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Lesson 2.4: Pottery

Lesson 2 Bibliography: The Neolithic Cultures of Thessaly, Crete, and the Cyclades

E. Alram-Stern, “Die thessalische Neolithkeramik der Sammlung Schachermeyr in Wien,” in J.-C. Decourt, B. Helly, and K. Gallis (eds.), La Thessalie. Quinze années de recherches archéologiques, 1975-1990: Bilans et perspectives (Athens 1994) 131-136.

E. C. Banks, "Neolithic Tangas from Lerna," Hesperia 46 (1977) 324-339.

P. P. Betancourt, The History of Minoan Pottery (Princeton 1985) 3-15.

C. Björk, Early Pottery in Greece: A Technological and Functional Analysis of the Evidence from Neolithic Achilleion, Thessaly [SIMA 115] (Jonsered 1995).

M. Bondar, “Contacts of the Early Period of the Baden Culture in the Light of a Unique Vessel Type: The Problem of the So-called Bratislava Type Bowls,” Antaeus 25(2002) 405-422.

G. M. Chandler, “Comparative Petrographic Analysis of Sherds from Five Minoan Sites in Western Crete,” in Y. Bassiakos, E. Aloupi, and Y. Facorellis (eds.), Archaeometry Issues in Greek Prehistory and Antiquity (Athens 2001) 379-395.

G. Chourmouziades, "Ena eidikevmeno ergasterio keramikes sto neolithiko Dimini," AAA 10(1977) 207-226.

T. Cullen, A Measure of Interaction among Neolithic Communities: Design Elements of Greek Urfirnis Pottery (Ph.D. dissertation, Indiana University 1985; University Microfilms 86-07406).

T. Cullen, "Social Implications of Ceramic Style in the Neolithic Peloponnese," in W. D. Kingery (ed.), Ancient Technology to Modern Science I (Columbus 1985) 77-100.

P. M. Day, L. Joyner, E. Kiriatzi, and M. Relaki, “Appendix 3: Petrographic Analysis of Some Final Neolithic – Early Minoan II Pottery from the Kavousi Area,” in D. C. Haggis, Kavousi I: The Archaeological Survey of the Kavousi Region (Philadelphia 2005) 177-195.

J.-P. Demoule, K. Gallis, and L. Manolakakis, "Transition entre les cultures néolithiques de Sesklo et de Dimini: les catégories céramiques," BCH 112(1988) 1-58.

S. Dimitriadis, “Fabric Diversity in the Neolithic Ceramics of Knossos,” in N. Efstratiou, A. Karetsou, and M. Ntinou (eds.), The Neolithic Settlement of Knossos in Crete: New Evidence for the Early Occupation of Crete and the Aegean Islands (Philadelphia 2013) 47-51.

A. Dousougli, Aria Argolidos: Cheiropoiete Keramike tes Neoteres Neolithikes kai tes Chalkolithikes Periodou (Athens 1998).

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J. Forsen, "Prehistoric Asea Revisited," Opuscula Atheniensia 21(1996) 41-72.

D. H. French, Notes on Prehistoric Pottery Groups of Central Greece (Athens 1972).

A. Furness, "The Neolithic Pottery of Knossos," BSA 48(1953) 94-134.

E. J. Gardner, The Pottery Technology of the Neolithic Period in Southeastern Europe (Ph.D. dissertation, University of California at Los Angeles 1978).

M. Georgiadis, “The Neolithic Pottery from the DAI Collection: Attica,” AthMitt 125(2010) 1-30.

E. Hitsiou, Production and Circulation of the Late Neolithic Pottery from Makrygialos (Phase 2), Macedonia, Northern Greece (Ph.D. dissertation, University of Sheffield 2003).

A. Kalogirou, "Pottery Production and Craft Specialization in Neolithic Greece," in R. Laffineur and P. P. Betancourt (eds.), TEXNH: Craftsmen, Craftswomen and Craftsmanship in the Aegean Bronze Age [Aegaeum 16] (Liège 1997) 11-17.

S. Katsarou-Tzeveleki, “Spelaio Kyklopa Yiouron: E symvole tes keramikes ste syzetese gia tous symvolismoustes Meses Neolithikes,” Archaiologiko Ergo Thessalias kai Stereas Helladas 2: Praktika epistemonikes synanteses, Volos 16.3 – 19.3.2006 (Volos  2009) 53-59.

D. Keller, "Final Neolithic Pottery from Plakari, Karystos," in Studies in South Attica I [Miscellanea Graeca 5] (Gent 1982) 47-68.

M. D. Kessissoglou and E. A. Mirtsou, "Ceramic Technology in Dimitra during the Neolithic Period," in D. Grammenos (ed.), Neolithike Makedonia (Athens 1997) 84-90.

V. Kilikoglou, D. Malamidou, Z. Tsirtsoni, A. Tsolakidou, and P. Yiouni, “La production des poteries néolithiques à décor peint ‘noir sur rouge’ en Grèce du Nord,” BCH 126(2002) 547-549.

C. Knappett, L. Malafouris, and P. Tomkins, “Ceramics (as Containers),” in D. Hicks and M. Beaudry (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Material Culture Studies (Oxford 2010) 588-612.

K. Kotsakis, Keramike technologia kai keramike diaphoropoiese. Problemata tes graptes keramikes tes meses epoches tou Sesklou (Ph.D. dissertation; University of Thessalonika 1983).

M. Koumouzeli, “E keramike apo ten A' Kouveleïke Spelia Alepochoriou Lakonias," AAA 22 (1989) 143-160.

L. Labriola, “First Impressions: A Preliminary Account of Matt-impresed Pottery in the Prehistoric Aegean,” in H. Erkanal, H. Hauptmann, V. Sahoglou, and R. Tuncel (eds.), The Aegean in the Neolithic, Chalcolithic and the Early Bronze Age (Ankara 2008) 309-322.

J. W. H. Letsch, Neolithische und Chalkolithische Keramik Thessaliens. Material, Rohstoffe und Herstellungstechnik (Ph.D. dissertation, University of Köln 1982).

D. Malamidou, Z. Tsirtsoni, Y. Paraskevi, L. Lespez, V. Kilikoglou, and A. Tsolakidou, “Les poteries néolithiques à décor peint ‘noir sur rouge’ en Grèce du Nord: matières premières et production,” BCH 130(2006) 571-611.

K. Manteli, “E neolithike kerameike tes Kretes ste christike tes diastase,” in A. Karetsou (ed.), Pepragmena tou H’ Diethnous Kretologikou Synedriou (Heraklion 2000) A2: 233-238.

K. Manteli, “E neolithike kerameike apo to spelaio ste these ‘Mavro Avlaki’ perioches Zakrou,” in L. Platon (ed.), Zakros I: Istorika kai nethodologika. Erevnes sten evrytere perioche tes minoïkes enkatastases (Athens 2020) 561-592.

A. Mari, E neolithike periodos sto Saroniko. Martyries yia te chryse tes Spilias tou Evripide ste Salamina me vasi ten keramike tes Ystyres kai Telikes Neolithikes (Ph.D. dissertation, University of Thessaloniki 2001).

C. Mee, “The Production and Consumption of Pottery in the Neolithic Peloponnese,” in C. Mee and J. Renard (eds.), Cooking Up the Past: Food and Culinary Activities in the Neolithic and Bronze Age Aegean (Oxford 2007) 200-224.

C. Morris and V. Batten, “Final Neolithic Pottery from the Atsipades Peak Sanctuary,” in A. Karetsou (ed.), Pepragmena tou H’ Diethnous Kretologikou Synedriou (Heraklion 2000) A2: 373-382.

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M. Nazou, Defining the Regional Characteristics of Final Neolithic and Early Bronze Age Pottery in Attica (PhD dissertation, University College London 2014).

M. Nikolaïdou, N. Merousis, A. Papanthimou, and A. Papasteriou, “From Metron to Context in Neolithic/Early Bronze Age Madalon, Northwestern Greece: The Example of Ceramics,” in K. P. Foster and R. Laffineur (eds.), METRON: Measuring the Aegean Bronze Age [Aegaeum 24] (Liège/Austin 2003) 317-326.

V. Nikolov, "Neolithische Keramikkomplexe in Thrakien," in S. Hiller and V. Nikolov (eds.), Karanovo III: Beiträge zum Neolithikum in Südosteuropa (Vienna 2000) 11-19.

M. Özdogan, "The Appearance of Early Neolithic Cultures in Northwestern Turkey. Some Problems," in S. Hiller and V. Nikolov (eds.), Karanovo III: Beiträge zum Neolithikum in Südosteuropa (Vienna 2000) 165-170.

M. Pantelidou-Gofa, “The EH I Deposit Pit at Tsepi, Marathon: Features, Formation and the Breakage of the Finds,” in N. Brodie, J. Doole, G. Gavalas, and C. Renfrew (eds.), ORIZON. A Colloquium on the Prehistory of the Cyclades (Cambridge 2008) 281-289.

A. Pentedeka, “Diktya antallages tes keramikes ste Neolithike Thessalia: komvoi kai syndesmoi, oikismoi kai scheseis,” Archaiologiko Ergo Thessalias kai Stereas Helladas 3: Praktika epistemonikes synanteses, Volos 12.3 – 15.3.2009 (Volos 2012) 45-56.

C. Perlès and K. D. Vitelli, "Technologie et fonction des premières productions céramiques de Grèce," in Terre Cuite et Société: La Céramique, Document technique, économique, culturel (Juan-les-Pins 1994) 225-242.

C. Perlès and K. D. Vitelli, "Craft Specialization in the Neolithic of Greece," in P. Halstead (ed.), Neolithic Society in Greece [Sheffield Studies in Aegean Archaeology 2] (Sheffield 1999) 96-107.

W. W. Phelps, The Neolithic Pottery Sequence in Southern Greece (Ph.D. dissertation, University of London 1975).

W. Phelps, The Neolithic Pottery Sequence in Southern Greece [BAR-IS 1259] (Oxford 2004).

P. Quinn, P. Day, V. Kilikoglou, E. Faber, S. Katsarou-Tzeveleki, and A. Sampson, “Keeping an Eye on Your Pots: The Provenance of Neolithic Ceramics from the Cave of Cyclops, Youra, Greece,” JAS 37(2010) 1042-1052.

V. Rondiri, “Katanome sto choro tes neolithikes keramikes apo te Thessalia,” in J.-C. Decourt, B. Helly, and K. Gallis (eds.), La Thessalie. Quinze années de recherches archéologiques, 1975-1990: Bilans et perspectives (Athens 1994) 137-142.

V. Rondiri, “E neolithike keramike tes Thessalias. Technologia kai diachronikoteta,” Archaiologiko Ergo Thessalias kai Stereas Helladas 2: Praktika epistemonikes synanteses, Volos 16.3 – 19.3.2006 (Volos 2009) 41-51.

G. Schneider, H. Knoll, C. J. Gallis, and J.-P. Demoule, "Production and Distribution of Coarse and Fine Pottery in Neolithic Thessaly," in E. Pernicka and G. A. Wagner (eds.), Archaeometry '90 (Basel 1990) 513-522.

G. Schneider, H. Knoll, K. Gallis, and J.-P. Demoule, “Production and Circulation of Neolithic Thessalian Pottery: Chemical and Mineralogical Analyses,” in J.-C. Decourt, B. Helly, and K. Gallis (eds.), La Thessalie. Quinze années de recherches archéologiques, 1975-1990: Bilans et perspectives (Athens 1994) 61-70.

P. I. Sotirakopoulou, Akrotiri Theras: H Neolithike kai e Proïme Epoche tou Chalkou epi tei basei tes keramikes [Bibliotheke tes en Athenais Etaireias 191] (Athens 1999).

P. Spitaels, "Final Neolithic Pottery from Thorikos," in P. Spitaels (ed.), Studies in South Attica I [Miscellanea Graeca 5] (Gent 1982) 9-44.

P. Tomkins and P. Day, “Production and Exchange of the Earliest Ceramic Vessels in the Aegean: A View from Early Neolithic Knossos, Crete,” Antiquity 75(2001) 259-260.

P. Tomkins, “Neolithic: Strata IX-VIII, VII-VIB, VIA-V, IV, IIIB, IIIA, IIB, IIA, and IC Groups,” in N. Momigliano (ed.), Knossos Pottery Handbook: Neolithic and Bronze Age (Minoan) [BSA Studies 14] (London 2007) 9-48.

P. Tomkins, “Communality and Competition: The Social Life of Food and Containers at Aceramic and Early Neolithic Knossos, Crete,” in C. Mee and J. Renard (eds.), Cooking Up the Past: Food and Culinary Activities in the Neolithic and Bronze Age Aegean (Oxford 2007) 174-199.

G. Touchais, "La céramique néolithique de l'Aspis," Études Argiennes [BCH Supplement VI] (Paris 1980) 1-40.

Z. Tsirtsoni, D. Malamidou, V. Kilikoglou, I. Karatasios, and L. Lespez, “Black-on-Red Painted Pottery Production and Distribution in Late Neolithic Macedonia,” in S. Y. Waksman (ed.), Archaeometric and Archaeological Approaches to Ceramics [BAR-IS 1691] (Oxford 2007) 57-62.

Z. Tsirtsoni and P. Yiouni, “Neolithic Cooking Vessels from Dikili Tash (Eastern Macedonia, Greece): A Technological and Functional Approach,” in V. Kilikoglou, A. Hein, and Y. Maniatis (eds.), Modern Trends in Scientific Studies on Ancient Ceramics [BAR-IS 1011] (Oxford 2002) 103-110.

D. Urem-Kotsou, “Changing Pottery Technology in the Later Neolithic in Macedonia, North Greece,” in E. Kiriatzi and C. Knappett (eds.), Human Mobility and Technological Transfer in the Prehistoric Mediterranean (Cambridge 2016) 31-45.

D. Urem-Kotsou, A. Papaioannou, T. Papadakou, N. Saridaki, and Z. Intze, “Pottery and Stylistic Boundaries. Early and Middle Neolithic Pottery in Macedonia,” in E. Stefani, N. Merousis, and A. Dimoula (eds.), A Century of Research in Prehistoric Macedonia (Thessaloniki 2014) 505-518.

S. Vitale and J. E. Morrison, “The Final Neolithic and Early Bronze Age Pottery from the Site of the Asklupis in the Northeast Koan Region,” Annuario 95(2017) 39-64.

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K. D. Vitelli, "Pots, Potters, and and the Shaping of Greek Neolithic Society," in W. Barnett and J. Hoopes (eds.), The Emergence of Pottery: Technology and Innovation in Ancient Societies (Washington D.C. 1995) 55-63.

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P. Yiouni, "E symbole ton archaiometrikon ereunon ste melete tes neolithikes keramikes," in I. Stratis, M. Babelidis, K. Kotsakis, G. Tsokas, and E. Tsoukala (eds.), Archaeometrical and Archaeological Research in Macedonia and Thrace (Thessaloniki 1996) 135-148.

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P. Yiouni, “Counting Pots in Early Neolithic Greece,” BSA 99(2004) 1-22.

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