Lesson 17 Bibliography: Akrotiri on Thera, the Santorini Volcano, and the Middle and Late Cycladic Periods in the Central Aegean Islands
R. L. N. Barber, The Cyclades in the Bronze Age (Iowa City 1987).
F. Blakolmer, “The ‘Minoanisation’ of the Arts in LC I Akrotiri and LH I Mycenae: Similarities and Differences,” in J. Driessen (ed.), RA-PI-NE-U: Studies on the Mycenaean World Offered to Robert Laffineur for his 70th Birthday [Aegis 10] (Louvain-la-Neuve 2016) 69-84.
J. L. Davis, “Review of Aegean Prehistory I: The Islands of the Aegean,” AJA 96(1992) 699-756.
J. L. Davis, “The Islands of the Aegean,” in T. Cullen (ed.), Aegean Prehistory: A Review (Boston 2001) 19-76.
J. L. Davis and J. F. Cherry, “Spatial and Temporal Uniformitarianism in Late Cycladic I: Perspectives from Kea and Milos on the Prehistory of Akrotiri,” in D. Hardy (ed.), TAW III.1(1990) 185-200.
J. L. Davis, I. Tzonou-Herbst, and A. Wolpert, “The Islands of the Aegean. Addendum: 1992-1999,” in T. Cullen (ed.), Aegean Prehistory: A Review (Boston 2001) 77-94.
C. G. Doumas, Thera: Pompeii of the Ancient Aegean (London 1983).
C. Doumas, “Le paysage côtier de la region d/Akrotiri, Théra, avant l’éruption volcanique,” in G. Touchais, R. Laffineur, and F. Rougemont (eds.), PHYSIS: L’environnement naturel et la relation homme-milieu dans le monde égéen protohistorique [Aegaeum 37] (Liège 2014) 141-144.
P. Y. Forsyth, Thera in the Bronze Age (New York 1997).
J. V. Luce, “The Changing Face of the Thera Problem,” Classics Ireland 1(1994) 61-73.
S. Marinatos, Excavations at Thera I-VII (Athens 1968-76).
S. Martin, “Forced Migration after Natural Disasters: The Late Bronze Age Eruption of Thera,” in J. Driessen (ed.), An Archaeology of Forced Migration: Crisis-induced Mobility and the Collapse of the 13th c. BCE Eastern Mediterranean [Aegis 15] (Louvain-la-Neuve 2018) 107-116.
D. L. Page, The Santorini Volcano and the Destruction of Minoan Crete (London 1970).
F. Schachermeyr, Die ägäische Frühzeit II: Die mykenische Zeit und die Gesittung von Thera (Vienna 1976).
F. Schachermeyr, “Akrotiri - First Maritime Republic?,” TAW II.1(1978) 423-428.
N. Chr. Stampolidis, Ç. Maner, nd K. Kopanias (eds.), NOSTOI: Indigenous Culture, Migration + Integration in the Aegean Islands +Western Anatolia during the Late Bronze + Early Iron Ages (Istanbul 2015).
I. Tzachili, “Excavations on Thera and Therasia in the 19th Century: A Chronicle,” JMA 18(2005) 231-257.
A. G. Vlachopoulos (ed.), Archaeology: Aegean Islands (Athens 2006).