-157.

M. A. Littauer and J. Crouwel, “Evidence for Horse Bits from Shaft Grave IV at Mycenae?," PZ 48(1973) 207-213.

J. Maran, “The Introduction of the Horse-drawn Light Chariot – Divergent Responses to a Technological Innovation in Societies between the Carpathian Basin and the East Mediterranean,” in J. Maran, A. Bajenaru, S.-C. Ailincai, A.-D. Popescu, and S. Hansen (eds.), Objects, Ideas and Travelers: Contacts between the Balkans, the Aegean and Western Anatolia during the Bronze and Early Iron Age: Volume to the Memory of Alexandru Vulpe (Bonn 2020) 505-528.

J. Maran and A. Van de Moortel, “A Horse-Bridle Piece with Carpatho-Danubian Connections from Late Helladic I Mitrou and the Emergence of a Warlike Elite in Greece during the Shaft Grave Period,” AJA 118(2014) 529-548.

B. P. C. Molloy, “Innovation, Imitation and Investigation of Combat Systems in the Aegean Bronze Age: The Role of the Shaft Graves at Mycenae,” in A. Papadopoulos and K. Grigoropoulos (eds.), Aspects of Aegean Bronze Age Warfare (Philadelphia, forthcoming).

B. Molloy, M. Wisniewski, F. Lynam, B. O’Neill, A. O’Sullivan, and A. Peatfield, “Tracing Edges: A Consideration of the Applications of 3D Modelling for Metalwork Wear Analysis on Bronze Age Bladed Artefacts,” JAS 76(2016) 79-87.

G. Papadimitriou, “The Technological Evolution of Copper Alloys in the Aegean during the Prehistoric Period,” in I. Tzachili (ed.), Aegean Metallurgy in the Bronze Age (Athens 2008) 271-287.

T. J. Papadopoulos, “The Greek Mainland and Its Aegean Neighbors during the Transitional Period from MBA to LBA: The Evidence of Metalwork,” in R. Laffineur (ed.), Transition. Le monde égéen du Bronze moyen au Bronze récent [Aegaeum 3] (Liège 1989) 183-189.

S. Penner, Schliemanns Schachtgräberrund und der europäische Nordosten: Studien zur Herkunft der frühmykenischen Streitwagenausstattung [Saarbrücker Beiträge zur Altertumskunde 60] (Bonn 1998).

S. Piggott, The Earliest Wheeled Transport: From the Atlantic to the Caspian (Ithaca 1983).

J.-C. Poursat, “Les armes en Égée au Bronze Moyen: Quelques remarques,” in R. Laffineur (ed.), POLEMOS. Le contexte guerrier en Égée à l'Âge du Bronze [Aegaeum 19] (Liège/Austin 1999) 427-431.

A. Sakellariou, “Un cratère d'argent avec scène de bataille provenant de la IVe tombe de l'acropole de Mycènes,” AntK 17(1974) 3-20.

A. Sakellariou, “La scène du ‘siège’ sur le rhyton d'argent de Mycènes d'après une nouvelle reconstitution,” RA (1975) 195-208.

N. K. Sandars, “The First Aegean Swords and Their Ancestry,” AJA 65(1961) 18-29.

V. Stürmer, “Zur Ikonographie des Kampfes auf dem Siegelring, CMS I, no. 16,” OpAth 14(1982) 111-118.

P. Taracha, “Weapons in the Shaft Graves of Mycenae: Remarks on the Chronology,” in G. S. Korres, N. Karadimas, and G. Flouda (eds.), Archaeology and Heinrich Schliemann: A Century after his Death. Assessments and Prospects. Myth-History-Science (Athens 2012) 118-123.

A. Târlea, “Playing by the Rules: Swords and Swordfighters in the Mycenaean Society,” Dacia 48-49(2004-05) 125-150.

J. R. Weinstein, “Hafting Methods on Type B Swords and Daggers,” TUAS 6(1981) 48-55.

J. Whitley, “Objects with Attitude: Biographical Facts and Fallacies in the Study of Late Bronze Age and Early Iron Age Warrior Graves,” CAJ 12(2002) 217-232.

A. Xenaki-Sakellariou, Poignées ouvragées d'épées et poignards,” in Aux origines de l'hellénisme (Paris 1984) 129-137.

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