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Lesson 17.5: The Date of the Santorini Earthquake-and-Eruption Sequence

[see also “Absolute Chronology of the Late Bronze Age in the Aegean” under “Chronology and Terminology Resources” in the “Chronology Overview” section]

Lesson 17 Bibliography: Akrotiri on Thera, the Santorini Volcano, and the Middle and Late Cycladic Periods in the Central Aegean Islands

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W. L. Friedrich and J. Heinemeier, “The Minoan Eruption of Santorini Radiocarbon Dated to 1613 + 13 BC,” in D. A. Warburton (ed.), Time's Up! Dating the Minoan Eruption of Santorini [Monographs of the Danish Institute at Athens 10] (Athens 2009) 56-64.

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R. Knauss and D. A. Warburton, “The Basis for the Egyptian Dates,” in D. A. Warburton (ed.), Time's Up! Dating the Minoan Eruption of Santorini [Monographs of the Danish Institute at Athens 10] (Athens 2009) 125-144.

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P. I. Kuniholm, B. Kromer, S. W. Manning, M. Newton, C. E. Latini, and M. J. Bruce, “Anatolian Tree Rings and the Absolute Chronology of the Eastern Mediterranean, 2220-718 B.C.,” Nature 381(1996) 780-783.

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S. W. Manning, “The Thera Eruption: The Third Congress and the Problem of the Date,” Archaeometry 32(1990) 91-100.

S. W. Manning, A Test of Time: The Volcano of Thera and the Chronology and History of the Aegean and East Mediterranean in the mid-Second Millennium B.C. (Oxford 1999).

S. W. Manning, “Clarifying the ‘High’ vs. ‘Low’ Aegean/Cypriot Chronology for the Mid-Second Millennium B.C.: Assessing the Evidence, Interpretive Frameworks, and Current State of the Debate,” in M. Bietak and E. Czerny (eds.), The Synchronization of Civilisations in the Eastern Mediterranean in the Second Millennium B.C. III: Proceedings of the SCIEM 2000 – 2nd Euroconference (Vienna 2007) 101-137.

S. W. Manning, “Beyond the Santorini Eruption: Some Notes on Dating the Late Minoan IB Period on Crete and Implications for Cretan-Egyptian Relations in the 15th Century BC (and Especially LM II),” in D. A. Warburton (ed.), Time's Up! Dating the Minoan Eruption of Santorini [Monographs of the Danish Institute at Athens 10] (Athens 2009) 207-226.

S. W. Manning, A Test of Time and a Test of Time Revisited: The Volcano of Thera and the Chronology and History of the Aegean and East Mediterranean in the Mid-Second Millennium B.C.E. (Oxford 2014).

S. W. Manning and C. Bronk Ramsey, “The Dating of the Earlier Late Minoan IA Period,” in D. A. Warburton (ed.), Time's Up! Dating the Minoan Eruption of Santorini [Monographs of the Danish Institute at Athens 10] (Athens 2009) 227-246.

S. W. Manning, C. Bronk Ramsey, W. Kutschera, T. Higham, B. Kromer, P. Steier, and E. M. Wild, “Dating the Santorini/Thera Eruption by Radiocarbon: Further Discussion (AD 2006-2007),” in S. W. Manning and M. J. Bruce (eds.), Tree-Rings, Kings, and Old World Archaeology and Environment: Papers Presented in Honor of Peter Ian Kuniholm (Oxford 2009) 299-316.

S. W. Manning, F. Höflmayer, N. Moeller, M. W. Dee, C. Bronk Ramsey, D. Fleitmann, T. Higham, W. Kutschera, and E. M. Wild, “Dating the Thera (Santorini) Eruption: Coherent Archaeological and Scientific Evidence Supporting a High Chronology,” Antiquity 88(2014) 1164-1179.

S. W. Manning et al., “Radiocarbon Offsets and Old World Chronology as Relevant to Mesopotamia, Egypt, Anatolia and Thera (Santorini),” Scientific Reports 10(2020) 13785.

R. Merrillees, “Chronological Conundrums: Cypriot and Levantine Imports from Thera,” in D. A. Warburton (ed.), Time's Up! Dating the Minoan Eruption of Santorini [Monographs of the Danish Institute at Athens 10] (Athens 2009) 247-252.

J. D. Muhly, “Egypt, the Aegean and Late Bronze Age Chronology in the Eastern Mediterranean,” JMA 4(1991) 235-247 [with response by S. W. Manning, ibid., 249-262].

R. Muscheler, “14C and 10Be around 1650 cal BC,” in D. A. Warburton (ed.), Time's Up! Dating the Minoan Eruption of Santorini [Monographs of the Danish Institute at Athens 10] (Athens 2009) 275-284.

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L. Platon, “Etan oi Theraioi kerameis oi protoporoi demiourgoi tou kormou tou minoïkou YM IB schematologiou? Paratereseis sten typologia ton ylinon angeion apo ton YK I/YMIA oikismo tou Akroteriou,” in E. Mantzourani and N. Marinatos (eds.), Spyridon Marinatos 1901-1974: E zoe kai e epoche tou [His Life and Times] (Athens 2014) 223-242.

D. M. Pyle, “The Application of Tree-Ring and Ice Core Studies to the Dating of the Minoan Eruption,” TAW III.3(1990) 167-173.

J. F. Quack, “Gibt es in Ägypten schriftliche Quellen zum Thera-Ausbruch?,” in H. Meller, F. Bertemes, H.-R. Bork, and R. Risch (eds.), 1600 – Kultureller Umbruch im Schatten des Thera-Ausbruchs? [1600 – Cultural Change in the Shadow of the Thera-Eruption?] (Halle 2013) 221-233.

M. Schoch, “Die naturwissenschaftliche Datierung des spätbronzezeitlichen Vulkanausbruchs von Santorin. Eine kritische Diskussion,” Thetis 4(1997) 51-62.

A. H. Sørensen, “An Update on the Chronological Value of Minoica in the Levant and Cyprus,” in D. A. Warburton (ed.), Time's Up! Dating the Minoan Eruption of Santorini [Monographs of the Danish Institute at Athens 10] (Athens 2009) 267-274.

P. M. Warren, “The Minoan Civilisation of Crete and the Volcano of Thera,” Journal of the Ancient Chronology Forum 4(1990-91) 29-39.

P. M. Warren, “LM IA: Knossos, Thera, Gournia,” in P. P. Betancourt, V. Karageorghis, R. Laffineur, and W.-D. Niemeier (eds.), MELETEMATA: Studies in Aegean Archaeology Presented to Malcolm H. Wiener as He Enters His 65th Year [Aegaeum 20] (Liège/Austin 1999) 893-903.

P. M. Warren, “The Date of the Thera Eruption in Relation to Aegean-Egyptian Interconnections and the Egyptian Historical Chronology,” in E. Czerny, I. Hein, H. Hunger, D. Melman, and A. Schwab (eds.), Timelines: Studies in Honour of Manfred Bietak (Leuven 2006) II: 305-321.

P. M. Warren, “A New Pumice Analysis from Knossos and the End of Late Minoan IA,” in M. Bietak and E. Czerny (eds.), The Synchronization of Civilisations in the Eastern Mediterranean in the Second Millennium B.C. III: Proceedings of the SCIEM 2000 – 2nd Euroconference (Vienna 2007) 495-500.

P. M. Warren, “The Date of the Late Bronze Age Eruption of Santorini,” in D. A. Warburton (ed.), Time's Up! Dating the Minoan Eruption of Santorini [Monographs of the Danish Institute at Athens 10] (Athens 2009) 181-186.

P. M. Warren, “The Date of the Late Bronze Age Eruption of Santorini on the Basis of the Historical Chronology,” Pasiphae 5(2011) 67-72.

M. H. Wiener, “The State of the Debate about the Date of the Theran Eruption,” in D. A. Warburton (ed.), Time's Up! Dating the Minoan Eruption of Santorini [Monographs of the Danish Institute at Athens 10] (Athens 2009) 197-206.

M. H. Wiener and J. W. Earle, “Radiocarbon Dating of the Theran Eruption,” in R. H. Tykot (ed.), Proceedings of the 38th International Symposium on Archaeometry, May 10th-14th 2010, Tampa, Florida [Open Journal of Archaeometry 2(2014) 5265].

M. H. Wiener, W. L. Friedrich, and S. W. Manning, “Thera Discussion,” in S. W. Manning and M. J. Bruce (eds.), Tree-Rings, Kings, and Old World Archaeology and Environment: Papers Presented in Honor of Peter Ian Kuniholm (Oxford 2009) 317-332.

G. A. Zielinski and M. S. Germani, "New Ice Core Evidence Challenges the 1620s B.C. Age for the Santorini (Minoan) Eruption," JAS  25(1998) 279-289.

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