Lesson 3 Bibliography: The Eutresis and Korakou Cultures of Early Helladic I-II
E. C. Banks, The Early and Middle Helladic Small Objects from Lerna (Ph.D. dissertation, University of Cincinnati 1967; University Microfilms International 67-15948).
E. C. Banks, E. B. French, and R. Janko, “The Early Helladic Small Finds,” in W. D. Taylour and R. Janko (eds.), Ayios Stephanos: Excavations at a Bronze Age and Medieval Settlement in Southern Laconia [BSA Supplementary Volume 44] (London 2008) 411-416.
J. and B. Forsén, “A Prehistoric Foot from Argolis,” JPR 6(1992) 24-30.
M. Kosma, “New Early Cycladic Figurine at Nea Styra,” Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry 10(2010) 29-36.
C. Marangou, EIDOLIA: Figurines et miniatures du Néolithique récent et du Bronze ancien en Grèce (Oxford 1992).
M. Mina, Anthropomorphic Figurines from the Neolithic and Early Bronze Age Aegean: Gender Dynamics and Implications for the Understanding of Early Aegean Prehistory (Oxford 2008).
W. W. Phelps, “Prehistoric Figurines from Corinth,” Hesperia 56(1987) 233-253.
E. C. Pieler, “Import or Imitation. Cycladic Idols on the Greek Mainland,” in A. Brysbaert, N. de Bruijn, E. Gibson, A. Michael, and M. Monaghan (eds.), SOMA 2002: Symposium on Mediterranean Archaeology [BAR-IS 1142] (Oxford 2003) 99-104.
E. C. Pieler, “Kykladische und ‘kykladisierende’ Idole auf Kreta und im helladischen Raum in der Frühbronzezeit – eine Klassifizierung,” SMEA 46(2004) 79-119.
D. J. Pullen, “Ox and Plough in the Early Bronze Age Aegean,” AJA 96(1992) 45-54.
L. Rahmstorf, Kleinfunde aus Tiryns aus Terrakotta, Stein, Bein und Glas/Fayence vornehmlich spätbronzezeitlicher Zeitstellung (Ph.D. dissertation, University of Heidelberg 2001).
C. N. Runnels, A Diachronic Study and Economic Analysis of Millstones from the Argolid, Greece (Ph.D. dissertation, Indiana University 1981).
C. Runnels, “Trade and the Demand for Millstones in Southern Greece in the Neolithic and Early Bronze Age,” in A. B. Knapp and T. Stech (eds.), Prehistoric Production and Exchange: The Aegean and Eastern Mediterranean (Los Angeles 1985) 30-43.
E. Sapouna-Sakellaraki, “Nouvelles figurines cycladiques et petite glyptique du bronze ancien d'Eubée,” AK 34(1991) 3-12.
H. Tzavella-Evjen, “The Lithares Idols,” AAA 5(1972) 467-469.
E. Weiberg, “Pictures and People. Seals, Figurines and Peloponnesian Imagery,” Opuscula 3(2010) 185-218.