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Lesson 3.13: Central and Southern Greece: External Contacts

Lesson 3 Bibliography: The Eutresis and Korakou Cultures of Early Helladic I-II

F. Blakolmer, “Relations between Prehistoric Malta and the Aegean: Myth and Reality,” in R. Laffineur and E. Greco (eds.), EMPORIA. Aegeans in the Central and Eastern Mediterranean [Aegaeum 25] 653-662.

H.-G. Buchholz and P. Wagner, “Zu frühbronzezeitlichen Verbindungen zwischen dem Balkanraum und Hellas,” in H-G. Buchholz (ed.), Ägäische Bronzezeit (Darmstadt 1987) 121-136.

V. E. Dimitriou, “I rapporti delle Cicladi con la Grecia continentale durante il terzo millennio a.C.,” Origini 28(2006) 177-205.

N. G. L. Hammond, “The Tumulus-burials of Leucas and their Connections in the Balkans and Northern Greece,” BSA 69(1974) 129-144.

M. G. Hristov, “Dubene and Its Probable Contacts with the Aegaeo-Anatolian Region,” in E. Pernicka, S. Ünlüsoy, and S. Blum (eds.), Early Bronze Age Troy: Chronology, Cultural Development and Interregional Contacts (Tübingen 2016) 229-238.

O. Kouka, “Third Millennium BC Aegean Chronology: Old and New Data from the Perspective of the Third Millennium AD,” in S. W. Manning and M. J. Bruce (eds.), Tree-Rings, Kings, and Old World Archaeology and Environment: Papers Presented in Honor of Peter Ian Kuniholm (Oxford 2009) 133-148.

S. Manning, The Absolute Chronology of the Aegean Early Bronze Age: Archaeology, Radiocarbon and History (Sheffield 1995).

J. Maran, “Neue Ansätze für die Beurteilung der Balkanisch-Ägäischen Beziehungen im 3. Jahrtausend v. Chr.,” in P. Roman (ed.), The Thracian World at the Crossroads of Civilizations I (Bucharest 1997) 171-192.

J. Maran, “Die Badener Kultur und der ägäisch-anatoliche Bereich: Eine Neubewertung eines alten Forschungsproblems,” Germania 76(1998) 497-525.

J. Maran, Kulturwandel auf dem griechischen Festland und den Kykladen im späten 3. Jt. v. Chr.: Studien zu den kulturellen Verhältnissen in Südosteuropa und dem zentralen sowie östlichen Mittelmeerraum in der späten Kupfer- und frühen Bronzezeit (Bonn 1998).

J. Maran, “Seaborne Contacts between the Aegean, the Balkans and the Central Mediterranean in the 3rd Millennium B.C.: The Unfolding of the Mediterranean World,” in I. Galanaki, H. Tomas, Y. Galanakis, and R. Laffineur (eds.), Between the Aegean and Baltic Seas: Prehistory across Borders [Aegaeum 27] (Liège/Austin 2007) 3-21.

S. P. Morris, “Dairy Queen. Churns and Milk Products in the Aegean Bronze Age,” Opuscula 7(2014) 205-222.

Y. Papadatos, “Beyond Cultures and Ethnicity: A New Look at Material Culture Distribution and Inter-regional Interaction in the Early Bronze Age Southern Aegean,” in S. Antoniadou and A. Pace (eds.), Mediterranean Crossroads (Athens 2007) 419-451.

R. Peroni, “'Kulturwandel' e formazioni economico-sociali. Osservazioni a proposito della monografia di Joseph Maran,” SMEA 40:2(1998) 155-165.

D. J. Pullen, “Connecting the Early Bronze I and II Periods in the Aegean,” in H. Erkanal, H. Hauptmann, V. Sahoglou, and R. Tuncel (eds.), The Aegean in the Neolithic, Chalcolithic and the Early Bronze Age (Ankara 2008) 447-460.

L. Rahmstorf, “Zur Ausbreitung vorderasiatische Innovationen in die frühbronzezeitliche Ägäis,” PZ 81(2006) 49-96.

L. Rahmstorf, “In Search of the Earliest Balance Weights, Scales and Weighing Systems from the East Mediterranean, the Near and Middle East,” in M. E. Alberti, E. Ascalone, and L. Peyronel (eds.), Weights in Context. Bronze Age Weighing Systems of the Eastern Mediterranean: Chronology, Typology, Material and Archaeological Contexts (Rome 2006) 9-45.

L. Rahmstorf, “The Bell Beaker Phenomenon and the Interaction Spheres of the EBA East Mediterranean: Similarities and Differences,” in A. Lehoërff (ed.), Construire le temps. Histoire et méthodes des chronologies et calendriers des derniers millénaires avant notre ère en Europe occidentale (Glux-en-Glenne 2008) 149-170.

L. Rahmstorf, “Die Funktion von Booten und Schiffe in der bronzezeitlichen Ägäis und die Fernkontakte der Frühbronzezeit,” in F. Bertemes and H. Meller (eds.), Der Griff nach den Sternen. Wie Europas Eliten zu Macht und Reichtum kamen (Halle 2010).

L. Rahmstorf, “Indications for Aegean-Caucasian Relations in the Third Millennium BC,” in S. Hansen, A. Hauptmann, I. Mötzenbäcker, and E. Pernicka (eds.), Von Majkop bis Trialeti - Gewinnung und Verbreitung von Metallen und Obsidian in Kaukasien im 4.-2. Jts. v. Chr. (Bonn 2010) 263-295.

L. Rahmstorf, “Re-integrating ‘Diffusion’: The Spread of Innovations among the Neolithic and Bronze Age Societies of Europe and the Near East,” in T. C. Wilkinson, S. Sherratt, and J. Bennet (eds.), Interweaving Worlds: Systemic Interactions in Eurasia, 7th to 1st Millennia BC (Oxford 2011) 100-119.

L. Rahmstorf, “Emerging Economic Complexity in the Aegean and Western Anatolia during Earlier Third Millennium BC,” in B. P. C. Molloy (ed.), Of Odysseys and Oddities: Scales and Modes of Interaction between Prehistoric Aegean Societies and Their Neighbours [Sheffield Studies in Aegean Archaeology 10] (Oxford 2016) 225-276.

V. Sahoglu, “Interregional Contacts around the Aegean during the Early Bronze Age: New Evidence from the Izmir Region,” Anadolu/Anatolia 27[2004] (2005) 97-120. 

V. Sahoglu, “The Anatolian Trade Network and the Izmir Region during the Early Bronze Age,” OJA 24(2005) 339-361.

V. Sahoglu, “New Evidence for the Relations between the Izmir Region, the Cyclades and the Greek Mainland during the Third Millennium B.C.,” in H. Erkanal, H. Hauptmann, V. Sahoglou, and R. Tuncel (eds.), The Aegean in the Neolithic, Chalcolithic and the Early Bronze Age (Ankara 2008) 483-502.

V. Sahoglu, “The Early Bronze Age Anatolian Trade Network and its Role on the Transformation of the Anatolian and Aegean Communities,” in V. Sahoglu, M. Sevketoglu, and Y. H. Erbil (eds.), Connecting Cultures: Trade and Interconnections in the Ancient Near East from the Beginning until the End of the Roman Period (Ankara 2019) 115-131.

A. Sampson, “Early Helladic Contacts with the Cyclades during the EBA 2,” in R. Laffineur (ed.), Annales d'archéologie égéenne de l'Université de Liège 2 [Aegaeum 2] (Liège 1988) 5-10.

H.-J. Weisshaar, “Ägäische Tonanker,” AM 95(1980) 33-49.

H.-J. Weisshaar, “Varna und die ägäische Bronzezeit,” Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt 12 (1982) 321-329.

D. E. Wilson, “Kea and East Attike in Early Bronze II: Beyond Pottery Typology,” in J. M. Fossey (ed.), Syneisphora McGill: Papers in Greek Archaeology and History in Memory of Colin D. Gordon (Amsterdam 1987) 35-49.

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